What happens to a WatchKit app when iPhone is turned off? - ios

Let's say I want to create a WatchKit app that shows the seconds for the current time.
What happens if iPhone gets turned off (e.g. battery drained), then user starts the app on the Watch device?
As far as I know, every (!) code runs on the iPhone (extension app), so my method that "fetches" seconds probably won't respond either. It is hard to imagine, but seems that I cannot get / display the current time on the Apple Watch if iPhone is turned off.
Any experiences on this?

Firstly, you can't do watch faces in the current developer kit.
All current WatchKit apps are extensions of iPhone or iPad apps. As you suggest, if the iOS device is not contactable, nothing will happen.
Apple say that native Watch apps will be coming later.

Your app will be killed immediately.
As you mentioned before, WatchKit Extension runs on iPhone, and you're absolutely right. There is only storyboard on Apple Watch.
So, the answer is very simple - "No code - no App"


Apple rejected my app because of iPad, but my app is only for iPhone

My app is a streaming player that I pushed to AppStore Connect
In Xcode, I don't check iPad :
And Apple said :
I tried despite everything to run it on iPad Simulator on Mac, and I found no crash. The button player is OK, both on iOS 12 and 13
What's the solution ?
Building for iPhone is not meaning that it is ONLY for iPhone! iPad users still can download iPhone apps (except they need some especial feature of the phone like CoreTelephony) and Apple's testers always test apps on iPad. So try to fix the bug (that is probably not related to the device). The issue is that you Play button is not working, not the device.
you are providing screenshot for iPad also in iTunes connect to make sure if your app is only iPhone then you must add a screenshot for iPhone no need to add a screenshot for iPad just leave them empty

App created in Xcode 9 crashes with screen record on in iPhone iOS11

I created a couple of apps and side loaded them on my iPhone.
I was playing around with my iPhone screen recorder and noticed the apps I side loaded, would close out.
Apps like LinkedIn, Twitter, shopping apps will stay on top.
Is there a setting in Xcode that prevents this?
I believe I found the answer. I had updated to iOS 11.0.1, thats when the crash started. Worked well with iOS 11. Just reloaded the app from Xcode and it works now. At this writing, the Apple Developer website is down for maintenance, so I am unable to load my other apps.

Implement WatchApp for already existing iPhone app and want api calls to happen on iPhone app in background mode

I am implementing WatchApp for already existing iPhone app and want api calls to happen on iPhone app in background mode. Please suggest how to do it.
My iPhone code is in Obj-C and want Watch code to be in Swift.
For the network queries from Watch should be handled on iPhone in background.
Is it possible and how?
You can call WCSession.sendMessage in your watch app.
When your iOS app is reachable, the corresponding WCSessionDelegate callback method is called even when your app is in background. (works fine in my App).
When your watch app is not reachable, sendMessage is thrown away. When the your iOS app answers and it is not possible to transfer the answer to the watch, the answer is thrown away.
As Apple suggests, do the iOS implementation in your AppDelegate. If you do it that way, your app can answer in background when no UIViewController instance exists.

Watchkit - what exactly should the iPhone app (not the extension) contain?

I don't have a watch so i only work with the simulator.
Let's say i have three apps - one that displays an animation on screen of the watch(several pictures animated) and a few options , also on the watch.
Another one that displays some strings on the watch app , another that displays images on the watch app - both the strings and the images are changed when the user clicks a button.
The code resides on the extension and the resources (images) on the watch app.
Now - what should the iPhone app/screen contain? I want to make the apps as stand alone as possible. Does it need to have an install button or when the user installs it from the app store - the watch app is automatically installed and he can access it from the watch?
I was thinking of only displaying this on the iPhone app/screen : Thank you for downloading the app OR Welcome! and a picture.
Would that be all right according to apple guildelines? What would you advise that the iPhone app/screen should have? Or better yet what do the guidelines suggest?
Should i also include a button for launching the app? What should i include at the minimum? Also what would the code for that look like in swift/what connections should there be?
I am interested in making the watch app experience as stand-alone as possible (can't use watchos2 because i can't publish with Xcode beta).
Lastly - would i need to include an exit button in the watch app (i currently have 2 : next and random for displaying some images)?
Thanks a bunch.

Visibility of Universal app on iTunes for iPhone and iPad

I have just release a Universal app for iOS, I am able to see the Universal app in iPad apps store but I cannot see the same app in iPhone app store.
My question - Is there a Time difference for visibility of app on iPad and iPhone app store ?
How long does it take to get the app visible in iPhone app store ?
Apple has to update the caches for iTunes, it can take between minutes and a day for it to appear.
Thanks guys,
I can now see my app on both the device iPad and iPhone. It was just matter of time. It takes time to get our app visible on both the device app store, depending on the traffic.
