Pass Audio/Video stream to html page using PhoneGap on iOS? - ios

I'm working on RealTime Communication project on iOS. It has video call feature...
It is working good on native code (objective-c) but I'm trying to create a PhoneGap plugin, I dont know how would I pass the audio and video stream into HTML from Objective-C.
Appreciate your help!
Thanks in Advance,

First of all, Cordova does not support natively WebRTC ( I just experimented it some days ago.. ).
But you can actually use some plugins for Cordova like this one.
Or you can use Crosswalk which does support WebRTC and a good and simple exemple here.
Hope that help you :)


Is it possible to convert a native iOS app to a web app?

I am trying to convert a native iOS application for work. Does anyone know of any way to do this? I have thought about using the MobileFirst platform, but I don't know if this is possible even with that. I have seen many things about converting HTML5 into a Swift application, but not the other way around. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Your application is written in Native code and you want it to now be in web code. There is no conversion tool to do that. You need to re-write your app in HTML, CSS, JavaScript and so on...

Looking for an IOS version of ShowcaseView

I'm looking for a library similar to
I want to be able to implement forced tutorials on new users who open my application for the first time. Does anyone know where I can find a library that helps make this easy?
You ca try
This is a quite similar iOS implementation of the ShowcaseView for Android (

Extending Titanium with native iOS modules

I want to use existing ios class(writtern in objective C) in titanium alloy project.
I am new to Titanium and tried a link but not understand it completely, is there any video by which I can achieve my task.
Any help would be appreciated.
Have you read this:!/guide/iOS_Module_Development_Guide
It's pretty straight forward.
If you have specific areas that you do not understand, please write them down and I'll try to help.
You can try this video about Demystifying Module DEvelopment, or if you want full video try this one about development.

JUCE ios audio processing

Could you point me to any examples where JUCE library has been used process Audio in iOS. Thanks in advance.
Look at the JUCE demo included with JUCE. This runs just fine on iOS. Just edit that code and register an AudioIODeviceCallback with your AudioDeviceManager object to do some custom audio processing.

Any available frameworks for SIP for iphone?

Im supposed to use SIP for my application. I went through some documentation regarding SIP like ietf-sip-documentation , siphon , linphone for iphone and ipod. But nowhere they have mentioned about any available frameworks or any such a thing for implementation part. There are lot of things that are yet unsettling to me about SIP. I would love to get a little more clarity on this. Any help would be appreciated.
EDIT: I would want to know whether there are any frameworks available for ios or should we create our own classes for the interface?
Doubango framework / also does a nice job here. C-based, so you would probably like to do your own Objective-C wrappers.
How about resiprocate or PJSIP? Both can be compiled for iOS. Do you also need RTP and media handling? If so, PJSIP has that built in as well.
