UINavigationBar Weird Standard Height [duplicate] - ios

This question already has answers here:
How to enable native resolution for apps on iPhone 6 and 6 Plus?
(8 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am confused when I see my app's UINavigationBar's height. It seems to be taller than other apps and the size of it's Status Bar font is bigger than other apps
Please take a look at the screenshots below. I did not do anything to my app's NavigationBar.
What could possibly caused this?
Thank you!!!!

I'm guessing those screen shots are on an iPhone 6. So evidently your app is not iPhone 6 native. Therefore it is portrayed as an iPhone 5 app, zoomed - hence larger.
This is a pity because you are not getting all the pixels you are entitled to (and also I believe it won't get past the gatekeepers at the App Store).

It's kind of a long-shot But conform to the UINavigationBarDelegate and try implementing this method
- (UIBarPosition)positionForBar:(id<UIBarPositioning>)bar {
return UIBarPositionTopAttached;
The greater likelihood is that it is scaling to fit a 6 / 6+ in which case you need to add the proper launch image assets.


iOS keyboard appears too large. Is this an issue with launch images? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
The keyboard in my iOS app is too tall on the iPhone 6. How can I adjust the resolution of the keyboard in XCode?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
In our iOS apps, I have seen that if we leave out certain launch images sizes, that the screen appears as if it is scaled up from a lower resolution device.
When this happens, the devices also display a taller keyboard with chunkier looking text.
When built in on my iPhone 6s+, from Xcode 7.x the keyboard in our app is 1 & 7/8ths" of an inch tall.
Looking at Skype, Slack, Waze, Messages, on the same device the keyboard is 1 & 3/8ths" tall.
I'm using whatever the standard keyboard is when our app's text fields are tapped on.
I have seen that this can be caused by missing launch images at the target device's size, but I'm not sold that this is the only cause. Does anyone have any insight why an app would appear at a lower resolution than what is native to the device?
Is there a known issue related to launchImages or some other factor that might be causing this?
In some of my testing, at one point I got the app to launch as expected at the correct size after switching full size retina launch images. This may have been fixed by building under Xcode 8.x, but I'm not sure and we can't do that yet because of other limitations.
Thanks much.
It's related to Launch Images in assets because when iPhone 5 came out first, XCode had this functionality to add certain launch image sizes to zoom in the UI of smaller screens and make it compatible to iPhone 5's screen. This was called Branding when I worked on it to make app compatible to bigger screen in a short time.
But it isn't the preferred way and you should avoid using Launch Images, use Launch.xib instead to create your Launch Screen. You can also use Launch.storyboard, whatever you prefer. It won't zoom in the Keyboard or other UI aspects then.
Hope it helps!

App is not coming in full frame on iPhone 5C [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Black bars on launch screen on iPhone5 (and iPhone6)
(2 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I am working on an Universal application. I am implementing the frame of content with coding & XIB. Its running successfully in all device but iPhone 5C its not coming with full Frame. Its coming like as iPhone 4, 4S screen. I share the screenshot Please anybody can find out whats my problem ?
Top bar and buttom bar is coming Black color. Its not fitted with Screen. Please suggest me.
Add splash screen for 4" iPhone devices.

iOS 8 size classes for iPad landscape [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Sizing class for iPad portrait and Landscape Modes
(7 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
It seems all the current iOS devices maps to the new iOS 8 size classes nicely except iPad landscape? I seem not able to figure out how to use the size class feature to draw a different scene for iPad landscape (different from iPad portrait)?
Is that intended by design in Apple's mind or am I miss something about the iOS size classes?
It appears to be Apple's intent to treat both iPad orientations as the same -- but as a number of us are finding, there are very legitimate design reasons to want to vary the UI layout for iPad Portrait vs. iPad Landscape.
However, I believe I have an answer for adapting size classes to do just what you need.
Please see: https://stackoverflow.com/a/28268200/4517929
It seems to be by design (which I think we can all agree is lame). You'll probably have to resort to doing things in code for iPad landscape layout by checking something like

I want to change iPad resources to iPhone [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How to resize the image programmatically in objective-c in iphone
(10 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I created an app of target to iPad and now i want to make an universal app and the time for adjusting my iPad app to iPhone would decrease significantly.
I have set of images (more than 200 images) on iPad dimensions and i want to convert that to iPhone dimension with clarity using objective c (Programmically). I won't need to change iPhone dimension manually, add to Xcode. Because size will increase. if there is an answer for this question.
Kindly look at this other post in stackOverflow
If you want a pixel wise re-sampling refer here and here
hope that helps.

how do I update my old apps to iPhone 5? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 10 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
How to develop or migrate apps for iPhone 5 screen resolution?
My apps use standard Apple controls. Some of them are really simple (UITableView nested in a UIView) and others are UITextView inside a UIScrollView inside a UIView
When I run the apps on my new iPhone 5, they are letterboxed. How do i update them to take advantage of the new iPhone 5 real estate?
First of all to remove the letter boxing, you let xcode know it should work on the iPhone 5 by adding an iPhone5 sized startup image which will be named Default-568h#2x.png
Straight away, your app will work without the letter box.
Then you need to move onto formatting your views to fit. From experience, every UITableView i've had has automatically resized to be longer, but most other views needed some tweaking of the Struts and Springs.
