Apple Maps Location Marker like in Find Friends App - ios

I have an app where I want the user to place a marker on a map and drag a circle to define a range around that notification, exactly as in Apple's Find Friends App (when you pick one of your friends and subscribe for notifications when he arrives or leaves a certain location).
Looks like this:
The marker can be dragged and moved like always, but the solid circle on the right side is used to define a range around the marker.
Does anyone have an idea on how to implement that? Maybe someone has already implemented something like this and wants to share his code :-).

Ok, I found some very useful sourcecode. Here it is, in case somebody else needs it as well:


Detect tap on a label in Mapbox map on iOS

I'd like to know if there is a way to best detect a users tap on a label?
The new iOS15 Maps app allows a tap on e.g. a cities name and then shows informations about that city.
I am now wondering if something similar can be done with mapbox?
I know that there is a mapView.visibleFeatures(in: myRect) function that can somehow help here. So I can convert my finger location to a rect and then get all features there.
BUT... my city e.g. might have a label that is let's say 200 px wide. So I would need to have a quite large rect to find the point of my city label. And then I will also get all kinds of other labels that might be there. Maybe even not visible, but in the dataset.
Is there no way to ask the map what the frontmost element was when I tapped? So that when I tap on the far end of the label, I still get that ONE feature?
I am still using Mapbox V6.3... the latest before their last major update.
But if it's not possible with that version, an answer about the latest V10.something would also be great.
For v10, this example demonstrates how to identify features near a click. While the overall example is to a different end, the onMapClick functions shows the method to find a feature and then build an annotation.

Message Kit controlling which side each image shows up on

I am using the MessageKit to create a real time chat in my Swift App. One issue I am getting is, I want my chat from the user to be on the left, and the chat from the person they are talking to, to be on the right. As of now this is flipped, and I am unsure what function that is being set in, or if this is just default and there isn't a way to change it. I see functions for changing the direction of the bubbles, and avatar location but nothing to quickly fix which side each new message goes on. Can someone help me figure out this issue. Here is what it currently looks like:
But instead I would want the second image to be orange and on the right side, and the orange text to be silver and on the left side. Thanks!
I feel like this should be a quick fix, I am just unsure which like function likely part of the deleagte that I can change, as it is my first time using this messageKit library.
Not sure if this will fix everything but on MessagesDataSource protocol there is isFromCurrentSender
just reverse the return from that and I believe that most of the components use that function for layout.

Animation on top of uiviewcontroller like facebook app

The new facebook app has a new feature. There is a little circle in the bottom of a message that means where is the user in the conversation. (hist last seen message).
It is pretty awesome, but i couldn´t figure out how it was developed. I´m pretty sure they created a new cell type, to show where is each user in the conversation. And then, if the user reads it, it just update the table and the user will be in another message that he just read. This would be ok.
But my question is, during this transition, the little circle is animated from the current message to the new position, and the others little circle are animated to make space for the new coming little circle. How is that possible? To animate something on top of a listview?
Thanks in regards,
Can you give me a screenshot of what you're talking about so I can look at it, or give steps to get to the screen you're talking about?
Facebook does some pretty remarkable stuff with iOS. If you want to see some of the crazier things, check out the app Paper that was developed using the Pop Framework. In there you might find some of the UI actions you're looking for.

Disable iOS "Perspective Compensation" programmatically?

Maybe I'm just searching for the wrong term, but I've been able to find very little information on this subject, and I think it could be a problem for my app.
A while back, there was an article on the accuracy of the touch screens on iOS devices, and it seemed quite poor compared to other phones. Here is a link a posting about it:
Anyway, many of the commenters referred to "perspective compensation" as a cause for the inaccuracy. Basically, they are saying that iOS intentionally registers touches above the actual point of contact to compensate for the typical viewing angle of the user or for the angle of their finger or something like that. I have found that there is some credibility to that claim myself by doing as one of the commenters suggested and trying to use my iPhone upside down. I did find that it was difficult to touch things in some cases, and I have also noticed this problem in one of the apps I'm developing.
So, in case you want to skip all that rambling above, here is why it's a problem for me:
I am developing an app that is intended to be used by two people at the same time. The iPhone or iPad is placed on a surface between two people who are sitting across from one another, and they are instructed to quickly and accurately touch items on their respective halves of the screen competitively. What the article's comments made me suspect might happen, and what I have also found in practice is that the person using the phone upside down will have trouble touching buttons and dots on their first try. I've also tested slowly with a stylus and found that the touchable area of a button does indeed extend below a button, or above the button for the person using the phone upside down, hence the discrepancy and problem/disadvantage for that person.
So finally, if you want to skip that also, here is my question: Can "perspective compensation"(if that's what it's called) be disabled programmatically, and can it be done for specific views of an app? Have any of you noticed this and dealt with it in an app of yours?
While I have found that "perspective compensation" does seem to be occurring, I have not found any official documentation of it, and therefore have no idea how or if it can be disabled. When I search for "perspective compensation," the only results I find are links to the same article and comments.
I can't help but expect that this may have been asked before or is solvable with a simple checkbox, but perhaps for lack of the correct term to use, I have been unable to find any leads.
Thanks in advance for any of your solutions or suggestions!
This can't be done with the current SDK. All we have access to is the touch location, which is at a single point. Other search terms you might try are "digitizer" or "raw touch data", but there is definitely no check box or simple option.
To implement this, you will have to compensate for the touch location yourself. You'll need to play around with a compensating offset value for the upside-down buttons. Hit testing on views is probably the best place to do this, then your buttons can just respond to events as normal.

iOS: animation icon model "springboard"

I want to know if is possible simulate the little movement of icons in iPhone springboard when I do a long press in one of them. Can you help me?
I was at a conference last year and one of the talkers was an ex Apple employee around at the time of creating that icon wobble.
When they were creating it they used a combination of animation of scale, rotation and translation (both up, down and left, right).
When showing it to Steve Jobs he couldn't be satisfied by any of the wobbles that he was shown.
In the end they created some custom sliders (behind the home screen) that he was able to access so that he could customise the animation himself and get it "just right".
I know this doesn't help at all but thought it might be interesting.
Anyway, it looks like the link that Robotic Cat provided in the comments might give you something worth looking at.
