Scraping data and showing it in an ios app - ios

I'm creating a app where i'm scraping news and then showing them it an app. However i've experience some issues with news containing tables or other complex structure which is not possible to show in a ios application. There for i'm starting to think that it might be better just to create the news in html5 and then show them in a UIWebView. However how viable is this? or is there any better solutions for such?

Create the news in html5 and then show them in a WebView: is good way .. but you have to strong in html & javascript to handle scroll & contain display issue/ ready to compromise with image quality / know to handle java script call in native / can able to work on safari->develop-> debug .
Easy way : If you try in iOS you will find solution for complex structure display .


How iOS Google Now can show different card template

I wanted to know the technology decision behind the iOS Google app.
As we can see, in the app's Google Now feature it renders many different card templates for different scenarios, and those templates seems to be very flexible based on server inputs.
I was wondering if this is implemented all based on HTML5? or they just have many templates built in and render them locally? I'd vote for the HTML5 route but not sure if this still involved some native code to make it more responsive?
As we (well, most of the community) are not Google employees we can't tell you what they really did, but I'd say that it is possible to do this dynamically in the app.
We did develop something similar that responds to definitions sent by the server and transforms them to custom designed forms following basic rules.
Google reuses the design of those cards for different plattforms, the easiest solution should be showing some WebView and using HTML5.
I agree with Kevin, as this answer is entirely based on personal opinion, too.
The way I would go is to create a card class which will load some JSON data and format it with HTML and CSS. Looking at each card it would be hell to format things that way natively. I mean, attributed strings is not the way to go. Too much logic for deciding which card get a bigger text or a picture.
Additionally, the top header is most likely "localized" as well, so you get the location and load a localized image. But that is Google by nature.

How to edit PDF Forms in iOS application?

i have a lots of PDFs forms and i want to put them on iPad and fill them up, then send it by mail. how can i edit this pdf forms in an app? i am very new with xCode and i could use lots of suggestions ...
How can I edit PDF files in an iOS application?
i found this question durring my search and the idea presented here,
"A better idea in my opinion is to create a native UI showing the data contained in the PDF file using the standard Cocoa-Touch UIKit, and create the PDF once the user is done with it so that the user can export it back. That way, you don't have to write a complicated PDF handling code." .. sounds very good just that i dont know how to start ...
Basically, what it's saying is create a nib/screen/front end to the PDF that would allow the user to record what data they want in there, then after that run a separate piece of code to write that data into the PDF!
Some links to help you out:
Quartz-2D Programming Guide (QuartzCore Framework):
A tutorial (Although aimed at iOS5)
I will say, I can find information on GENERATING PDF files a lot easier/more reliably than editing them... Are the templates you have difficult? It may be worth re-creating them programatically when the data is inputted!

Alternative to UIWebView for showing formatted posts

Well I found many discussions in google that UIWebView is bad. I'm trying to create a ios app that will show forum (bulletin board) topic/posts. Safari is slow showing them so i was planing to use ATOM feed to show the topics in a native ios app. Now the thing is, in ATOM feed, the posts are in html. showing them in a webview is same as browsing the site with mobile safari(even worst bcz of absence of nitro engine). So i think i should convert/parse the html and then show them using core text.
Will that be fast ? and should i convert/parse the html inside the app or use server side parsing ? if i parse inside the app, will that be laggy ?
Is there any library available that renders html using core text ? my html will be fairly simple, just bold italic underline and sometimes image. (font size is same all the time)
Have a look at Coconetics' DTCoreText. I have not used it personally but I thing it does exactly what you are looking for.

Is it possible to load interactive elements into an iOS app?

Does anyone have any ideas how I could package an external interactive slide that could be dynamically loaded by an iOS app? Is it at all possible?
e.g. Imagine having a presentation app on an iPad. There is a set of interactive slides held on the web somewhere, let's say they contain draggable elements.
Can I load one of these slide objects into the app and interact with it? If so, what format would the slide object be?
Technically it's possible to dynamically load bundles (NSBundle) components in an app. These bundles could even contain executable code, though AppStore guidelines prohibit use of dynamically loaded NSBundles in this way for security reasons.
Additionally you could just use a UIWebView to display some 'slides' on a webpage, though it will be very hard to make the app behave as if it's the same as the native slides - perhaps even impossible (due to how rendering of webpages work compared to native controls, for example).
Ok so lets say you have these "external interactive slides" on a web server somehow. Since you are not saying they are of a certain type (like powerpoint or such) I will just assume that these slides are of some rare format that is probably not supported by any existing apps or the Safari browser.
Then the answer to your question would be: Write your own iOS-app that can read, present and edit these slides. What format are they? Well it doesn't matter. Write an app that can download the slide data from the data and parse it, and present it on the phone.
Then let the user interact with it, and perhaps make the app upload the changes to the server.
You can do anything you like in your app, there are no limits. You just have to write the code for it. If there was some kind of standardised format, lets say you wanted your app to show powerpoint presentations, then you would have 3 choices. Use someone elseĀ“s app, or write your own app with a parser for the powerpoint files or make your own app that use some code that someone else wrote to do it (a third part library that you include in your app)
In your specific case, I can not tell if there are any third part librarys to interact with your slides, but my guess is that you will need to do most of it on your own. You could start with looking at how the web services that interact with the slides online works, and if you can interact with them from an iOS-app that you make yourself.
There is nothing stopping you from creating an app, read the slide data into the app, present it in any way you like, let the user change it, save it in your app, or upload the changes to a server. It's all up to you =)
Good luck!

What's a good way to "standardize" the format of web content for importing into an app?

I'm working on a project where one of the requirements is to import articles from a website. The problem is that different websites have different formats. I could theoretically write some code that strips out extra content from known websites, but this is hardly maintainable. It sounds like there should be something already out there that can "RSS-ify" pages for me into some format, so that I can easily import content.
Is there such a service that I can just "plug" any website into? Also, what are my options here in regards to importing web content into an app, aside from this? How would you handle it?
Edit: Two things that come to mind are FeedBurner and Apple's Safari browser, which adds an "RSS" button. (Safari Mobile actually does one better and renders a neat read view in iOS 5.) Are they relevant to this question in any way?
It seems that there is none. The best I can do is work with content providers to offer RSS feeds and such.
