When will v3 comment updates be included in the client libraries? - youtube-api

Comments for the v3 api was just released. We're using the .net client library and as far as I can tell the new comments changes are not included in the latest dlls. Does anyone know when the changes will be included in the libraries?
I'm just trying to figure out if it's worth creating my own wrapper or not. Thanks!

I just uploaded the new v3 version to NuGet.
I run the NuGet publisher once a week to update all Google.Apis packages. I already ran it this week, but with your request I just ran it again.


Java OData client using SAP Cloud SDK problems

I am having troubles with updating my OData Client.
I would refer to How to call bound functions / actions inside Java client using SAP Cloud SDK? where people from SAP helped me alot, thanks!
Issue is, I wanted to update dependency to last version of SAP Cloud SDK because of new functionality that supports bounded functions and actions.
Back then (4 months ago), I had written myself documentation how to generate and use OData Java client properly, using SAP Cloud SDK. Quite a number of people was succesful back then with installing.
Now, 4 months later, I cannot generate properly client. I have installed lombok and also set it as reference in Eclipse and am using latest Eclipse (2021-06).
I will put screenshots of my errors. It says like my properties are not generated properly and that 1 method is missing - getOdataType().
These problems just started to occur last 2 weeks or so.
Thank you in advance!

Which Azure ServiceBus SDK should be used?

At the time of this post there are two Azure Service bus SDKs sitting within sdk/servicebus:
They have both been updated very recently (past week).
This ms doc (written two weeks ago) states;
This quickstart uses the new Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus package. For a
quickstart that uses the old Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus package, see ....
Where as this document (also written two weeks ago) says;
There are two supported Azure Service Bus .NET SDKs. Their APIs are
similar, and it can be confusing which one to choose. Refer to the
following table to help guide your decision. We suggest using the
Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus SDK as It's more modern, performant, and is
cross-platform compatible. Additionally, it supports AMQP over
WebSockets and is part of the Azure .NET SDK collection of open-source
This document goes on to mention Microsoft.Azure.ServiceBus as newer and (yet another SDK) WindowsAzure.ServiceBus as older. It does not mention Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus at all.
Does anyone have any advice on which SDK should be used for a new .NET Core 5.0 project?
(I have already reviewed this question which has not helped)
For projects that have no dependency on the older packages, use Azure.Messaging.ServiceBus. For everything else, look at the dependencies. For example, Azure Functions cannot use the latest package today. It will likely be addressed in the future just not ATM. I wrote a blog post awhile ago about these 3 packages. May (or may not) help you with your question.

Where to get library for Microsoft.Practices.CompositeWeb

How can I get library for Microsoft.Practices.CompositeWeb.WebClientApplication I cannot find it in nuget. I have a copy of v3.0.0.0, is there any latest version after that? Does Microsoft support it anymore?
I found this article online https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff709858.aspx
it says its retired content, and not mentioned where to download it from.

Asp.net V5 Web API fails to add reference to AspNet.Identity

I have created a new Web Api project in VS2015 community Edition using framework 4.6
This new project has no extra references other than the ones that were added by default. When I attempt to add a reference to Microsoft.AspNet.Identity I get the following error
Strangely enough, I have another Web Api project in the same solution to which I have added the same reference and it works. I can't seem to figure out what is going on here. Please help.
just try install Microsoft.AspNet.Identity.Framework via NuGet Manager.


I've installed MonoDevelop and latest version of Mono itself. But i still can't install MVC add-in since i have a dependency conflict: Core v2.0, Code.Gui v2.0 etc. But my repository http://go-mono.com/md/2.1.0/main.mrep doesn't contain ANY updates.
Is there any way to find the WORKING repository?
Thank you!
The "2.1" version number is for current SVN trunk. It does not represent a fixed/stable API, so addins have not been released for it. If you build MD from trunk, you must also build the addins from trunk.
However, the ASP.NET MVC addin has been in main since last week, so it no longer needs to be built as a separate addin.
