Constraints in ios - ios

I am learning constraints and spent whole day applying them to the following screen.It is not getting displayed properly in landscape mode.Basically i am not getting how to fix vertical space between ,say, label-Welcome to BBBB and textfield-username so that textfield always appears below the label yet the spacing between them is adjusted according to the screens of different size. If i go for Pin\Vertical space, it automatically fixes the constant value.

Remove the label (or just move it out of the way).
Fill the space that you want to resize with a view.
Constrain this view to the objects above and below and to the sides of the parent view.
Put your label into this view and constrain it to the top of this view and centred to it.
You may need to change the constraints on the objects above and below it to stop them from changing height in an unwanted manner.
This new view should now resize as the device changes orientation but the label should remain at the top of it.
Repeat on other areas of your layout (i.e put things that are not moving around as you want them into sub views and constrain these views to resize accordingly). Experiment with using variable heights, fixed heigh constraints and 'equal heights with' constraints on the views that you add to get them to resize as you need.
Edit: but you have a lot of vertically stacked items in that view - you may never get them all to fit into a horizontal orientation. You may need to remove a few, or add a scroll view or force that view only to layout in portrait mode or... Don't forget to check that it works on all devices you are targeting.

#Ali Beadle was right. Since i had a lot of vertically stacked items, lining them up in landscape mode was not possible. So, i went for scrollview.
I have taken a ScrollView first and then a UIView named ContentView on that ScrollView. I have made the width of ContentView equal to the width of parent UIView and kept its height fixed to 568. In my code i set
_contentViewHeight.constant = self.view.frame.size.height;
Now it scrolls in landscape mode while in potrait mode, it does'nt scroll.

I run into Autolayout problems all the time. But I finally figured out a way to overcome a lot of issues that arise from it.
I simply will use a container-View like ScrollView or even a plain old UIView, place all my controls in it. thats it. this makes things a lot easier for autolayout to figure out the constraints. in your case you could just use a UIView.
-start off by removing all the constraints you have I would start by selecting each control in the XIB and see if it has width/height constraint, select it then press the delete key then at the bottom of the project explorer you'll see all the constraints that auto layout has select each one then delete. that should get rid of any complaints that auto-layout might have.
-Place a UIView object inside your main View then
-move all the controls inside it. Then
-add the necessary constraints for the container view so it'll resize in different orientations and don't worry about any constraints inside the container view (auto layout will figure them out automatically).
that does the trick for me usually.


UISlider causing horizontal scrolling

I have a simple screen, with a slider and a label positioned next to each other horizontally. I have embedded these inside a UIScrollView (I set this to fill the screen and used 'Add missing constraints'), because I will need vertical scrolling later down the line. I don't however, want horizontal scrolling. I have seen numerous posts on here and other sources about people wanting to disable horizontal scrolling, however I'm not sure that's what I want to do, I think I need to restrict the UISlider from causing the horizontal scrolling; I think it is trying to take up more width than the screen. I have added what I think are the necessary horizontal constraints:
Leading space to container for the UISlider
Horizontal spacing to the UILabel, and
Trailing space to container for the UILabel
But this still causes horizontal scrolling, and the UISlider's are the cause, they are taking up more room than I want, as seen below:
I have tried disabling horizontal scrolling in the code using a few techniques, one being:
func scrollViewDidScroll(scrollView: UIScrollView) {
if scrollView.contentOffset.x>0 {
scrollView.contentOffset.x = 0
but this does not seem to stop the horizontal scrolling.
Can anyone offer any suggestions?
Thanks in advance.
My suggestion is to never use Add missing constraints. It never does what you really want.
Here's the problem. You are laying out your UI on a ViewController in the Storyboard that is square. Apple did this to remind you that you need to be flexible in your design, but it doesn't match the size of any device. When you Add missing constraints, it uses the absolute dimensions of that square to create the constraints which are certainly wrong.
In your specific case, it is giving the slider a width that is too wide, which is why the slider goes off the right side of your screen.
Here's the trick about scroll views. If the contents inside of a scroll view are wider than the scroll view itself, then that content will scroll. The same applies vertically: if the contents inside of a scroll view are taller than the scroll view, then the contents will scroll.
In order to design this to work on all phones, you need to make sure that the contents of the scroll view are laid out correctly for each phone size. Which certainly means you don't want to use specific widths for both the label and the slider because you'll end up with the wrong width for some device, if not all of them.
The best way to do this is to:
Drag out the scroll view and add it to your ViewController. Add constraints to make sure it is properly sized on all phones, such as attaching it on all sides to its superview with a fixed distance.
Drag out a new UIView and drop it on the scroll view. Drag its edges until it exactly matches the size of the scroll view. This will be your content view. Pin all four edges of this content view to the scroll view with offsets of 0.
Here's a tricky bit. Even though you've pinned the content view to the scroll view, its size of free to grow because that is what allows it to be bigger than the scroll view itself and allow there to be content to scroll over. To keep your scroll view from scrolling horizontally, you need to make sure the content view has the same width as the scroll view on all devices. To do that, find the scroll view and the content view in the Document Outline to the left of the Storyboard. Control-drag from the content view to the scroll view and select Equal Widths from the pop-up.
You still haven't told your content view how tall it should be. For now, give it an explicit height constraint of 1000. That will be enough to scroll.
Now, add your label and slider to the content view. In addition to constraining them to each other and to the edges of the content view, you will need to give your label a width constraint. Then Auto Layout will have all of the information it needs to compute the width of your slider. Auto Layout knows how wide the content view is (which will be different on different devices), it knows how wide your label is, and how far everything is from everything else, so it will just stretch the slider to fill in the rest.
If you do all of this, you will have a UI that is properly sized for all devices in all orientations that scrolls vertically.
Just embed all view in your UIScrollView in a UIView, give it the required constraints then the slider and label will stay.
That worked for me just now.
UIScrollView is special when you want use AutoLayout with it, subviews can not be added directly, it needs a container view to constraint the contentSize of UIScrollView, Auto Layout Guide:Working with Scroll Views explains the detail reason, and you can find many solutions to solve UIScrollView's auto layout on Google, Such as this answer.
To be honest, it's confused and complicated to understand UIScrollView's auto layout, but if you overcome this, others auto layout question is easy to resolve.

Simple scroll view constraints change?

I created a scroll view in Xcode that works awesome because of this video.
When I was messing around after I made it I found out that if I clicked on the scroll view and went to Show the Size Inspector or the fifth button on the right hand side of the screen I had the option to make a constraint called Top Space change in value that caused the scroll view to become bigger and smaller. I decided to see if I could find a way to change the constraint programmatically by simply using dot notation and the equaling it to an int value that I wanted.
So what I'm trying to figure out is there a simple way to change these constraints values programmatically that change the scroll view constraints values?
Without actually following that tutorial (and there being no code in your question) I'm going to make a few assumptions.
Yes, it is possible to change the scroll view's content size by manipulating constraints in your code. If you are creating the constraints in a xib or storyboard, you will need to make sure they are hooked up to IBOutlets so that you can access them in your code.
If you have 2 views arranged vertically that affect the vertical content size of your scroll view, increasing the space between these views would also increase the vertical size of your scrollview's content size. The following would increase the space between 2 views by 20 (assuming a multiplier of 1) and subsequently increase the scrollview's vertical space by the same amount.
// This is a vertical space constraint created in your xib or storyboard between 2 views that drive the content size of your scrollview
someVerticalSpaceConstraint.constant += 20;

Auto Layout Not So Auto

I have the most basic set up possible. See pic 1:
Believe it or not this is my first project using AutoLayout, I have created everything prior programatically. This basic set up is literally a UIWebView with 1 custom UIView positioned at the bottom. Previously I was using a tool bar that handled everything for me and had no issues with constraints whatsoever. However, the tool bar created discrepancies for event handling when adding a UILongPressGesture to the subview of the UIBarButtonItem so I decided to convert the tool bar to a UIView (Even inserting a UIView into a tool bar, it naturally converts to a button item) for easier handling. But run-time, the view gets pushed off screen by half of the UIView size (48px) See Pic 2. Then when I add buttons, it just gets worse:
I have reviewed the documents and the support HERE with no results. I've spent about 24 hours in total researching it and learned a lot, so my efforts aren't in vein. I KNOW by 'Adding Missing Constraints', the constraints are just recommendations based on the current set up, they aren't concrete in all cases, so I did try to create my own with control drag after reviewing the documents but my set up concluded with no different results, and exponentially more sloppy. So I decided to include the populated constraints by Xcode below :
UIWebView Constraints
Custom UIView (toolBar) Constraints
Any solid starting point recommendations? Does Intrinsic Size have anything to do with it?
EDIT : WORKING CONSTRAINTS I didn't realize you could simply omit a constraint. It seems the culprit was adding one to the top layout guide.
Just for answerer #Matt :
Constant 0 result : there are small gaps at edges
-16 for leading space/trailing space results as a true toolbar emulation in my case with no outstanding warnings or issues. Thanks
Let's talk about the view at the bottom of your interface and how you would use auto layout to position and size it the way a toolbar would be positioned and sized.
To use auto layout, you need to supply sufficient info to determine both position and size. This view is a subview of the view controller's main view. The main view will be resized depending on the screen, so we want to use auto layout to resize the subview ("toolbar") as well. This is what auto layout is for!
So constrain subview leading edge to the leading edge of the superview, and constrain subview trailing edge to the trailing edge of the superview, both with a constant of 0. Now the right and left edges match the superview!
That takes care of horizontal position and size.
Now let's talk about vertical position. The position should be the bottom. So constrain subview bottom edge to the bottom layout guide of the view controller, again with a constant of 0. Now the bottom of the view is at the bottom!
The only thing we don't know is the top of the subview. This, in our situation, is the same as knowing its height. So give the subview a height constraint, set its constant to a reasonable value like 40, and you're done.

ios - UIScrollview w/ autolayout on Xcode 6

I have been struggling for days with this implementation, and even though I have tried to do every tutorial I found on the web, I still cannot make things work the way I want.
Basically, I am trying to put my login form in a scrollview, so that it takes the whole screen at first (and on all iPhones / iPads), and if the keyboard appears everything should move. The problem IS, my view doesn't take the whole screen... Either it is too large, or too high, even though in Interface Builder everything seams correct (from layout to constraints). Below and image of the layout I want to achieve (I am using an universal storyboard, with Size Classes and Autolayout enabled):
Can someone point me out on achieving this layout ?
Thanks in advance.
I would suggest pinning top, leading and trailing spaces of your scroll view to its superview. And set a bottom space constraint less or equal to the keyboard's height if you set it to 0, the scroll view won't be able to resize.
With your form layout set vertical center constraints and top space to superview constraints for your top label being more or equal than the distance you set in the IB, and then you can set relative space constraints between each of the components.
Hope I answered your question.
Edit: Just the provided project and got it working. I think the problem is caused by it being a containerView inside a scrollView. And both the container and the scrollViews content view adapt to the size of its subviews. Because of that, setting relative constraints won't help.
What I did was to set an explicit size (screen's size) to the containerView and setting setTranslatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints(true) to it.
I modified your project and uploaded it here

Resizing a UITextView in UIScrollView using Auto Layout issue

I really hate to ask here because I usually try to figure things out on my own. But on this one I've stuck for days and can't find a solution anywhere online.
I have a ScrollView containing multiple subviews. I've got an image view and two labels at the top with fixed heights. Then there is a UITextView and another ImageView (see pictures).
I add the text to the text view programmatically so it should have a dynamic height and the ImageView should move to the bottom so you can scroll. I don't want the TextView to be scrollable in itself but I want all the subviews to move as well.
I know I should be able to solve this issue using constraints. But I feel like I've tried everything and nothing worked yet. It worked when I disabled auto layout and moved the views manually. I'm wondering if there is a better way though.
As you can see I pinned the TextView to the ImageView above with a 1,000 priority and to the ImageView below with a 1,000 priority. The height constraint can not be deleted so I set it to the lowest possible priority. The ImageView on the bottom is pinned to the bottom of the superview with an absolute height. Its height constraint also has low priority. (I can post an image of the ImageView's constraints, if it helps)
I also tried adapting the frame programmatically but this is not working well in combination with auto layout. (If it helps I can of course post the code)
What am I doing wrong? Shall I just disable auto layout and do it manually? This seems unclean to me. Is it even possible to do?
I really appreciate your help :)
Make sure the Scrolling Enabled attribute on the UITextView is unchecked in Interface Builder. I believe that the Auto Layout system takes that into account when it calculates the intrinsic content size.
If somebody is struggling with a similar problem: This is what I ended up doing:
Remove all subviews from the ScrollView in IB
Programmatically add a single UIView to the ScrollView.
Add all the views to the UIView as subviews (move them using setFrame)
Set the Frame of the UIView appropriately to the subviews
Set the ScrollView's contentSize to the size of the UIView.
A little more work but it finally works. This follows Apple's mixed approach guidelines that can be seen here (look for UIScrollView):
The problem is the height setting. You somehow have to try to delete it. If you have added other constraints that are "sufficient", it should become deletable.
At the moment you have one user constraint for the height that is "Greater or equal" and an "Equals" constraint as well. Clearly, those are not working well together.
Maybe there is a conceptual error as well. The lower image view should not be fixed in position, so the distance to the lower image view will not be a "sufficient" constraint to let you delete the fixed height.
I think it should work if
the lower image view has a fixed height and
a fixed distance to the text view above, and
the text view has a minimum height as well as
a fixed distance to the image view above
(which should be fixed in relation to the superview).
