Play Youtube videos on windows phone 8.1 - youtube

How to play Youtube videos on player in Windows Phone 8.1 App Development?

Best way I found so far is by using the MyToolkit library from codeplex, it is also available as a nuget package!
The documentation on how to use the specific youtube code can be found here


How can I start live streaming using RTMP link from iPhone using Swift 5

I'm working on a project in which users can go for live stream using iPhone device camera.
I looked for the same and found certain libraries but mostly are paid.
So, please suggest the better way to achieve the desired result, any library link, blog or code would be helpful.
The project is built using swift 5, Xocde 12.3.
Reference link:
I found this library for android:
Thanks in advance.
try this
"Camera and Microphone streaming library via RTMP, HLS for iOS, macOS, tvOS."

Xamarin.forms youtube video

I know this question has been asked before but I can't seem to find a satisfactory answer. First off I'm very new to Xamarin.forms and mobile app development in general. I'm working on a small time sensitive project. One of the requirements is to have a youtube video play from within the app in both iOS and Android (the link to the youtube video comes from a DB). I used a WebView but it doesn't seem to work well in Android. I also came across the following in another thread:
"When it comes to streaming video on iOS and Android playing that content in a Webview control with or without Xamarin.Forms would be the incorrect choice. Webviews vary on each device and their codec support for HTML5 and H264 video also vary. Both iOS and Android have their own native video players that can play and stream video.
For iOS you have a few options such as AVPlayer or MPMoviePlayerController:
For Android you could simply use the default VideoView or you could use the binding around the new ExoPlayer:
You would simply need a custom renderer to bring these into Xamarin.Forms, which would be very simple to do"
I've never done Xamarin.iOS nor Xamarin.Android development before. If someone can provide a simple prototype then that would be great.
Take a look at "Delivering Rich Media Experiences with the Xamarin.Forms Video Player" ( Github:

How to wiki not updated in Flyver SDK

I wanted to mimick video streaming, photo capture etc for android and iOS mobile apps using Drones. I have found Android support is available by Flyver here -
But, I could not find anything that suffice my needs as flyver wiki is not well updated.Please let me know how could I simulate Drone apps using Flyver?
Flyver SDK will soon support video streaming and restreaming from cameras such as GoPro.
You could run the apps on any Android phone and test without the drone.
Download the Hello Flyver application to get you started:
For further questions you could write directly into the forum pages:

do apple devices support windows media player

I have a podcast page where the mp3 podcasts are played in an
"object" tag using windows Media Player. But they don't work in iPhone, iPad and iTouch. Is it because apple devices don't support WMP ?
Do I need to use HTML5 for this?
Yes, Apple won't support Microsoft products.
Also if you are creating cross platform application there will be such kind of chanllenges.
I would recommend using Flow Player, I have used it my past projects and it works like charm

Does Windows Phone 7 have a YouTube player similar to iPhone?

I want to allow my phone app users to be able to click a YouTube video and be sent to the phone's YouTube player. Does Windows Phone 7 have that option?
Nothing has yet been announced but I know someone at Google who was talking with Microsoft about developing a YouTube app for Windows Phone 7.
Even if such an app did exist, based on the sandboxed nature of apps and their inability to launch other apps, your only options is likely to be to open the video in the browser.
First of all, I'm quite sure that there will be a Youtube App for Windows Phone. Beside that, since Youtube is going HTML5 anyway, I think it is trivial to include a playback of a Youtube video directly in your app:
The current version of IE mobile that runs on the Windows Phone 7 device emulator CANNOT play YouTube videos. So far from all the evidence that I've seen, you cannot use the Silverlight "MediaElement" control to play YouTube videos, nor can you use the iPhone "trick" of embedding a YouTube video in a bunch of HTML and have Safari handle it for you because IE mobile won't play YouTube videos.
This isn't to say that they won't be adding this feature in the future, but I'm pretty disappointed that as of Beta 1, it doesn't appear that WP7 has any YouTube support.
