Fading out a disclosure indicator - ios

I'm building an app where I've got cells that expand, similar to when you create a new event in iOS' built in calendar app. One of the expanding cells have a disclosure indicator set in storyboard, but return nil when logging it. I've tried to set it both in StoryBoard and like this:
cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;
and I'm trying to fade it out like this:
self.cell.accessoryView.alpha = 0.0f;
but it doesn't work as it's nil.
Can someone help me with this? Why is it nil? I'm using StoryBoard with a UITableViewController that's static and grouped.

You'd have to provide your own accessoryView. accessoryView will be nil if you're using an accessoryType.
Remember to add a little logic in tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: to decide whether or not to show your accessoryView as well since the cells get reused.


Implementing different user interaction function for subviews of a cell

I have a UICollectionView which allows for a user to select a cell and upon doing so view 'A' will appear. I am wondering if it is possible for the subviews of this cell, ex: UIlabel and UIImageView to provide a different functionality for when they alone are selected. For example, if the UIImageView is selected, I want to segue to view 'B' as opposed to 'A'.
I have attempted to implement a UITapGestureRecognizer for both the label and the image, however, the cell's functionality overrules and the resulting view is still 'A'. Any ideas?
Thank you in advance.
What you want to achieve is possible through delegates if you don't have custom cell make a custom cell class then inside custom cell declare your protocol
I assume you have to disable the default behavior of the collection view cells:
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyle.none
However, if you set that and you encounter an overlap issue, please take a look at the 'cancelTouchesInView' property of the 'UITapGestureRecognizer'. Basically, by setting that to false, you allow the children to also receive touch actions.
Furthermore, do not forget each gesture recognizer should have it's own method for you to be able to segue into two different places.

Hiding objects within UITableViewCell iOS 8 (Swift)

I have a UITableViewCell that on touch, expands (dropdown). The user is then presented with a selection of options. When the user touches one of the options I want to briefly hide all the options, show an activity indicator spinning, display a confirmation message (on success) and then collapse the cell back to normal.
I'm having trouble hiding any object within the custom cell. The following simple code doesn't work (this is the correct superview corresponding to the cell):
var customCell: MyCustomCell = icon.superview.superview.superview as MyCustomCell
customCell.myLabel.hidden = false
I have tried hiding/showing a variety of different objects but nothing works. I've even popped it inside dispatch_async to ensure it runs on the main thread.
Additionally, Xcode 6 beta tells me that myLabel.hidden is read only. This also happens for other objects. Is this no longer the correct way to hide something?
I've had a search around but had no luck in finding an answer. If someone could help me out I'd be grateful! Thanks.
The usual way of doing something like this would be to implement the UITableViewDelegate method -tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath: to let you know when a row is tapped.
Then you can easily get and modify the cell
var customCell = self.tableView.cellForRowAtIndexPath(indexPath) as MyCustomCell
customCell.myLabel.hidden = false
I consider the line icon.superview.superview.superview to be a code smell. The multiple superview calls makes makes your code fragile and likely to break if you ever change the view hierarchy in your cell.

Adding a navigation accessory to a UITableCell

I am learning about TableViews in Xcode right now and I am having trouble finding some info on TableViewCell accessories.
My goal is to have a MasterTableView and a SubTableView. When a MasterTableCell is tapped to take the user to the SubTableView. But I'm stuck with something simple like showing a '>' on the right side of the cell to show that it has a SubTableView.
Do I need to design my own button? I thought there was a navigation image already available to me in the UI storyboard maker but it won't let me drag and use it in my custom cell I'm making.
Any thoughts or links to documentation would be great. I've looked in the developer library and all it tells me is that it is possible, not how to do it.
Thank you in advance.
If you are using a Prototype Cell in the Storyboard, just set the "Accessory" type in the Attributes inspector to "Disclosure Indicator".
If you create the cell programmatically, set
cell.accessoryType = UITableViewCellAccessoryDisclosureIndicator;
From the documentation:
The cell has an accessory
control shaped like a chevron. This control indicates that tapping the
cell triggers a push action. The control does not track touches.

Want to fire IBAction on Touch up Inside of Static TableViewCells

I have a Static TableViewCells on a storyboard. There are just labels in those cells. I would like to fire IBAction event upon touch. What I am doing right now is create a full-size white button and linked to IBAction. But it doesn't show highlighted color when the cell is selected because cell is behind the button.
UITableViewCells have a delegate method specifically for handling row touches -tableView:didSelectRowAtIndexPath:
If you need a custom button over each cell, subclass UITableViewCell instead of going through a storyboard. As much as they may be a timesaver, storyboards are really a limiting factor when it comes to nitty gritty iOS programming.
Try adding this in your cellForRowAtIndexPath (when you initialize each cell):
cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleBlue;
Does this fix it?

Custom UITableCellView user interaction

I created a Custom UITableCellView for my application. Each cell has two buttons. The problem I am facing is that the cell itself is selectable which leads to a confused user and poor design. How do I disable the interaction for the cell but keep the interaction enabled for the UIButtons in the cell?
You can set the cell.selectionStyle = UITableViewCellSelectionStyleNone; and be sure to keep your didSelectRowAtIndexPath unimplemented. That means that your cells will not be interactive, but you can still get messages from your buttons.
Apart from that, of course I don't know what you're trying to achieve, but remember that you can use a UITableViewCellAccessoryDetailDisclosureButton as an accessory view, which is a different "button" from the cell itself. More info here.
