Windows 10 IoT Raspberry Pi 2: Does .NET have mouse support as well? - .net-framework-version

I just managed to deploy my first Windows IoT Core (Background Application IoT) and Windows Universal (Blank App) via VS 2015 on RasPI2. After a quick scan I wonder if there is any mouse handling (MouseMove ...) integrated in the new .Net framework as well?

They're not in the .Net Framework: they're in the Windows Runtime.
Pointer events (PointerPressed, PointerMoved, PointerReleased, etc.) are part of the Universal app contract and available on all Windows devices, including IoT.
Pointer events cover all pointer devices including mouse, touch, pen.

From what google was able to tell me, the answer is yes. You're app cannot be headless (so have UI and a screen, which makes sense). Here is the example I was able to find. It seems like movement is constrained to a Xaml UI object.


Create Windows 95, 98, 2000, XP NT, 7, 10

I come across the following link -
Running windows 95 as Electron APP
Is it possible to create any existing application as portable or cross-platform using electron like above?
Can we use Windows 7 or 10 like above without Oracle Virtual Box or VM in an existing Windows 8 machine ?
Need more details on how it is possible to bring an application via electron
If I'm hearing you right, you're wondering if you can put a whole OS into a JS VM running in Electron - and then run your app on top of that.
Please don't do that. Electron is a fantastic cross-platform solution, but my project windows95 was mostly an educational experiment showcasing how powerful modern JavaScript and Electron can be.
This project uses another project called v86, which is capable of virtualising a x86 platform and display its output on a HTML element. Electron is browser-based so that is why this works.
But there are some limitations: It virtualises the x86 platform, which is pretty old by now, and when you have a look at the specification, it says it is at a Pentium-1 state. The demo links on the project's GitHub ReadMe also do not contain any "modern" OS because v86 does not support SSE(2). And since Microsoft requires its users to have a SSE2-compatible CPU* it is not possible to run anything like Windows 7 or newer (Linux may work, anyway).
OSses which support this kind of (deprecated) hardware, may work. As you can see from the "Compatibility" section of the project's ReadMe, some Linux versions and Windows XP "work" but older software, like OS/2, and even newer stuff, like Android, don't (really). So you can't say that everything will work as expected because the execution environment is really limited.
Now to answer your first point, no, I don't think that you can wrap every existing app into an Electron application and run it on new hardware. It may work with old software (which do not require SSE, if you use v86, and that would require a lot of hackery on the v86 side because it is designed to run OSses), but don't quote me on that.
* The section in question reads (at the time of writing) like this:
A Stop error occurs on computers that don't support Streaming Single Instructions Multiple Data (SIMD) Extensions 2 (SSE2).
Upgrade your machines with a processor that supports SSE2 or virtualize those machines.
(emphasis mine, source:

Is the webkit rendering engine same for safari in ios & mac os\ PC? Like wise is the blink rendering engine same for chrome in android and PC?

To be more secific, here is my dilemma.
I am planning to start UI test automation of an site.
Option 1 that have been put forward is to use commercial tools (quite costly) that runs these test cases on the device. In addition to tool cost i also need to procure devices
Option 2 is to use open source tools like webdriver, change the user agent for browsers like firefox, chrome and safari and run the test cases on a PC. (This is quite cost effective).
I prefer option 2 but here are my doubts
1) Is the webkit rendering engine same for ios and mac?
2) Is the blink rendering engine same for PC Chrome and android Chrome?
3) Will changing the user agent, but using the same browser and running the test cases (eg: change user agent of safari in PC to that of ios, but render in safari) give me the same results as that of testing on the device?
Safari- browser in iOS and Mac uses Webkit as its layout/rendering engine
PC Chrome, Android Chrome uses Blink from April 2013 onwards
Having said that, iOS, Android browsers are compliant to standard HTML,JS, CSS syntax and standards, apart from that each browser may have their specific extensions or bleeding edge features, which may not be yet standardized.
Your testing is based on standard features, you need not worry much about the browser difference now.
Also, If you want to save headache of managing multiple browser, platform, you can try (cloud based service selenium,test automation service)

IBM Worklight - Is there an embedded rendering engine? Can we change it?

I'm working on a software that includes 3D graphics. Those are massive enough, so I decided to use OpenGL to keep a quite fluent animation. I selected THREE.js graphic library (WebGL).
Reading the html through a Web browser works very well : WebGL functions are recognized. I did it on my desktop (Win32/Firefox17, please do not judge me on my configuration !) and on a Nexus 10 (Android 4.3, FF24 and FF25Beta, tried with Chrome30Beta but no joy...). But I need to access native data, like the file system, to get informations for my program. So I wrapped my code with WL, and deployed it as an app on my Nexus 10... And so disappeared the WebGL capability... :(
So I looked for a reason to that :
I found on the IBM site two different ideas : in one way, I understand that a JS engine is embedded, in another that WL uses the engine of the default Web browser of the tablet (what I understood the first time)...
Let's be precise with the different engines : On the Nexus, FFs have obviously Gecko engines, Chrome30 is a Blink (webkit-like, version 537.36). Those are the ones detected by window.navigator.useragent as I read directly in the browser, no surprise. In the Eclipse/WL preview, I got different interpreters, depending the browser I selected, FF or IE (not Safari, I don't have it installed), but not the one from my desktop (the ones used are even older than my own FF...). But, when I detect the one used in the app (after wrapping in an apk), it returns an AppleWebkit 534.30/Worklight/6.0...
Maybe I'm wrong (tell me), but if 'Worklight' is in the version of the engine, and if webkit is used even when I suppress Chrome from my tablet (the version is different, but who knows..), I wonder that, for this app, as it's configured, the engine is embedded by Cordova or WL.
If it is so, I agree it allows to read a code with a fully-compatible interpreter, regardless the browser installed on the hardware. But when a webkit engine does not please you for the functions it supports (like WebGL, very partially supported), it looks a problem for me.
Does anybody have a confirmation of how it works ? If the engine is wrapped with the app, do you know if we can choose the one to be included, or configure it (like enabling WebGL ;) ) ? Another idea ?
Worklight applications do not bundle an interpreter. The application will use what that is bundled in the OS.
In other words, the default WebView in Worklight is the one that the OS provides, in the case of Android it uses the bundled WebKit.
This is not something Worklight controls what-so-ever.
You could, maybe, somehow, bundle in your app the Firefox engine libraries and hook it all up together, but the task to do so is incredibly large and complex in size... and not supported by IBM Worklight. Also, I do not know whether Cordova supports this as well ( it is used in Worklight to interface with native functionality).
As for the useragent, the string "Worklight" is attached to it as part of support for IBM WebSphere Portal.

Can i use XULRunner to create executable that acts like a phonegap app (WebView and fullscreen?) on the desktop (Windows/Linux/OSX)?

I have written a HTML Merge Compiler that can merge resource's/assets into one single HTML file (minify it to the max) and compiles Javascript with the google enclosure compiler. I have written this compiler to speed up loading and interpreting the code and to obfuscate the code to protect a little bit (script kiddie protection). Major reason was/is speed and to make it compact.
This is working OK with reliable results and i use this in PhoneGap applications/games. I have also written a javascript library that encapsulate all platforms that works with standard HTML/CSS without the need to change the code, it works also in the browser, with a touchscreen or without or on any device or operating system. Write once, publish many ;-). The idea around it is that is working always, always operate the same but can use device specific things when available but does never fail (when something is not there, for example a vibrate functionality).
Anyway, most frameworks (like PhoneGap) concentrate on Mobile Platforms but i want to port it also to desktop platforms like Windows, OSX and maybe Linux. For Windows I have wrote an Delphi Application that loads the HTML in a TEmbeddedWB object (is Internet Explorer actually) but the 'problem' is that it is only suitable to Windows and IE is not the fastest browser around, especially when it is embedded (do not why it is slower than the browser itself). For example, when i load the compiled code in Firefox and/or Google Chrome it is blazing fast (you do not notice it is javascript ;-)).
Pre release of IE10 for Windows 7 is just launched, installed it and lag is gone!
You can download it from here:
Introduction to my question:
I have tried XULRunner of Mozilla a long time ago but the first time was not a pleasure to me and also i tried it today again but can't get it to work. Get a parse error in the main xul file of the project, window is an undefined entity. ??? I create a sample project like:
I do not know what to do about this error. Also i think documentation is not up-to-date? Most documentation is from around 2006.
The question, what i want to know:
Before i am going to waste my time (see also introduction), is it
possible to create frameless (full-screen) desktop executables with
use of XULRunner like with PhoneGap?
Is it possible to create cross-platform applications with XULRunner, i mean, does it really work seamless. Where can i find a ready-to-publish example of a XULRunner project and is it possible to load local HTML file(s) like in PhoneGap?
It is possible and allowed to access external resources?
Long story, but maybe there is somebody that have tried this before and can lead me to choose the right direction.
is it possible to create frameless (full-screen) desktop executables with use of XULRunner like with PhoneGap?
Yes. You use disablechrome attribute to remove the window frame and sizemode="maximized" to have it open full-screen. Alternatively you can use the full-screen API if you want your application to run in a normal window and only switch to full-screen mode on request.
Is it possible to create cross-platform applications with XULRunner
Yes. There are things like menus that work very differently on OS X but most of the time you don't need to care what operating system your application runs on (Windows, Linux and Mac OS X supported).
Where can i find a ready-to-publish example of a XULRunner project
See documentation for a XULRunner application example. For "ready-to-publish" you would need an installer which doesn't come with the platform.
is it possible to load local HTML file(s) like in PhoneGap?
Yes. The top-level window has to be XUL but you can use some very minimal code here - essentially a single <iframe flex="1"/> tag. You can load HTML pages into that frame then.
It is possible and allowed to access external resources?
Yes, XULRunner applications have full privileges and can access files on disk as well as web resources without any restrictions.

Win8 Metro IE10 Drag-N-Drop / Slider Issue

I was trying some slider / drag-n-drop demos of JQuery Mobile, Kendo UI and other javascript frameworks, but none seem to work in the Metro version of IE10 on my tablet (running Windows 8 Consumer Preview).
I remember there was a similar issue on IOS, but using most frameworks it's now working on my iPad.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?
Is there any JS framework that has addressed this issue?
Could this be something that is still to be fixed by Microsoft before final release of Win8?
Internet Explorer 10 has a more abstact event model when it comes to touch, mouse, or pen events. Rather than having events like touchstart or mousedown, Internet Explorer 10 has an arguably superior model consisting of a much simpler MSPointerDown which is fired for all types of inputs, including fingers, mice, or pens.
Unfortunately, as you've noticed, there isn't a great deal of support in popular libraries and frameworks, though I suspect there are a few good reasons why this is the case:
IE10 is still technically incomplete.
IE10 is currently not available on Windows 7 (though it will be released on Windows 7 eventually)
IE10 currently requires the installation of unfinalized versions of Windows 8
These reasons, among more I'm sure, have likely caused the developers behind major frameworks and libraries to hold off on any serious investment of their time to target the new browser from Microsoft. That being said, I do know personally of some very key players from the jQuery project who have been keeping a close eye on Microsoft's new pointer model. I suspect the same can be said for other teams.
The reason is that IE10 introduces MSPointerEvents, which are probably not well supported by most frameworks, at least yet.
Update: Kendo UI supports MSPointerEvents since Q3 2012. As of Q1 2013 all framework widgets also work properly in IE10 when content is pinch-zoomed.
