Alternative to UIWebView for showing formatted posts - ios

Well I found many discussions in google that UIWebView is bad. I'm trying to create a ios app that will show forum (bulletin board) topic/posts. Safari is slow showing them so i was planing to use ATOM feed to show the topics in a native ios app. Now the thing is, in ATOM feed, the posts are in html. showing them in a webview is same as browsing the site with mobile safari(even worst bcz of absence of nitro engine). So i think i should convert/parse the html and then show them using core text.
Will that be fast ? and should i convert/parse the html inside the app or use server side parsing ? if i parse inside the app, will that be laggy ?
Is there any library available that renders html using core text ? my html will be fairly simple, just bold italic underline and sometimes image. (font size is same all the time)

Have a look at Coconetics' DTCoreText. I have not used it personally but I thing it does exactly what you are looking for.


Does ePub restrict HTML to only some subset?

I was thinking about creating an ePub reader. All the ePub files I have seen so far seemed very simple: just text paragraphs with some big font for the title, and some rectangular illustration images. So, I thought ePub provides only simple ways to describe the text content.
But it seems that an ePub file contains lots HTML and CSS. I opened a sample ePub and it contained text in <p> with the class attribute. Does it mean that it can basically be like a website archive? The author can use any advanced formatting/layout feature that are used when creating an HTML website? If so, I would have to implement a whole web browser to create an ePub reader.
Or, is the HTML allowed in ePub are somehow restricted to only certain HTML tags and attributes, like the HTML that is allowed when writing on an online forum.
PS: I did some research on my own after posting this, and my conclusion is that it is the former. I have tried some famous ePub apps on the Android market, and they all seem to be weird in terms of GUI (meaning, probably non-native),and whilst there does not seem to be a definitive way to know whether an app is native or a web-app, one trick was enabling the layout boundary, and those apps do not have boundaries inside the ePub view itself, meaningly it probably is a web-view.
I searched GitHub for ePub viewers, and they all seem to be using JavaScript or a web-view, including this Android ePub viewer.
So, probably those ePub apps are just parsing the meta data files in the ePub format, and for the rendering of the book itself, they are just delegating that to the web-view and using some sort of JavaScript framework to add a UI on the web-view.
If someone knows better, please correct me.
My understanding of previous ePub specs is that it is a web archive of sorts. A compressed archive consisting of metadata, fonts, images, and content.
It used to be that this content was only in a specially-flavored XHTML format, but it looks like they've also added SVG content documents. I've admittedly lost track of the ePub spec changes (I didn't realize they had merged efforts with the W3C), but hopefully the spec links above can give an idea of what's different between a standard html5 web page and what epub expects.
EDIT: I should also mention that a lot of the readers I worked with back in the day had the bad habit of stripping out formatting and just presenting text (not even text with embedded fonts -- a big no-no for non-English texts). Not sure if this was the reader software being "robust" and acting against ePub formatting that would break their app, or something else.

Scraping data and showing it in an ios app

I'm creating a app where i'm scraping news and then showing them it an app. However i've experience some issues with news containing tables or other complex structure which is not possible to show in a ios application. There for i'm starting to think that it might be better just to create the news in html5 and then show them in a UIWebView. However how viable is this? or is there any better solutions for such?
Create the news in html5 and then show them in a WebView: is good way .. but you have to strong in html & javascript to handle scroll & contain display issue/ ready to compromise with image quality / know to handle java script call in native / can able to work on safari->develop-> debug .
Easy way : If you try in iOS you will find solution for complex structure display .

How to implement an interactive PDF in iOS

Here im hitting my head againt the wall.
My client provided a pdf with buttons(just like buttons,when user tap on button,it will load next page and previous page etc.).
This buttons will work only when we open it in adobe reader.
I tried the QLpreviewview,quickview but it is not working,all what i can do is just to load the pdf in the webview.
Can anyone please help me in how to load an interactive pdf in iOS.
Thanks in advance.
Have a look at PSPDFKit, it is the most advanced framework I've found for PDFs in iOS. They have an impressive list of customers as well.
It is a bit pricy though, but you have the option to get the Source Code too if you need to modify anything. Could be worth it if your client need that kind of performance and other features as well.
(I am not in any way affiliated with PSPDFKit)
The limitations are due to the capabilities (or non-capabilities) of the PDF viewer used.
Currently the leading PDF viewer on iDevices is PDFExpert by Readdle. Adobe Reader for iDevices is weaker, but can deal to some extent with form elements.
For page navigation etc. you might use links instead of button fields (as far as you can live with the capabilities of links, and not use JavaScript). Links are said to be handled properly with many PDF viewers.
You may have to require certain PDF viewers on instructional level, because you don't have control over the viewer used by the actual user. And, as you noticed, many PDF viewers are simply too dumb do deal with active elements.
Another approach would be looking at PDF-to-HTML5 converters, and serve HTML5 from a server.

How to make inline LabelFields

I'm working in a Blackberry app (OS 5.0) and need to show recent tweets of the user.
I'm able to get the data from Twitter's end. Now after parsing the entities (hashtags, urls, user-mentions etc), I need to display them with separate formatting (color, bold etc). So I'm using different LabelFields for different parts of the tweet.
But LabelFields are by default block elements. How do I put those LabelFields inline, so that it looks like how it is shown in Twitter?
like this:
Others have suggested RichTextField but you'd have to write your own text filter to colour the syntax - it's going to be a lot of effort. If having the clickable links inline is a must then personally I'd use a BrowserField but that would mean your logic would have to output a full screens worth of tweets into html (screens don't like having more than one browserfield - it's doable with more than one but there's some hacks) and manage the click events - more complications.
Alternatively you could do something like this: You wouldn't have clickable regions within the text body but it'd still be using native fields instead of 'cheating' with markup, probably the best way.
I've found that there's a component in Blackberry SDK called ActiveRichTextField which automatically scans its contents and parses links making them focusable and clickable. Furthur it'll also parse entities if Twitter app is installed in that device. For now it solves my problem. Thanks guys.

Stop part of page being index by search engines?

How can I stop search engines indexing part of my page? Is there an HTML5 element for this?
Its just a line of text that I want to hide (a co-worker doesnt want their name on google for some reason). Im thinking that I could inject the text with javascript, but I have heard google does sometimes look inside javascript files.
I also thought of using images instead of text, but im concerned how this will look cross device and platform. Ive noted text rendering can differ on mac and pc and thats before ive had to think about mobile devices, retina displays, etc.
You can't hide content unless you use the methods you've already outlined above. Your best bet is to use JavaScript in an external file and then block that file using robots.txt.
