CLANG Static Code Analysis for iOS Development [closed] - ios

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am fairly new to project management of iOS development projects and I have been working on my first challenge. I am trying to make proactive use of tools that will increase software quality. I have two questions:
a.For iOS development, do you think CLANG Static Code Analysis tool will help increase the code quality and effectively help us detect bugs early on?
b. What other tools would you recommend to increase our software quality for iOS Development?
The question is not "Should I do static analysis" but rather, "Is CLANG effective (not generating too many false positives, not providing warnings that the compiler could also pickup)? And "Are there any other tools that is worth using for increasing code quality?".

A very important aspect of software quality and stability is unit testing. Unit testing will easily help identify bugs and crashes, although it is not a silver bullet or a cover all solution. Unit testing is part of the Xcode toolset now and can be run right from within Xcode. If you have a large project, i.e. more than 2-3k lines of custom code I definitely would use unit testing to some degree. There are hundreds of tutorials online that will teach you how to properly conduct unit testing within Xcode.
If you are working with a team of developers and team members are constantly committing changes to the project, you could integrate continuous integration into your development cycle. Continuous integration will has many features that will improve the quality and stability of the code base. In Xcode 5 Apple introduced Xcode server which is a way to integrate continuous integration right through Xcode. Check the Apple documentation to learn more about it.
Apple Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide


Automation testing for iPhone [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to test iOS application using the automation tools. I just have some primary knowledge of automation which does not include iOS automation application testing. Please help me. Thanks in advance.
Appium Studio is an enhanced version of open-source Appium developed by Experitest to make Appium testing even better. It cuts the effort and cost of developing and running an Appium based mobile test automation program. Check out here for more information.
They also offer object spy and code export feature along with a set of cloud devices for testing.
There are different Mobile Automation tools available in the Market,
Appium - Highly used for Android and iPhones
Appium Studio from Experitest
Katlon Studio
XCUITEST - Only for iPhones
Robot Framework
Best tools for mobile testings is :
It is FREE and since Calabash harnesses Cucumber functionality, which means that tests can be written in plain English rather than labyrinthine chains of code.
Calabash is by far one of the leading open-source test framework for cross-platform (mobile) native test automation.
It offers:
Ability to write in plain English
Capacity to test both local and hybrid apps
Xamarin and Cucumber functionality
Xamarin provides a portal to over 1,000 different devices in the cloud, which have been put there so you can test your apps. Once you’ve written your test, just log into the Xamarin test cloud and away you go.
One of the most used Test Automation Tool nowadays is Appium.
I myself used it professionally and it worked really well. It helps you with actions such as finding elements and interacting with them, to name a few. It is open source, cross-platform - enables you to test on Android, iOS and more - and multi-language - meaning you can write your tests using many different programming languages such as Ruby, Java, Python, C# etc.
Check their page to see if it really fit your needs:

How can I monitor the quality of my .NET code? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am currently developing a Ruby project and I often use code climate to see the quality of my code. The thing is, we will rewrite the code in .NET, so my boss wants to be able to monitor the quality of code by uploading the code into tool just like in codeclimate.
Do you guys know any tool alternative (free or not) to code climate for .NET?
It is very recent that I have started using SonarCube for monitoring quality of our application, and I must say that it is a very good tool with tons of features with support for variety of languages.
You can view the code quality with Visual Studio Code Analysis and Code Metrics also, but I think SonarCube is closer to Code Climate.
I am not that familiar with code climate. However there are few tools in .net arena which an do the same. You can use Visual Studio Static Analysis tool for code analysis. And also you can use nCover product as well. There is one more product called DotTrace from Jetbrains which is also a nice product in my opinion. And with Visual Studio 2015 you will receive more reading on memory usage during code execution etc. You may want to look at those features as well.
You can use NDepend, a pretty cool tool completely integrated to Visual Studio, it integrates a wide range of features.

Xamarin for a small development team with .Net experience? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Xamarin is great in theory but would it be a good fit for a small team with .Net experience that is looking to build a consumer facing (not LOB) app for Android, iOS & Windows Mobile. This is not a build and forget scenario. The app would be under continuous development, and deployment via the three app stores.
Xamarin seems better suited for a large enterprise with many resources and a pool of .Net developers. I am looking for feedback from those who have actually invested time and money going the Xamarin route.
Although I feel a small .Net team could be more productive in the short term with Xamarin, I have the following reservations that have not vanished through experimenting with Xamarin or through reading countless docs, articles and comments.
Hitting hard roadblocks after investing months on development and finding it very difficult to get the help needed to work through the issues. i.e small online community and expensive training and support options.
Xamarin being unable to do something that can be done natively.
Investing in Xamarin at the cost of not actually learning objective C (Java not a real concern).
This is similar to the many of opinionated questions about Xamarin vs full native. If you have no obj-c/java developers and only .net developers, then go xamarin. If you want a single code base and not have each app in a different language, go xamarin. They are pretty darn good at having support the day that iOS is released.
Search on here for all of the other questions about it to see peoples' pros and cons lists.
I have gone through Xamarin route and I do development on C# for many years. I do Java and learned Objective-C to develop on iOS. Right now I do it alone or at most with some friends , so it is like the small team scenario you described.
I would not go on any other route for some reasons:
Needing to deploy on more than one platform and do each one on a different language is something I dislike
Xamarin exposes all the native APIs on each platform, so I am at no loss
I can access third party native libraries on each platform with ease
The non-native issue is not a issue for me for the byte-codes are native on iOS and there is a small Runtime on Android, but on both cases the performance is not at loss
I have done some basic and intermediary stuff using Xamarin and there were no lack of support from the community, documentation or from Xamarin
I am not getting to be an expert on Objective-C, as I don't develop using it, but I am learning the native APIs and their use the same way. You will use all the same Objects, methods (protocols and delegates) you would with Objective-C but now you have a different syntax (one which I love by the way)

Unit testing for iOS projects [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm still relatively new to iOS development and also an absolute stranger to any kind of testing that is not compile, run, and check whatever comes to your mind.
This is obviously a weakness on any developer's profile and I'm decided to get ride of it now that interesting, real projects are coming my way.
In my quest to look for the best approach to go from 0 to 100 as soon (and well) as possible I'm coming to the specialized community to get your feedback.
At the same time I'm asking for your tips I'm also getting into Amazon to look for well-reviewed books on the subject and Google to get the rest. I'm just coming here to gather the feedback of those willing to spare a minute or to so I can probably hit jackpot with a great advise and better plan my learning strategy.
Thats right. For my job testing and test driven development is indispensable.
I often use Java and JUnit, but for Objective-C and XCode I think this screencast is a very good start:
Since I watch this screencast I use OCHamcrest and OCMockito (both explaind in this screencast) as well as SenTestingKitAsync for testing asynchronous functions.
I think the Clean Code book is a must have for every developer. There is a chapter about testing.

How to downgrade iPhone 3GS to iOS 4.x? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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I've spent a whole day trying the different solutions one can find by Google-ing this.
Using Xcode to downgrade
Downloading the firmware image and providing it to Xcode
Using iTunes
Using an old computer that the phone was sync'ed to back in 2009 (funny enough, I have two of them)
Using the iRestore and libusb
So far the only thing I've seen is the phone getting stuck in DFU mode or a message saying that it can't be downgraded (I forget the exact language).
It would seem that Apple would provide for a way for developers to do this sort of thing without this much pain an agony. I have eight iOS devices, four of which are permanently devoted to development, two iPods and two iPhone 3GS. The two iPods stayed with iOS 4.x. Both 3GS's where accidentally upgraded to iOS 5. I wanted one to stay with 4.x for the time being.
Do I have any options beyond what I've tried?
Apple: A little developer love would go a long way here. It's enough to have to deal with all the stuff that breaks from release to release of the OS and Xcode. At least make this easy.
Pretty please?
With sugar on top?
(Had to try)
The question was marked closed. I don't understand why.
According to the FAQ:
"Stack Overflow is for professional and enthusiast programmers, people who write code because they love it. We feel the best Stack Overflow questions have a bit of source code in them, but if your question generally covers …
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This question relates to software tools commonly used by programmers working on iOS devices.
And, in fact, it is a huge problem due to the fact that it impedes proper testing on the platform. Perhaps someone in this community has better ideas that can be brought to the surface. That was the intent.
"Questions on Stack Overflow are expected to generally relate to programming or software development in some way"
I think this question definitely relates to software development.
Re-open it please. This is a big problem.
