iTunes Connect binary status "Created" - ios

There is a new App with WatchKit extension that I am helping to publish. Xcode validates it and submits it successfully to iTunes Connect.
The problem is that there it stays with the status "Created" without any change for several days now. I have tried Application Loader, Xcode 6.3.1, different build numbers with no luck.
Something strange is that we also uploaded another app with the same characteristics that doesn't have this problem and their status clears in a matter of minutes.
Same account, same proceedings, WatchKit extension, entitlements, etc. Even this one has some missing version information so it shows warning signs. But still builds can be selected from the version tab and it shows TestFlight related information.
The only difference I can see in iTunes Connect is that in the App with problems the BundleID can still be changed. But I guess it is due to no binary clearing its status yet.
The last difference I can recall between the two apps is that Xcode did create the distribution provisioning profiles for the working one, but I had to manually create them for the problematic one. Also Xcode seemed to skip profiles for the watchkitapp which I added manually to both with no changes. I have double checked all the profiles settings one by one.
I have checked BundleID's, certificates, cleaned, deleted DerivedData, waited for days, checked this answer including the (now old) linked tutorials to make sure I am not missing anything. The only thing that is not present anymore from the tutorials is the "Ready to Upload Binary" button now missing from iTunes Connect. Also checked this and this.

So it looks like it was an iTunes Connect bug. I did the following, not sure which step fixed the issue:
Changed the BundleID in Xcode for the app and WatchKit extension and app.
Deselected team and selected it again to make Xcode generate Development profiles.
Manually created and downloaded Distribution profiles, WatchKit app doesn't seem to need one.
Changed the BundleID for my app in iTunes Connect. I could do this because no binary was successfully uploaded before.
Changed build number and uploaded binary using Xcode.
After some minutes the binary status got cleared and all previous binaries disappeared from the list.
I can now select the binary from the version tab.
I just noticed status emails that were being sent to my Apple ID's secondary email:
Invalid Icon - The watch application contains an icon file with an alpha channel. Icons should not have an alpha channel.
Which was probably the reason of the binaries not being processed. It is still an iTunes Connect bug that this passed Xcode's validation and didn't shown an invalid binary status in the prerelease list.

I too have same issue, but i uploaded same binary by changing the Build number and it worked.


TestFlight- Not able to select version

I have submitted an app to iOS store. I want to select version to user for TestFlight.
But I am unable to select version . it is still showing processing after 24 hours too.
Here is screenshot. it is disabled
I am using
App store under
Distribution Provisional profile. When i submitted an app to iOS store. it was successfully submitted without any error.
Is there is any issue ?
Any Idea?
It's intresting to share knowledge at this point. Recently had such a problem. But at least we succeed:
First, of all we had some errors during uploading - like transparent backgrounds at icon images. When we fixed them after loading the build in output we got message, that our app is rather big to check up all the errors and will be proceed and become available in some moment.
As you see, we have only 1 build succeed. What helped us:
Naming the build not the same, as app version
Playing with flag Embedded content contains Swift code
I think I have the answer.
The trick is to create a distribution profile at Apple for "Distribution to the App Store", not "ad hoc distribution". Previously I had to use "ad hoc" so that I could specify devices and use (the non-Apple) TestFlight. It now seems that using an "ad hoc" profile and it's associated devices will omit the beta-reports-active entitlement (this changed sometime in the past two weeks I think). This is probably the root cause of the (somewhat) erroneous error message in iTunesConnect, which should say something like "Don't use an adhoc profile".

Xcode 7.1 "iTunes store operation failed you are not authorized to use this service"

Trying to submit iOS and Apple Watch OS2 extension update from ios 9.0 to 9.1. I recently updated Xcode to version 7.1 and now I'm hitting this problem without changing anything else.
iTunes store operation failed you are not authorized to use this service
What I've tried:
Removed developer account from Xcode -> added developer account back into Xcode -> Still hit the error.
I tried Xcode -> Preferences -> Apple ID -> Download All to get my latest provisioning profiles up to date. Still get the error.
Deleted all old archives, cleaned project, archive again. Still get the error.
Increased build number and version number in both the project and in itunes connect. Still get the error.
Deleted derived data in the Library -> Developer folder and I still get the error.
Cleaned the project -> Archived the project again -> Unchecked "enable bitcode" and I still receive the error.
Code Signing Settings:
Watch Target -> Provisioning profile automatic code signing iOS Developer
Watch Target Extension -> Provisioning profile automatic code signing iOS Developer
iOS Target -> Provisioning profile automatic code signing iOS Developer
Still hit the error message with the provisioning profile settings.
Reinstalled Xcode 7.1 -> Still hit the error message.
I've also confirmed that all my developer and distribution provisioning profiles are valid and downloaded.
One thing I've noticed is that when I archive the app and look in the Window -> Organizer I notice my iOS apps on the left side for my archives. This app I'm trying to submit has no name next to it. However, if I delete all old archives for this app the app name shows up again next to the app icon. Maybe a bug with Xcode but I have no clue.
Another thing I've noticed is I've been able to successfully submit iOS archives that have no WatchKit extension using Xcode 7.1. I'm not sure if the WatchKit extension could be the problem but it is a possibility.
Also when the archive is ready to be uploaded to iTunes Connect I notice a couple of things. First, the iOS App defaults to the active provisioning profile: "MyApp" Distribution profile. However, both the WatchKit app and app extensions automatically default to the XC* wildcard provisioning profile. I'm not sure if this whole problem could just be related to a provisioning profile error but it is possible.
iOS Target -> Build Phases -> Embed Watch Content is set as:
Application Loader Submission Attempt:
Tried and failed with the following error message:
ERROR ITMS-90171 "Invalid Bundle Structure - The Binary file '' is not permitted. Your app can't contain stand alone executables or libraries other then the CFBundleExecutable of supported bundles. Refer to the Bundle Programming Guide..."
Again, I used this exact same project structure to submit the ios app and watchkit OS2 extension on Xcode 7.0 ios 9.0.x no problem. I think the error message is inaccurate unless I'm misconfiguring something but I imagine I would've hit the error back on Xcode 7.0
Any help on how to solve this would be awesome. I've found no help googling and reading other SO posts and I've been stuck on this for far too long. Thanks!
I met the same issue today and I think it is a bug of Xcode 7.1
Finally I managed to submit my app via Application Loader. There were warnings but it did work.
Here are the basic steps:
Xcode menu --> Xcode --> Open Developer Tool --> Application Loader
Double click "Deliver Your App" and choose the file exported in step #2
click next and follow the instructions until the end
I found the solution by unchecking the Include bitcode option.
In mi case, it seems that updating to Xcode 7.1 removed some account information. So, after a few attempts to upload it from Xcode, I opened Application Loader, and it asked me to login. I logged in and finally could submit to the App Store from the Organizer. Hope it helps someone.
it is the enable bitcode on the bottom when you submit the upload. uncheck the box. for some reason it comes with 2 boxes checked by default on xcode 7.1
Set team in target-> General-> Team
Check and set appropriate provisioning profile in targets/project build settings.
Try with Xcode to upload build if find same issue.
Try with application loader it will work.
In my case I think it should be a xcode 7.1 bug. I re-added my account, re-generated profile, rebuild the app (restart my mac) but none of them work! I got this error when I first validated the app.
Then I created a new profile and the validation passed. But the first time uploading the app xcode still showed that error. Unwilling to give up I clicked the upload button again and this time it succeeded!
I faced the same issue then I uploaded through Application Loader from XCODE menu and it showed so many error like missing icon for iPad etc .
So please try you app to load through Application Loader and see complete detail of errors you might have in your application.
I got it working through Application Loader after fixing these issues.
I am using Xcode 7.1.1. and it appears to be an issue with Xcode, because I successfully submitted the build via Application Loader. Now, I suspect that I added too many SDKs / adapters inside the code that may have caused issues with the app's delivery. But there's no way of knowing that for sure.
During upload my API Analysis to the App Store was skipped, because it was too large, but I doubt that may caused Xcode to upload the app to the App Store.
If Xcode fails to upload, try Application Loader.
Solved for Xcode 7.2 by revoking and recreating the cert:
Image of what to click here (sorry no embed reputation)
In XCode go into this menu:
XCode -> Preferences -> Accounts
When on the accounts tab, I selected my email in the Apple Id list (on the left).
Then on the right there is a list of of teams under Team Name, select the correct Team and click on View Details.
Finally, there's a list of Signing Identities, next to "iOS Distribution" click Reset.
I didn't have to restart XCode, I just immediately resubmitted to iTunes from Organizer with no problems.
Edit: Thanks #Dover8 for the info about possible effects.
Resetting Certificates Using Xcode
If Xcode detects an issue with a signing identity, it displays an
appropriate action in Accounts preferences. If Xcode displays a Create
button, the signing identity doesn’t exist in Member Center or on your
Mac. If Xcode displays a Reset button, the signing identity is not
usable on your Mac—for example, it is missing the private key. If you
click the Reset button, Xcode revokes and re-creates the corresponding
Try to check your iOS Provisioning Profiles on
In my case one of profiles was marked as "Invalid" and after profile regeneration an error no longer appears
I got the same problem.
Tried to Upload To App Store.. 3-4 times.
Then I Hit the Validate... button and validation was success.
After that tried to upload again and it succeeded.
Then i cursed apple...
It seems to be related to the latest iTunesConnect update and "roles".
If I look at the "iTunesConnect Users" screen, we have three accounts,
(1) is "Admin, Legal", (2) is "Technical, Marketer", and (3) is "Technical Only".
Now when you click the email address to check the details and "roles" of #2 then only "Marketer" is checked, and only the marketer permissions are available.
For #3 the correct checkmark ( Technical ) is set, and also "Create Apps and Submit versions" is shown as an available "App feature".
It might be a work-around to change permissions to disable and re-enable "technical", or maybe give more permissions and make the person an Admin (temporary, of course).
Also - for the Jenkins users out there, you might have copied some certificates from the "login" keychain to the "system" keychain. Try removing them from the system-keychain ( I think that was this step which made my "Archive" not end up in 'not authorized ...' message and actually pass the verify again).

App Submission: Invalid Binary - Invalid Signature

I am trying to submit an update to the iOS app store. I am going from a Buzztouch app to a Sprite Kit app. I am able to archive the Xcode project and submit it. The app gets to the status of Upload Received but than about a minute later, it changes to Invalid Binary and I get an email saying:
Invalid Signature - Make sure you have signed your application with a distribution certificate, not an ad hoc certificate or a development certificate. Verify that the code signing settings in Xcode are correct at the target level (which override any values at the project level). Additionally, make sure the bundle you are uploading was built using a Release target in Xcode, not a Simulator target. If you are certain your code signing settings are correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode, delete the "build" directory in the Finder, and rebuild your release target.
Once these issues have been corrected, go to the Version Details page and click "Ready to Upload Binary." Continue through the submission process until the app status is "Waiting for Upload." You can then deliver the corrected binary.
I have cleaned out the build directory, rebuilt my release target, and made new provisioning profiles multiple times. All of the Code Signing Identities are set to iOS Developer. Code signing and the provisioning profiles have always been a little bit confusing to me, I could have made some obvious mistakes.
I have tried submitting over 50 times! I find this very frustrating because I have emailed Apple and they got back to me but it was just a link to the dev center with code signing information. I have also spent lots of time searching the Internet to find a solution to this and there hasn’t been a good solution that actually works for this problem.
The only thing I can think of is either because I am changing from a Buzztouch app or it is Sprite Kit.
Here is a screenshot of my code signing:
In Apple developer support there are two additional common causes of the Invalid Signature binary rejection reason,
executable files containing special characters (i.e. non-numeric, and non-alpha). To resolve this issue, change the Xcode target’s Product Name build setting from “${TARGET_NAME} to a string containing only alpha/numeric characters. Let me know if this was the cause of the issue (and the problematic characters) because I file bug reports to fix each instance I find here.
Apple Double Files ("double files") that result from copying the Xcode project uncompressed to/from a non HFS+ formatted hard drive. To check if this caused your rejection: 
A. Run the app diagnostic here: How do I check if my application's signature has been corrupted?
B. Then check the command line output with: List of Signature Verification Failure Root Causes. Double files are diagnosed with a message like:  
resource missing:*
C. From the docs:
The file prefixed with "._" is considered an AppleDouble file and it
can result from copying the uncompressed Xcode project folder onto a
non-HFS+ formatted disk. The AppleDouble files must be removed using
the 'dot_clean' command. The Xcode project folder is the argument to
dot_clean as illustrated below. Note: You can drag your Xcode project
folder from Finder into the Terminal window to automatically fill its
path into the command.
dot_clean /path/to/My_Xcode_Project
(If Terminal can't find the dot_clean utility, download the optional Command Line Tools through Xcode > Preferences > Downloads)
D. After running dot_clean on your Xcode project, create a new app archive (via Xcode > Product > Archive), reattempt submission.
To prevent double files be sure to compress the Xcode project folder to .zip using Finder before transferring it to/from a non HFS+ formatted hard drive. 
This is what I did when I encountered a similar problem with the Mac App Store:
Re-generate the app's Distribution and Development certificates (from the Apple Developer's Certificates site).
Download both certificates and drag them to Xcode's icon (not sure whether it had any impact, but after so many submission failures, I was pretty superstitious).
Re-fresh the certificates and identities from Xcode.
Open Xcode's Preferences.
Go to Accounts tab.
Clicked my account
Clicked the refresh button.
Generate the archive.
Submit the app and clicked on "refresh signing identities" somewhere mid-way in wizard prompts.
As a reference, here is my built settings related to signing. That one worked the last time I submitted the app (which has been in the "waiting for review" state for the past two days now, so I guess it passed all of their automated tests).
Your issue relate with signing failed because of your app didn't sign with recent distribution certificate. Check the following steps:
1) Check your bundle identifier to list out provisioning profile as like below picture. Because It also lead to this problem.
2)You may not using the correct certificates when building your app. Just Delete your certificates in Provisioning Portal and create new ones and update them in Xcode.
3) From your picture, you didn't selected correct provisioning profile. Goto Organizer / Provisioning Profiles / Refresh and allow Xcode to fetch the latest ones. see screen shot to how to do that.
Select correct Provisioning profile.
Select correct code sign.
4) Cleaned up your project.
5) Just clean all your targets . You can even go to /Users/%USERNAME%/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData and delete all of the directories in there.
see this ref
Under "Code Signing Identity" Make sure you have selected your Distribution Cert for the "Release" scheme
Under "Provisioning Profile" make sure you select a Distribution provisioning profile (not an Ad Hoc one)
Archive and distribute, make sure the same cert is selected when submitting (after entering your iTunesConnect info)
After doing all of the above
Menu Bar
try Product->Archive
Then from the organise try resigning and submitting.
Select archive and then press distribute (but i'm pretty sure you'll know how that works)
Obviously if you can't do this then chances are you have indeed got something wrong with your signing certificates, more specifically your bundle identifier is likely to be the culprit.
One other option is your app uses services that you haven't set up on for the app id such as game centre, push notification etc. Good luck
check your launch images . Are they conflicting like 2 images have got same name. Because i have got the similar issue which i solved like this within 10 minutes.
To figure out this problem I just created a new Xcode project and copied and pasted everything into the new project.
In my case the problem was to not ASCII chars in filename (someone did sent us to embed), solution was to do a global search in project:
ls -1 -R -i | grep -a "[^A-Za-z0-9_.':# /-]"
And delete those chars from filenames.

Validation/Submission error: Application failed codesign verification

I have a number of apps that are almost identical (with the exception of a few constants, images, and a sqllite database file). I've never had any issues submitting them before, however today one of the updates gave the following error when validating/submitting (note: I have updated this app in the past with no issues):
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate.
I've spent all day trying everything to get this to work. I even diff'd the entire project folder against another app (which submitted successfully, today), and all build/signing settings are exactly the same (except bundle identifier, version number, etc.). I've even (as a last resort!) revoked the certificate and re-generated everything, including provisioning profiles.
I've been through all of the steps listed here:
However, if I "Share" the app from the Organizer and save to disk, running codesign -dvvv says it's not signed at all (however, this happens with the ones that worked!). Not sure how else to run this, as the file generated (and shown in Organizer) is not a .app file.
I'm at a total loss how to figure out what's wrong with this, or why it's any different to the others. I don't seem to be able to get any more information out of the Organizer. The app was built exactly the same way as the others, and the project files etc. are identical (except for expected differences like images/names).
Ok, fixed this... I wish I'd tried this sooner, as it would've saved me many hours today!
It seems that the App Store provisioning file for this app was somehow corrupt - not on my Mac, but on Apples servers.. I downloaded it many times today, with no luck. I just discovered that selecting the Ad-Hoc profile during Validation worked, which led me to believe it was specific to the App Store one. So I deleted the App Store provisioning file from the iOS dev dashboard, then recreated it, downloaded it, and it worked!
Before I deleted it, I edited it, and everything was set correctly, and the expiration date was 6 months from now, so I can only assume something was broken Apple's side (even though I'm sure this same file worked in the past!) :-(
I also have the same problem.
All my provisioning Profiles, Certificates, Bundle Identifier every thing was perfect.
Except My Apps Executable file Name in Info.Plist and Product Name in Target Build Settings was slightly different.
And just because of that codesign_wrapper was not able locate Provisioning.
I spend nearly one day to figure this out.
So Please do one check
App Product Name is have to be same with your Executable file in Info.Plist.
I have a very similar problem, but in my case my distribution profiles keep disappearing from my system. So when an application specific distribution profile disappear Xcode picks up another one (wildcard, iPhone developer, etc.) which is not correct. Everything looks fine except I get this error.
My solution was that I downloaded all of my code signing profiles from Apple. I saved them in a directory and whenever one "disappears" I just have to double click the correct profile to add it to Xcode and update "release" entry in Code Signing Identity in plist.

Invalid Signature error !

I am trying to update my application , but after uploading the binary , Itunes connect sends me this email :
Dear Developer, Thank you for your
recent binary submission for "MY APP"
to the App Store. Unfortunately we
discovered an issue with your binary
that you will need to correct in order
for your application to proceed to the
review stage. The specific issue is
outlined below: Invalid Signature -
Make sure you have signed your
application with a distribution
certificate, not an ad hoc certificate
or a development certificate. Verify
that the code signing settings in
Xcode are correct at the target level
(which override any values at the
project level). Additionally, make
sure the bundle you are uploading was
built using a Release target in Xcode,
not a Simulator target. If you are
certain your code signing settings are
correct, choose "Clean All" in Xcode,
delete the "build" directory in the
Finder, and rebuild your release
target. Once you have corrected the
issue, please return to the
application's version details page in
the iTunes Connect Manage Your
Applications module and click on the
Ready to Submit Binary button. This
will take you through the binary
submission flow and return your
application version status to Waiting
for Upload. You can then use
Application Loader to upload your new
binary. If any other issues are found
with your submission you will be
contacted. Thanks, The iTunes
Connect Team
I am sure that my binary signed application with a distribution certificate NOT AD HOC !!!
what is your suggestion to solve this problem ! I NEVER HAD THIS PROBLEM !!!!!
I download the app distribution CER again but nothing change ! I have 6 apps on app store and never faced with this
Note that this QA is incredibly old. Apple have largely ameliorated this problem. Enjoy.
99 times out of 100, here is the problem:
Select "TARGETS", not "PROJECT"
Click on the name of your project at the Top Left of the main XCode6 window. (ie, just above where it probably says "Classes".)
Look at the large area which opens. Carefully look at the WHITE COLUMN ONTHE LEFT.
Choose "TARGETS" ... rather than "PROJECT"
Then, correctly set your certificate to the 3rd party Mac Developer cert.
I had the same message appear from Apple, and selecting "targets" not "projects" when setting code signing identity did NOT resolve my issue.
Turns out, as the last step of submitting the app to the store (via XCode4's Organizer panel - Archives tab), I was presented with a dialog sheet that showed the distribution certificate it was going to be submitted with, which was DEFAULTING TO A DIFFERENT DISTRIBUTION CERTIFICATE I had in my keychain - and NOT the valid certificate that I'd signed the app with!
Once I manually selected the correct distribution certificate in this last step of app submission, it went through fine. (I also opened up my Keychain Access app and deleted the offending distribution profile, that I didn't have any use for anymore).
A main point I'd like to offer is that Archive Validation (or submission thru App Loader) is supposed to identify the signature problem before sending the application to iTunes Connect. This is a first indication that the problem is related to a developer tools error.
Having witnessed this problem with multiple developers strengthens that hunch. In my experience the "Invalid Signature" diagnosis is not caught during client side validation as a result of a bug in older versions of Xcode. Devs simply update their OS X to 10.7.x, plus Xcode 4.2.1 and with no change to the project or code the app is ingested into iTunes Connect without issue.
Keep it in mind for others experiencing this's especially common on Snow Leopard with Xcode 4.0.2, 3.2.6 or less.
Apple's new publication touches on this point, see iTunes Connect Store - Binary Rejection emails - Invalid Signature.
I had exactly the same problem, checked everything but couldn't find any issues.
Problem ended up being because my project was stored on a FAT32 USB stick! Copied it to my Mac and everything worked perfectly after that.
Hope this helps!
I got the same problem and spent many evenings solving it!
For my app the problem was a question mark in the executable name. In the apple developer docs is noted you can't use special character in executable name but not which ones are allowed.
I changed the executable name in build settings and the upload works!
I have been battling this issue for almost a week! For me, it turned out that the Error email from Apple was completely wrong and misleading. (I knew that all of my certificates and code signing settings were in fact correct.) It turned out, that my app was getting rejected because there was an exclamation point (!) in the name. Apparently, only alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9) and dashes are allowed for the product name. (Characters like ?#$% are not allowed.)
The Fix:
1.) Click on the blue project icon on the left panel in Xcode.
2.) Click on the build settings tab.
3.) Select the current target from the menu. (It's right next to the blue project icon.
4.) Scroll down until you see the "Packaging" Category.
5.) Find where it says "Product Name" and change it to a name that does not contain any special characters.
I hope this helps! Sorry I had to red-out my company info!
