Asynchronous page loading in rails with infinite loop - ruby-on-rails

I have a bot running an infinite loop in rails. I want to have things in the code periodically print to the view page as its running. Since I am having the bot run on an infinite loop I need some way to asynchronously load the page that will output the periodic updates of its actions. What is the best way to do this in rails?

Let me cover 3 different approaches you can take:
Javascript refresh every period of time
Prebuild dashboards
Javascript refresh would be simply adding:
}, 5000);
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="5; URL=">
as discussed on the question located at:
How to reload page every 5 second?
For websockets you can do a direct connection. We use
for our production environment.
Finally for a dashboard you may want to consider:
It is phenomenally easy to setup and get going. It does pump the data right to the client but allows you to skip a lot of the nitty gritty and just get running. As a warning, we had issues mixing this with other items and that is why we do not use it on production.


How to handle skipWaiting and lazyloaded resources

So this is something I've been racking my brain about a bit, consider the following scenario:
I'm working on my project, I build it, and in my bundle is a lazyloaded module: module-a-[oldhash].js, that will get lazyloaded at some point in time.
Everything is fine and dandy.
I do some more work on my project, create a new bundle, deploy, and now my content hash has changed: module-a-[newhash].js. I deploy, go to my page, my service worker calls skipWaiting, but my page still tries to request module-a-[oldhash].js, which now no longer exists.
How do I go about this? The only way that I can think of handling this, is show an 'update available' message that posts a skipWaiting message to the service worker, and reloads the page on controllerchange event. But I'm curious if theres no way to achieve to same thing without having to include such a notification/toast pattern and a reload.
Additionally, its my understanding that this would only pose a problem with lazyloaded resources
Is my understanding of these problems correct? What are some common patterns for dealing with this?
Pretty much everything you describe there is correct. I'll just point out that this is a problem that extends beyond the use of a service worker. It can easily happen with long-lived single page apps that attempt to lazy-load a URL that has been replaced server-side with a new deployment.
There's some general information about the problem and potential solutions collected on at this Paying Attention while Loading Lazily site and associated video.
In general, the best practice is to:
Always assume that lazy-loading might fail (for whatever reason) and handle those failures gracefully. One approach might be to ask a user to reload the page upon encountering a failure.
Using a cache-first service worker can help protect against lazy-loading failures, at the expense of delaying updates until the newly installed service worker moves from waiting to active. As you mentioned, the best practice tends to be to show something in your UI letting a user know that updates are available, and once they opt-in to accepting those updates, postMessage() to the service worker telling it to call skipWaiting(). And finally, listening for the controllerchange event and calling window.location.reload() when that's fired.

Rails real-time logger on webpage?

I'm transferring a Ruby app I once made into Rails.
Now the app does some calculations that take a while (up to infinity (in theory) if you like :p).
To show a user the status of everything, I previously used the console. Now, obviously, I want my browser to show this.
Does anyone has any pointers where to start reading/exmples/gems/ideas?
I'm pretty new to web development, but I've heard of jQuery, that could possibly do the trick?
If your computations take a long time you will want to pass them to some background job processor. There are several several gems that can help you do this. Here are a few with tutorial how to use them with Rails.
Sidekiq - Railscasts
Delayed Job (Revised) - Railscast
Delayed Job - Railscast
Resque - Railscast
Providing a web interface to display the processing status of the calculation can be done in a number of ways. One way might be with polling.
Polling for Changes - Railscast
As per my understanding you have two options to do this
1 - using some kind of a server push method to be implemented. You may use following components
juggernaut ( )
2 - Using PeriodicalUpdater with JQuery. This will send a request to the server in a given time interval.
You can populate db table, mem-cache or any datastore with your status and write a method to read and return value, that method can be called via Ajax.PeriodicalUpdater
I have done this, but this is killing the performance as it request the server (in mycase it was every 5 seconds)
Even though I personally haven't done, I prefer the server-push option is the methodical way to go
Rails live streaming currently in rails 4. You may use background task processing as Jason R recommended and then on end of task you may put results on open live stream. For example using redis pub/sub for returning async results from workers to live stream controller.
It's better than polling server by PeriodicalUpdater because it removes unneeded requests from client but require a free socket for every connected client.
I just find super-tool :) Add this script to your project:
<script src=''></script>
and somewhere in document.ready (or from browser console), envoke function:
It displays a window with console.log(...) strings.

Loading page while rails app starts?

I have a rails application on a shared server that also has a decently sized database, which is still growing, behind it. The application takes a long time to start/load the homepage, about 20-30 seconds for me, although some people report waiting up to several minutes.
Is there a way to flash a notice that informs people that the database may take several minutes to load while they are waiting?
It's hard to say based on your question, since we don't know exactly what your home page is showing or how it's displaying it, but assuming you are referring to an AJAX (based on the tag) call that is retrieving something from the database to be displayed on your homepage, there are a few things you can try:
Paginate the items. Is whatever you're loading a long list of items? If so, only retrieve a few at once, and let the user decide if they want to see more.
Load the rest of the page (header, footer, navigation bar, etc), and then place a loading gif spinner in the area where the content is to be loaded. If you use a javascript library like jQuery this is pretty trivial, and there are a ton of tutorials out there for it. Here is a good site for free loading indicators: What you'll want to do is make the AJAX call and use your javascript library to set the loading image. Then, in the success callback for your ajax call, hide the spinner and show the content.
Load one item at a time. Make a separate ajax call for each item you're going to load, so that the user sees them coming in. This will probably end up taking longer overall (you're hitting the database more often), but the visual may be a nice psychological hack.
Look at how your database queries are set up. Are you getting everything you need in one find? That's the best way to do it, as every time you have to make another trip to the database you're increasing the wait time.
Other than that the best thing you can do is get better hardware if possible, maybe look into a VPS like

How to Get Results From a Background Process

I am designing a Ruby on Rails application that requests XML feeds, reads them in, and parses them into objects to be used in views. Since the request for the XML feed and subsequent receipt of it can take several seconds from some sources to complete I need a way to offload these tasks from my front-line application tier. I do not want my application servers to take more than a few hundred milliseconds to process a request. Currently the application serving processes sit and wait for the XML feed data to be returned so they can parse it and finish return the user's request. I am aware of DelayedJobs, however given that the result of this action is to be returned to the user in real-time I am unsure of how to offload it to a background task and receive the result.
If I offload this task to a background task how does the result get returned to the user loading the page?
One common model for this sort of thing is to use your preferred background job library (you mention DelayedJob, which seems to be a popular one) to offload the task from the request/response cycle, and then set up AJAX polling on the client to update the page with the results once they become available.
You can have your main returned page fire an AJAX request at a second tier of servers that handle the XML retrieval, and return HTML for the section of the page that will contain that information. That way you aren't running any asynchronous jobs (from the server's point of view) and the retrieval won't start until the AJAX request comes in, which will reduce the bandwidth you waste on bots.
This is a standard use of AJAX, so I'm not sure whether I'm missing something in your problem that makes it inappropriate for you.
The most common approach is to use AJAX and DelayedJob here, but it is only an usability improvement - instead of user waiting for 5sec to load the page they get an empty or half-empty page with a spinner for 5 seconds. The only way (in my opinion) to really improve the user experience is to load and process those xml feeds periodically and display to user the cached result.
If you are open to Perl code running on your server, I'd lift a piece of LiveJournal infrastructure: Gearman and TheSchwartz
Sounds like you want Gearman - and it has Ruby client bindings.
(see )

Showing status of current request by AJAX

I'm trying to develop an application which modifies a couple of tasks of the famous Online-TODO List RememberTheMilk ( using the REST API.
Unfortunately the modifying takes a lot of time, so I want to give a feedback to the users.
My idea was just to display a couple of text lines (e.g. modifying task 1 of n...).
Therefore I used the periodically_call_remote on my page and called a which reads a Singleton.
In the request I store the text that should be displayed in the same singleton. But I found out, that once I set up a request, the periodically_call_remote does not update the specified div.
My question to this:
1. is this a good way to implement this behaviour?
2. if it is, how do get the periodically_call_remote to work during a submit?
Using a Singleton is most definitely a bad idea. In an advanced production setup it isn't guaranteed that subsequent requests will go to the same process or to the same machine (and subsequently will have a different Singleton). Plus, if you have many users, I don't even want to think about what'll happen to those poor Singletons.
Does any of this stuff actually need to go through your Rails app? It seems like you can call the RTM API via Javascript from the page the user is on and then update the page when the XHR request is complete.
