neo4jrb how to reset transaction timeout of an open transaction - neo4j

Currently using neo4j-community-2.1.7
I understand that the facility has been included in this version.
Have been unable to find any reference to it in the ruby docs.
Would appreciate it very much if I may have some direction on how to reset the timeout using neo4jrb.

I am unaware of a way to reset the transaction timeout of an open transaction. Maybe someone more familiar with transactions in the Java API can clarify.
If you want to change the transaction timeout length at boot, that's handled in as described at
Within Neo4j-core, if using Neo4j-community or Neo4j-enterprise (and therefore Neo4j Embedded) the code suggests that you can specify a config file by giving a third argument to, a hash that contains config options. That method, if given :embedded_db as its first arg, will call Neo4j::Embedded#initialize and give that hash as an argument. If you do something like this:, 'path_to_db', properties_file: '')
It will eventually use that properties file:
db_service.loadPropertiesFromFile(properties_file) if properties_file
This is not demonstrated in any of the specs, unfortunately, but you can see it in the initialize and start methods at
If you're using :server_db, you don't need to include the neo4j-community gem. It isn't loaded, it isn't compatible with Neo4j in Server mode.
That's the first time I've seen the link you provided, good to know that's there. We don't expose a way to do that in Neo4j.rb and won't because it would require some threading magic that we can't support. If you want to do it manually, the best I can tell you is that you can get a current transaction ID this way:
tx =
# do stuff and before your long-running query...
That will return the transaction number that you can use in POST as described in their support doc.
If you'd like help troubleshooting your long-running Cypher query, I'm sure people on SO will help.


How do I fix: ArgumentError: invalid byte sequence in UTF-8?

I am getting this type of error in the logs :
Parameters: {"id"=>"4", "step"=>{"documents_attributes"=>{"0"=>
def update
#step = Step.find_by(id: params[:id])
if #step.update(steps_params)
render :json => #step
render :json => { :responseStatus => 402,
:responseMessage => #step.errors.full_messages.first}
During update, it rollbacks without giving any error (not execute else condition)
ArgumentError (invalid byte sequence in UTF-8):
(0.2ms) ROLLBACK
How can I fix or handle this type of request?
Your question is how to handle this type of request or error. So here is my suggestion of a general strategy.
First, do your homework. You could easily find this past question, for example. If you have tried the way already but found it did not work, you should have described what you did and what did not work in your question.
Now, I am assuming you can reproduce the case or at least you can expect you will encounter the same problem in near future (or you can wait till then) so you will have a more chance to pin down the problem next time. If you know what parameters caused the error, I guess you can reproduce the case in your development environment. However, if not, it is more tricky to pin down — it heavily depends how much information about the error and input you have and what development environment you can use, and my answer does not cover the case.
The first objective should be to pin down which command (method) exactly in your code caused an error. Did it happen just inside Rails or did your DB raise an error?
In your specific case, did it occur at Step.find_by or #step.update or else? What is steps_params? It seems like a method you have defined. Are you sure steps_params is working as expected? (You may be sure, but we don't know…)
A convenient way to find it out is simply to insert logger.debug (or logger.error) etc before and after each sentence. In doing it, it is recommended to split a sentence into smaller units in some cases. For example, steps_params and update() should be separated, such as (in the simplest case),
logger.debug 'Before steps_params'
res_steps_params = steps_params
logger.debug 'Before update'
res_update = #step.update(res_steps_params)
logger.debug 'Before if'
if res_update
# ……
Obviously you can (and perhaps should) log more detailed information, such as, res_steps_params.inspect, and you may also enclose a part with a begin-rescue clause so that you can get the detailed infromation about the exception and log it. Also, I can recommend to split update into 2 parts – substitutions and save – to find out exactly what action and parameter cause a problem.
Once you have worked out which of DB or Rails or something before (like HTTP-server or Client-browser) is to blame and which parameter causes a problem, then you can proceed to the next stage. The error message suggests it is a character-encoding issue. Is the character encoding of a string invalid (as a UTF-8), or wrongly recognised by Rails (which might be not a fault of Rails but of the client), or not recognised correctly by the DB?
Wherever the problem lies, it is usually (though not always!) possible to fix or circumvent character-encoding problems with Ruby (Rails). The Ruby methods of String#encode, String#encoding, and String#force_encoding would be useful to diagnose and perhaps fix the problem.
As an added note, it can be useful, if possible in your environment, to browse the logfile of your DB (PostgreSQL?) to find out which query passed from Rails to the DB caused a problem (if a query was indeed passed to them!). Alternatively, Rails Gem SQL Query Tracker might be handy to know what queries your Rails app create (though I have never used it and so can't tell much.)
At the end of the day, when a code misbehaves mysteriously, I am afraid only the sure way to solve is to narrow down the problematic clause or parameter step by step. Good luck!

Should PG::Result#clear be called after you've executed raw SQL?

When you use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql_string), should you call clear on the result in order to free memory?
At 19:09 in this podcast, the speaker (a Rails committer who has done a lot of work on Active Record) says that if we use ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute, we should call clear on the result, or we should use the method ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute_and_clear, which takes a block.
(He’s a bit unclear on the method names. The method for the MySQL adapter is free and the method for the Postgres adapter is clear. He also mentions release, but that method doesn't exist.)
My understanding is that he's saying we should change
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql_string).to_a
ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute_and_clear(sql_string, "SCHEMA", []) do |result|
result = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql_string)
That podcast was the only place I've heard this claim, and I couldn't find any other information about it. The Rails app I'm working on uses execute without clear in a number of instances, and we don't know of any problems caused by it. Are there certain circumstances under which failing to call clear is more likely to cause memory problems?
It depends on the adapter. Keep in mind that Rails doesn't control the object that is returned by execute. If you're using PostgreSQL, you'll get back a PG::Result, and using the mysql2 adapter, you'll get back a Mysql2::Result.
For PG (documented here), you need to call clear unless autoclear? returns true or you'll get a memory leak. You may also want to call clear manually if you've got a large enough result set to ensure it doesn't cause memory issues before it gets cleaned up.
Mysql2 doesn't appear to expose its free through the Ruby API, and appears to always clean itself up during GC.

neo4j - Commands withing transaction

Well I am writing server plugin. I want to know what should all commands come with in transaction ?
Like, is it a good programming to begin transaction at the beginning of function and end transaction before return or we should do it in some otherway.
One more thing : Is there any limitations on, what all we can write withing transaction.
Can I write anything in java withing transaction like for loop, while loop , if , else ..
Amit Aggarwal
If you are using a release < Neo4j 2.0 then only operations that modify the database need to be wrapped in a transaction. In Neo4j 2.0, any operation that accesses the graph needs to be wrapped in a transaction.
You can definitely use loops/branches etc.

When should I create Solr connection in a Rails app

I'm accessing Solr in a Ruby on Rails application by using rsolr (not Sunspot). I create the local solr object that I use to send requests like this:
solr = RSolr.connect(:url => "http://localhost:8983/solr")
as far as I understand, this is not really a connection but just an object that will issue requests on demand, so it shouldn't be expensive to keep it initialized and it should never disconnect. According to that, it should be ok to have one global solr object, create it at start time and forget about it. Right? But maybe it's not thread safe?
When should I create the solr connection?
All that the RSolr.connect method really does is sanitize and save the options that you're using. You can see that method here. It's passed a new connection object (which, notably, doesn't have an initialize method, so it's not doing anything when created) and the options that you pass to RSolr.connect.
So yes, you're right -- no harm at all in connecting once and leaving it connected forever hanging around in a variable somewhere. (For example, I memoize the result of RSolr.connect in my Solr/Rails app.)

ruby handsoap wiredump

How can see the wiredump of a soap using the 'handsoap' library?
I use the on_before_dispatch hook, and right now I am looking at the SoapService variables to see where such a request might be stored.
Hmm.. I should also check out invoke to see which var. is using..
Do you have a quick solution? :D
You can dump http-activity by setting the class variable $logger, as in:
Example::FooService.logger = $stdout
This will dump out the http-request and response, nicely formatted. Note that this is not 100% what goes over the wire, since the underlying http-client implementation may add some headers etc. For most uses, ths doesn't matter, but if you're tracing down a bug, you might want to employ wireshark.
I used the hook
def on_before_dispatch
puts ##document
and document holds the doc variable.
##document = nil
def on_create_document(doc)
##document = doc
On a more abstract (none ruby specific) note, try wireshark. Been using it for wiredumps for all kinds of apps for years.
