Updating page with new data retrieved form server - jquery-mobile

I’m using jquery mobile 1.4.5
I have the following pseudocoded version of a multi-page app:
[[ page1 ]]
[[ button to open panel1 ]]
[[ panel1 ]]
[[ form ]]
[[ page2 ]]
[[ data output from database ]]
page1 contains a button that when clicked, opens panel1 with a form on it. The form on panel1 uses jquery validate’s validate() function and which then passes the data to the server via an ajax. The server makes the update to the database.
What I’m trying to figure out now is how to get page2 to update itself automatically with the information newly added by the form in panel1 so when the user clicks on page2, they see the data they just added. I know I can set the data-ajax setting to ‘false’ and have the entire app reload itself with the latest data but I’d rather avoid that, if possible. I’d like the client’s side to load only the data needed for display on page2.
I’ve tried different variations on the following bit of code to get this to work but no luck yet:
$(“#page2").pagecontainer({defaults: true});
$(“#page2").pagecontainer("load", '/cgi-bin/some_data.pl', {reload: "true"});
The browser developer tool is telling me the some_data.pl page is getting retrived. Can someone please point me in the right direction for displaying this new data on the page?

OK, I simply used a basic jquery load method to accomplish this:
$("#page2 .ui-content").load('/cgi-bin/some_data.pl');


jQuery Mobile multi-page application. How to check if history.back() is possible without leaving the application?

In my jQuery Mobile multi-page application, is it possible to check if history.back() would be a page within the application?
I have a link on a subpage of the application that I would like to execute history.back() if that refers to a subpage within the application or just plainly link to the application main page otherwise.
I want to do something like
if(canGoBack) {$.mobile.back();} else {$.mobile.changePage('#main');}
On the initial load of the app, store a flag in the history state object on document.ready:
$(function() {
history.replaceState($.extend(history.state, {root:true}));
From then on, whenever we want to check if we can go back, just see if the flag we set is there in the current history state object. If it is, we are on the initial page and cannot go back:
function canGoBack() {
return !(history.state && history.state.root);

Toast element stays visible all the time

I try to write a web-component to create a simple login menu. it has paper-inputs for name and password and a button which fires a script to check the data.
the right data redirect to the next page while false credentials should open a toast element right above the button with an error message, siimilar to this one:
Select the paper-toast-element in the tree-view and check the 'opened'-checkbox get get a vision what I try to do and please excuse the strange style.
The problem:
I included this element in my main page, but the toast element is always visible right from the start. and it doesn't react to the button click if I move the toast away with css.
I don't wanna spam this page with my code, so I uploaded it here:
I appreciate any suggestion on how to fix the problem.
You cannot access the hidden shadow DOM of an element directly with jQuery's $ function, nor with document.querySelector. Also jQuery is not needed anyway. Use Polymer's automatic node finding utility instead: this.$.paper_toast.
You can access the paper-input values with this.$.name.inputValue. But i would prefer to use data-binding instead: <paper-input value={{name}}>. Then you can access the input value in your JavaScript with this.name.
The function to display the toast is show().
I'm unable to reproduce the issue that the toast is visible right after the page has loaded. On my computer the toast is initially hidden and displayed when i click on the button (Chrome 37, Polymer 0.3.3).
In line 76 you try to use an "open()" method, which does not exist on paper-toast. It should be "show()". You can find paper-toasr API here: http://www.polymer-project.org/docs/elements/paper-elements.html#paper-toast
Also, because the ids in shadow dom are encapsulated, you should be using the id selection mechanism from Polymer instead of jquery-style selector
More on automatic node finding in Polymer: http://www.polymer-project.org/docs/polymer/polymer.html#automatic-node-finding
Here's jsbin (you might need to refresh as jsbin sometimes breaks with Polymer imports)

jquery mobile changePage not working if called from an ajax loaded page

form1.html has a button
clicking that button calls $.mobile.changePage('../site3/form2.html');
no problem here. all is as expected and the page is loaded. let's call that form2.html
form2.html has 2 sections:
(1) #SiteForm and
(2) #SiteSearched
clicking a button on #SiteForm should call $.mobile.changePage('../site3/form2.html#SiteSearched');
now here's the weird part.
if I load the page form2.html directly and press the button, it works and I see #SiteSearched JQM page.
but, if I start from form1.html, click the button to get to form2.html#SiteForm, then click the button, everything in the attached function executes, except the line calling $.mobile.changePage('../site3/form2.html#SiteSearched');
I know that part is loaded by AJAX by wouldn't the changePage command work?
(note: Form1 may have data filled into the form that I don't want to lose. Form2.html was meant to do a search and throw back the result to Form1 somehow, which is why I am doing things this way.)
You should read official jQuery Mobile documentation before posting here, everything is explained there, but let me give you a short explanation.
jQuery Mobile has two template solutions, one is multi page and second one is multi html. You already know that because you are mixing them. But, what you don't know is (from the perspective of AJAX page handling):
Only first HTML page is fully loaded into the DOM, everything is loaded, including the HEAD content. So if initial HTML page has several data-role="page" <div> containers, every one will load into the DOM.
But, every subsequent page is loaded only partially. Basically if you second, third ... page has more then one data-role="page" div containers only first one will load into the <DOM>. jQuery Mobile will discard everything else.
So in your case, if form2.html has:
(1) #SiteForm and
(2) #SiteSearched
jQuery Mobile will load only #SiteForm, #SiteSearched will get discarded.
Basically this line will not work:
You can't nit pick specific pages in subsequent pages, as I told you. You can only use this:
And jQuery Mobile will show you first data-role="page" occurrence inside form2.html page.
Read more about this here and here.

jQuery mobile hiding initial page instead of removing it

I've been searching for a way to remove the initial page container after jQuery mobile loaded the next page content via $.mobile.changePage(...)
What I'm experiencing is that this initial DIV element, created when the page is first shown will always remain on the page - and will only be hidden after calling $.mobile.changePage(...)
I need this initial page container to be removed instead, since some old data reside there that should be reset on first page change.
Anyone has a solution? Been searching the web for it but to no avail.
I have also tried to do $('#first-page').remove() after I called $.mobile.changePage(...), but that will remove the initial page and make the new loaded page hidden!
EDIT: solved by clearing up the initial DIV using .html("")
You could just make next page load without ajax, this should remove the initial page.
Hope this helps!
I take it that you are dynamically creating these pages. There is a hidden method in the API, but you can apply it to any page and then upon that page's exit, it will be removed.
So, it might look like this
newpage.attr( "data-" + $.mobile.ns + "external-page", true ).one( 'pagecreate', $.mobile._bindPageRemove );
NOTE: Since this is a hidden method, it is part of the hidden API and could be subject to change without notice upon upgrade. Test carefully upon upgrade if you use this.
I did:
$.mobile.changePage('login.html', {changeHash:false});
changeHash (default: true) Type: Boolean Decides if the hash in the
location bar should be updated. This has the effect of creating a new
browser history entry. It also means that, if set to false, the
incoming page will replace the current page in the browser history, so
the page from which the user is navigating away will not be reachable
via the browser's "Back" button.

JQuery Mobile & passing variables in links via the querystring - but the querystring doesn't refresh

I am doing a PhoneGap app with JQuery Mobile and I have two pages, one that has a dynamic list of pages and one that has a form to either edit or create a page. These are in a single html file.
Tapping on a list item passes ?action=edit and tapping the "Add" button I have, passes ?action=add querystrings.
Here is a jsfiddle to visualize the pages
NOTE: The example doesn't act quite the same as the live code.
I am running my app on an Android phone and if I do these actions, the correct querysting is observed in the alert box: -
Click the add button on list page
Click back on the form page
Click the an edit list item link on list page
However, if I do it the other why around (click edit first, then the add button) clicking the add button never shows the add querystring in the alert box
(the jsfiddle example always locks the first clicked link's querystring, which is even worse than the live code!)
The problem here is that you're using a multiple template to do this. If you were using this as separate pages, this would work as normal. As a multiple app, the best way to handle this would be to make a link trigger the setting of some global variable that keeps track of the current state of the app.
Make the edit links like this
Page 15
Then make the script something like this:
var editingId = 0
function editPage(id){
editingId = id;
$("div#editingPage").live("pageshow", function(){
