Nagios Scaling factor - monitor

Im tring to run ore Nagios 3.5.1 on a bigger screen. Im not edit manual the scaling factor to 1.4 but after a refresh this will go back to normal 1.0. Searching on the internet but so for no luck.
Internet says about that you need a statusmap.c but i did a yum install nagios from the epel repo.
So there is no statusmap.c only a statusmap.cgi. Tried to edid the value:
input type='text' name='scaling_factor' maxlength='5' size='4' value='%2.1f'
Still no luck. Is there a way to add a static scaling factor 1.4 that would not change after a refresh off the page?
kind regards.

I had this problem too. I found that you can load the statusmap URL directly by adding "/cgi-bin/statusmap.cgi" to the base nagios URL. You can also pass in the scaling_factor as an argument to this CGI:
The scaling factor will now persist for each page update.


Alfresco digitale workspace localization issue

I have installed Alfresco using docker images as explained in this Angel Borrow's github repos. All goes fine.
But some translation key are not processed. On this image you can see that the translation key "LOGIN.LABEL.USERNAME" is not replaced by it' value.
There are several other issues like that on some popups in ADW (Alfresco Digital Workspace) app.
What is the best way to fix that?
PS : The same localization issues also exist on alfresco cloud.
The first think to check is if you have an adBlock extension activated on your browser page, if it's the case, disable adblock for Alfresco digitale workspace and reload.
You can debug error by using developer tools on your browser (F12)
in network you can see errors related to labels blocked and have more details.

cyBrowser for cytoscape can't loading any graph plots

I have any problem with cytoscape, actually cyBrowser. It doesn't work correct.
There are 3 different shapes:
I actually work at my windows 10 PC and cyBrowser during create any graph plots (specifically heat map) isn't loading (I can see 100% processing, but but nothing happens);
In addition I use MacOS PC on work and and everything is fine there;
Actually I use MacAir and I have problem with cytoscape work when I use cy browser - it's just crushing
If you can help me, I will be extremely grateful
OK, there are a couple of quick work-arounds. First, when you create your plots, you should see an html file in your home directory. This is created by cyPlot when you request the plot to be created as a debugging aid. You should just be able to open that in any browser and you'll have your plot. Second, you should be able to disable the use of cyBrowser and use a native browser instead, although certain things won't work (e.g. selection in the browser won't be reflected in Cytoscape). To do this, go to Edit->Preferences->Properties and look for "useCyBrowser" and set that to false.
-- scooter

Q: save Open Text Exceed windows sizes and positions?

how do you save your last windows sizes and position when using Exceed? I'm using it to run SAS environment but every time I boot it up, windows are always going back to default sizes and positions :(
I found this useful user written paper on using Display Manager.
The size and position of each of these windows can be adjusted using
standard mouse/window techniques. Once they have been adjusted the way
you want them, use the WSAVE ALL command in the command box to save
these settings for your next SAS session.
Also watch out for issues with not having access to your SASUSER library which can occur when you are running multiple SAS jobs at the same time. You can prevent the SASUSER library from not being accessed by all of the jobs if you run using the -RSASUSER option. But then you will not be able to run the WSAVE command. So if you want to make changes to the window locations do it when you do have write access to SASUSER.

Does Struts 2 have any memory issues

I have a webapp developed with struts2 deployed in tomcat 5.5. The server has other applications deployed in it. But the app created with struts2 is very slow. Any ideas? How does Struts 2 handle object creation? And is there anything I can do on the tomecat server..
How slow is it? What are you doing? are you sure it is Struts 2 that is slow and not your application code? Did you do any profiling? What were the results?
Check this out:
I found serving the static content from a folder increased the speed.
Well few details are really required for some one to answer your question in more good way
Which Struts2 version you are using
At which place/part do you think application is slow
as per my experience there are certain areas where Struts2 have known problems, OGNL in itself sometime creates problem since this is the part of the framework which took most of the time, this has been known to fixed in 3.x version of OGNL so you can get new jar of OGNL and than can test your application.
Second use some profiler and it will help you to catch the culprit like any thread blocking etc.
What OS is Tomcat running on?
If it's Linux, you may have run into a lack of entropy issue.
If this command returns something less than 200, it could explain your issue:
cat /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail
If it is low (or watch during startup/making requests), try pointing /dev/random to /dev/urandom. (Not for secure Production, but to test in Dev should be fine):
mv /dev/random /dev/random.orig
ln -s /dev/urandom /dev/random
And try starting Tomcat again.

I want to use EtherPad (or a clone). My site is running Ruby on Rails. API or local install?

I'd like to utilize an etherpad interface on my website. Two questions:
1) is there any site with an etherpad api that I could just call remotely?
2) if not, how much trouble is it to install scala and have the two run concurrently?
Check out and
And you can embed those etherpad instances using a simple iframe as suggested here:
There doesn't seem to be a proper API yet for more robust interactions.
The original has now gone away but at that link there is a list of clones.
The instructions for embedding etherpads seems to have gone away with the rest of but I believe it's as simple as this:
<div id="ep">
<iframe src=""></iframe>
Replace "" with whatever clone you're using, "foo" with the name of your pad, and you may or may not want to change that fullScreen=1 to fullScreen=0 (or leave it off altogether).
Installing scala might mean a few things:
Installing the SDK (i.e. scalac)
Installing the runtime
Assuming you mean the runtime, scala runs entirely on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) so assuming you have 1.5+ JVM installed, you can run scala programs on it easily (Scala just compiles down to bytecode, after all). All a scala program requires is a few JARs on the classpath (scala-library and scala-compiler)
Now there is a better solution Etherpad Lite it is easily installable and embedable. See
