Automation testing for iPhone [closed] - ios

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I want to test iOS application using the automation tools. I just have some primary knowledge of automation which does not include iOS automation application testing. Please help me. Thanks in advance.

Appium Studio is an enhanced version of open-source Appium developed by Experitest to make Appium testing even better. It cuts the effort and cost of developing and running an Appium based mobile test automation program. Check out here for more information.
They also offer object spy and code export feature along with a set of cloud devices for testing.

There are different Mobile Automation tools available in the Market,
Appium - Highly used for Android and iPhones
Appium Studio from Experitest
Katlon Studio
XCUITEST - Only for iPhones
Robot Framework

Best tools for mobile testings is :
It is FREE and since Calabash harnesses Cucumber functionality, which means that tests can be written in plain English rather than labyrinthine chains of code.
Calabash is by far one of the leading open-source test framework for cross-platform (mobile) native test automation.
It offers:
Ability to write in plain English
Capacity to test both local and hybrid apps
Xamarin and Cucumber functionality
Xamarin provides a portal to over 1,000 different devices in the cloud, which have been put there so you can test your apps. Once you’ve written your test, just log into the Xamarin test cloud and away you go.

One of the most used Test Automation Tool nowadays is Appium.
I myself used it professionally and it worked really well. It helps you with actions such as finding elements and interacting with them, to name a few. It is open source, cross-platform - enables you to test on Android, iOS and more - and multi-language - meaning you can write your tests using many different programming languages such as Ruby, Java, Python, C# etc.
Check their page to see if it really fit your needs:


Selenium Equivalent in Swift/iOS [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have used Selenium for making python projects and now I want to try similar projects in Swift with Xcode using Selenium. Unfortunately, I quickly found out Selenium is not for Swift or iOS apps.
I have been spending the last two days researching on a Selenium alternatives for mobile but have not been able to find anything. Everything I have found so far seems to be outdated. Is there any alternative that is for the current version of Swift and Xcode?
The ONLY option available for automating iOS devices is with Appium and the XCUITest driver.
(Unless there are other drivers recently made that utilize XCUITest, which is an apple tool set).
XCUITest-driver can be found here
Luckily, many of the driver commands will be the same as, say, the UIAutomator2 driver for android. They inherit the same base classes/interfaces after all.
You will need to run these tests on your Mac laptop or desktop, as it is not possible to interact with an iOS device as a developer on non apple products.
Here is a set of server bash and python scripts that I used to launch a video game on to iOS (and android devices). This is not identical to what you need, but it should provide a lot of help that you might need.
Github server files (python and bash)
Wiki explaining how to implement and get this working

CLANG Static Code Analysis for iOS Development [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I am fairly new to project management of iOS development projects and I have been working on my first challenge. I am trying to make proactive use of tools that will increase software quality. I have two questions:
a.For iOS development, do you think CLANG Static Code Analysis tool will help increase the code quality and effectively help us detect bugs early on?
b. What other tools would you recommend to increase our software quality for iOS Development?
The question is not "Should I do static analysis" but rather, "Is CLANG effective (not generating too many false positives, not providing warnings that the compiler could also pickup)? And "Are there any other tools that is worth using for increasing code quality?".
A very important aspect of software quality and stability is unit testing. Unit testing will easily help identify bugs and crashes, although it is not a silver bullet or a cover all solution. Unit testing is part of the Xcode toolset now and can be run right from within Xcode. If you have a large project, i.e. more than 2-3k lines of custom code I definitely would use unit testing to some degree. There are hundreds of tutorials online that will teach you how to properly conduct unit testing within Xcode.
If you are working with a team of developers and team members are constantly committing changes to the project, you could integrate continuous integration into your development cycle. Continuous integration will has many features that will improve the quality and stability of the code base. In Xcode 5 Apple introduced Xcode server which is a way to integrate continuous integration right through Xcode. Check the Apple documentation to learn more about it.
Apple Xcode Server and Continuous Integration Guide

Xamarin for a small development team with .Net experience? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Xamarin is great in theory but would it be a good fit for a small team with .Net experience that is looking to build a consumer facing (not LOB) app for Android, iOS & Windows Mobile. This is not a build and forget scenario. The app would be under continuous development, and deployment via the three app stores.
Xamarin seems better suited for a large enterprise with many resources and a pool of .Net developers. I am looking for feedback from those who have actually invested time and money going the Xamarin route.
Although I feel a small .Net team could be more productive in the short term with Xamarin, I have the following reservations that have not vanished through experimenting with Xamarin or through reading countless docs, articles and comments.
Hitting hard roadblocks after investing months on development and finding it very difficult to get the help needed to work through the issues. i.e small online community and expensive training and support options.
Xamarin being unable to do something that can be done natively.
Investing in Xamarin at the cost of not actually learning objective C (Java not a real concern).
This is similar to the many of opinionated questions about Xamarin vs full native. If you have no obj-c/java developers and only .net developers, then go xamarin. If you want a single code base and not have each app in a different language, go xamarin. They are pretty darn good at having support the day that iOS is released.
Search on here for all of the other questions about it to see peoples' pros and cons lists.
I have gone through Xamarin route and I do development on C# for many years. I do Java and learned Objective-C to develop on iOS. Right now I do it alone or at most with some friends , so it is like the small team scenario you described.
I would not go on any other route for some reasons:
Needing to deploy on more than one platform and do each one on a different language is something I dislike
Xamarin exposes all the native APIs on each platform, so I am at no loss
I can access third party native libraries on each platform with ease
The non-native issue is not a issue for me for the byte-codes are native on iOS and there is a small Runtime on Android, but on both cases the performance is not at loss
I have done some basic and intermediary stuff using Xamarin and there were no lack of support from the community, documentation or from Xamarin
I am not getting to be an expert on Objective-C, as I don't develop using it, but I am learning the native APIs and their use the same way. You will use all the same Objects, methods (protocols and delegates) you would with Objective-C but now you have a different syntax (one which I love by the way)

SDK: What is it exactly? How it could be useful? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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SDK: What is it exactly? How it could be useful?
Is it necessary for a developer?
The acronym SDK stands for Software Development Kit. The term software development kit is generally used to refer to a set of resources made available by a platform vendors to enable development on that particular platform.
The contents of an SDK are very much dependent on what is neccessary to give developers in order for them to successfully build software for that platform.
Typically an SDK will include:
API and / or achitecture dcumentation:This typically includes information such as class and method documentation and code samples to demonstrate the use of each method or class.
Library Files
Any binary or source file that is neccessary or helpful to developers using the platform. For example, the Windows SDK includes windows.h which is the main header file for Win32 development.
Develoopment Tools and UtilitiesApplications created by the platform vendor in order to assist developers in creating applications. These may include compilers or other tools such as emulators and debuggers to enable code to be writen and tested, as well as other applications which are non-essential but useful in software development.
Sample Applications
These are complete, usually small, applications written by the platform vendor in order to demonstrate some specific aspect of the platform. These applications often come with source code to help the developer better understand how the application is using the platform.
SDK stands for Software Development Kit. It is essential for a developer to have the SDK for the technology he/she is working on.
For example, Qt SDK contains Designer, Assistant (documentation) and Qt Creator (IDE); and also includes qmake and libraries for developing Qt software.
SDK = Software Development Kit
It's a set of tools aimed at developing software for a specific platform or a specific API.
Sometimes it's needed, when it's the only way to get access to the platform/API at all. Other times it's not strictly neccessary (for example when a compiler already comes with the operating system), but it usually makes developing easier.

Writing Blackberry Applications [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How can I write Blackberry applications?
I am on OS X Leopard with VMWare.
I've been developing BlackBerry apps for years - almost as long as the devices have been around - and I'm actually currently using a Macbook pro with VMWare, which works well - if you have the RAM (3 gigs is good) and CPU horsepower.
The BlackBerry developer zone ( is definitely the first place you should go - you'll need to download the BlackBerry JDE (Java development environment - their standalone IDE) or the JDE Plugin for Eclipse. They come with API Javadocs and the standalone JDE comes with sample apps. There are also support forums, a knowledgebase, etc. In both cases the simulator is a Windows app - hence the necessity of using Windows for development.
I write a blog about BlackBerry development called Thinking Blackberry. It's very new, and so far I've mostly been exploring specific slightly more advanced topics, but I have a getting started tutorial for the JDE Plugin for Eclipse that's had some good feedback (I'm a proponent of going the Eclipse route for BB development). It also provides an overview of the options for BlackBerry development, with pluses and minuses for each.
I don't have any personal experience but it looks like Blackberry has a pretty extensive developer resource area
They have their own SDK too. Search for it at The language is Java. I don't know much about it. I have a BlackBerry so it's sad, as a C# developer, that I don't develop apps for the CrackBerry. Should be very straight forward, though.
Blackberry does offer pretty extensive documentation. They're Developer Zone ( is my prime resource. Unfortunately the Developer Zone is pretty hard to navigate, so here are some of my favorite links:
Java apps (
Javadoc (
