I have a piece of code like:
class Foo < ActiveRecord::Base
#Some Code
has_many :bars, finder_sql: proc{ "Valid SQL" }
#Some more code
Now when I call foo.bar (where foo is an instance of Foo), how can I paginate the results, as bar is being fetched from the finder_sql? Is there any quick and easy way of doing it?
Give kaminari a try. It is a gem that helps with pagination and works really well. Not sure if it works with find_sql and associations, but it's worth a try. I know it works with scopes.
I'd like to create a gem that modifies ActiveRecord::Base select methods. For instance, when I include my gem and type:
it should return an array ordered by id as normally but in descending order instead of ascending. I have no clue how it should look. I would not like to create additional methods like:
Somemodel.where(name: "John").revert_it
but simply do:
Somemodel.where(name: "John")
I was wondering about modifying ActiveRecord::Base methods, but it does not make any sense. IMO the best way is to callback after every ActiveRecord::Base method that will do it.
You can use the ActiveRecord method default_scope to achieve this:
class MyModel < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope { order("id DESC") }
# => SELECT * FROM my_models ORDER BY id DESC
It's not advisable to modify any core ActiveRecord methods (unless you have a really good reason), because that will make lot of confusion in future.
Even if you are thinking of modifying the select , you have make sure that you always return an ActiveRecord relation , so that it can be chained with as the standard way,
For your example, AR already has a method
I got fully valid answer:
def self.included(base)
base.class_eval do
default_scope { order(id: 'desc') }
Above method should be inside some module and then module included within some model class
I'm trying to get associations in FactoryGirl to work, and they just ... don't. I've basically got this:
class Foo
include Mongoid::Document
belongs_to :bar
class Bar
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :foos
FactoryGirl.define do
factory :foo, class => Foo do
factory :bar, class => Bar do
At least so the docs lead me to believe... But then in my test, I have
a_foo=FactoryGirl.create :foo
a_foo.bar # Hooray! It's an associated object
Foo.where( _id: a_foo._id ).includes( :bar ).first.bar # This is nil!
Why is the associated value nil on the last line? I need it not to be, because the actual code being tested does this same thing, and it has a right to expect it to work... What am I missing about why this doesn't work right? Something to do with eager loading, perhaps?
Your code actually works for me with FactoryGirl 4.2.0, Mongoid 3.0.9. But I've run into similar issues when I've been running mongoid with the identitymap disabled (which is default behavior). Without the identitymap, you can have two different ruby objects representing the same document in the database, getting out of sync with each other. So, if you have autosave off, for example, this could cause the problem you're seeing.
Try pasting your simplified code into the rails console yourself -- if it works, then you probably changed something significant in pairing down your real code. (Sorry to point out the obvious, but the fact that you have a syntax error in your factory code makes me think you didn't actually test your sample code.)
Using Mongoid 2.4.5 on Rails 3.2.1
I have a Model Book that has_many :pages.
class Book
include Mongoid::Document
has_many :pages
class Page
include Mongoid::Document
field :page_number
belongs_to :book
validates_uniqueness_of :page_number, scope: :book
I'm using nested resources so that I can get urls like /books/4f450e7a84b93e2b44000001/pages/4f4bba1384b93ea750000003/
What I would like to be able to do is use a url like /books/4f450e7a84b93e2b44000001/pages/3/ to get the third page in that book.
Now the crux of the question:
I want to find the page via a call like Book.find('4f450e7a84b93e2b44000001').pages.find('3') or like Book.find('4f450e7a84b93e2b44000001').pages.find('4f4bba1384b93ea750000003')
I know that I can override the find method in Page with something like
class << self
def find(*args)
where(:page_number => args.first).first || super(args)
But that doesn't seem to have any effect on the scoped query book.pages.find('3') as it seems the scoped search uses a different find method.
How do I specifically override the find method used by book.pages.find('3')?
Why just do a where criteria on your pages ?
Book.find('4f450e7a84b93e2b44000001').pages.where( :page_number => '3')
You can do a scope to in your Pages
class Page
scope :page_number, lambda{|num| where(:page_number => num) }
and use it like :
Define a to_param method on your Page model that returns the page number. This way all Rails URL helpers use that when building URLs (automatically). Then you can just use something like
#book.pages.where(:page_number => params[:page_id]) # page_id is actually the result of page#to_param
Btw. I don't know how large your books are, but it might make more sense to embed your Pages in the Book from a document-oriented database point of view. The whole relationship business is not native to MongoDB.
I believe this is a bug in Rails 3. I am hoping someone here can steer me in the correct direction. The code posted below, is purely for illustration of this problem. Hopefully this does not confuse the issue.
Given I have a Post model, and a Comment model. Post has_many Comments, and Comment belongs_to Post.
With a default_scope set on the Post model, defining joins() and where() relations. In this case where() is dependent on joins().
Normally Posts wouldn't be dependent on Comments. Again, I just want to give a simple example. This could be any case when where() is dependent on joins().
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy
default_scope joins(:comments).where("comments.id < 999")
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :post, :counter_cache => true
Running the following command:
Post.update_all(:title => Time.now)
Produces the following query, and ultimately throws ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid:
UPDATE `posts` SET `title` = '2010-10-15 15:59:27' WHERE (comments.id < 999)
Again, update_all, delete_all, destroy_all behave the same way. I discovered this behaviour when my application complained when trying to update the counter_cache. Which eventually drills down into update_all.
I had this problem also, but we really needed to be able to use update_all with complex conditions in the default_scope (for example, without the default scope eager-loading is impossible, and pasting a named scope literally everywhere is no fun at all). I have opened a pull request here with my fix:
For delete_all I've raised an error if there's a join condition to make it more obvious what you have to do (instead of just tossing the join condition and running the delete_all on everything, you get an error).
Not sure what the rails guys are going to do with my pull request, but thought it was relevant to this discussion. (Also, if you need this bug fixed, you could try out my branch and post a comment on the pull request.)
I ran into this as well.
If you have
class Topic < ActiveRecord::Base
default_scope :conditions => "forums.preferences > 1", :include => [:forum]
and you do a
it’ll fail with
Mysql::Error: Unknown column 'forums.preferences' in 'where clause'
The work around for this is:
Topic.send(:with_exclusive_scope) { Topic.update_all(...) }
You can monkey patch this using this code (and requiring it in environment.rb or else where)
module ActiveRecordMixins
class ActiveRecord::Base
def self.update_all!(*args)
self.send(:with_exclusive_scope) { self.update_all(*args) }
def self.delete_all!(*args)
self.send(:with_exclusive_scope) { self.delete_all(*args) }
Then just you update_all! or delete_all! when it has a default scope.
You can also do this on the class level, without creating new methods, like so:
def self.update_all(*args)
self.send(:with_exclusive_scope) { super(*args) }
def self.delete_all(*args)
self.send(:with_exclusive_scope) { super(*args) }
I don't think I'd call it a bug. The behavior seems logical enough to me, although not immediately obvious. But I worked out a SQL solution that seems to be working well. Using your example, it would be:
class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments, :dependent => :destroy
default_scope do
with_scope :find => {:readonly => false} do
joins("INNER JOIN comments ON comments.post_id = posts.id AND comments.id < 999")
In reality I'm using reflection to make it more robust, but the above gets the idea cross. Moving the WHERE logic into the JOIN ensures that it won't be applied in inappropriate places. The :readonly option is to counteract Rails's default behavior of making joins'd objects readonly.
Also, I know that some people deride the use of default_scope. But for multi-tenant apps, it's a perfect fit.
Appears to be a precedence error and nothing to do with the question I originally asked. See discussion below.
Original question
Is it possible to use active record associations in callbacks? I've tested this code in the console and it works fine as long as it isn't in a callback. I'm trying to create callbacks that pull attributes from other associated models and I keep getting errors of nil.attribute.
If callbacks are not the correct approach to take, how would one do a similar action in rails? If the associations are simple, you could use create_association(attributes => ), but as associations get more complex this starts to get messy.
For example...
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :b
before_validation_on_create {|user| user.create_b} #note, other logic prevents creating multiple b
class B < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :users, :dependent => destroy
after_create{ |b| b.create_c }
has_one :c
class C < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :b
after_create :create_alert_email
def create_alert_email
self.alert_email = User.find_by_b_id(self.b_id).email #error, looks for nil.email
Off course associations are available in your callbacks. After all, the create_after_email is simply a method. You can even call it alone, without using a callback. ActiveRecord doesn't apply any special flag to callback methods to prevent them from working as any other method.
Also notice you are running a User#find query directly without taking advantage of any association method. An other reason why ActiveRecord association feature should not be the guilty in this case.
The reason why you are getting the error should probably searched somewhere else.
Be sure self.b_id is set and references a valid record. Perhaps it is nil or actually there's no User record with that value. In fact, you don't test whether the query returns a record or nil: you are assuming a record with that value always exists. Are you sure this assumption is always statisfied?