Watchkit - what exactly should the iPhone app (not the extension) contain? - ios

I don't have a watch so i only work with the simulator.
Let's say i have three apps - one that displays an animation on screen of the watch(several pictures animated) and a few options , also on the watch.
Another one that displays some strings on the watch app , another that displays images on the watch app - both the strings and the images are changed when the user clicks a button.
The code resides on the extension and the resources (images) on the watch app.
Now - what should the iPhone app/screen contain? I want to make the apps as stand alone as possible. Does it need to have an install button or when the user installs it from the app store - the watch app is automatically installed and he can access it from the watch?
I was thinking of only displaying this on the iPhone app/screen : Thank you for downloading the app OR Welcome! and a picture.
Would that be all right according to apple guildelines? What would you advise that the iPhone app/screen should have? Or better yet what do the guidelines suggest?
Should i also include a button for launching the app? What should i include at the minimum? Also what would the code for that look like in swift/what connections should there be?
I am interested in making the watch app experience as stand-alone as possible (can't use watchos2 because i can't publish with Xcode beta).
Lastly - would i need to include an exit button in the watch app (i currently have 2 : next and random for displaying some images)?
Thanks a bunch.


APP icons in iOS application | Artwork image

I'm working on iOS application (iPhone, iPad) and little confused about the app icon stuff. I'm using XCAssets and my app supports version>=8.3. So,the image below shows what I've selected from XCAssets and I've placed all these images.
I've looked into multiple links on Google and SO but getting confused e.g this link App icons iOS.
App icon for iTunes Connect. The above mentioned link states that we need to add Artwork icon for iTunes (1024x1024), but i don't know where to add that. I've checked this answer, but probably it's outdated now as i can't see any such options on iTunes Connect
What are "CarPlay" icons for?
What is "iOS icon is pre-rendered"
Please answer the above mentioned points. Any help in this regard is highly appreciated. Thanks
In addition to Wottle's answer,
Answer to the artwork icon point: We have to add app icon on itunes connect. For that you need to go into your app and have to update it in AppVersion/AppIcon as shown in figure attached. then click on "Save".
Ofcourse, this method will change with time (As apple makes update in itunes UI often). Right now, it's the way to do it.
The Artwork icon will be sent to Apple on the iTunes Connect site when you enter your application metadata for a release of your app. You do not put it in the XCAssets.
CarPlay icons are if your app supports CarPlay, Apple's iOS interface for car infotainment systems. Not needed if you app doesn't support CarPlay.
"iOS icon is pre-rendered" is a setting that will determine whther iOS addes a glare to the icon in iOS 6 and before. It should have no effect on apps installed and run on iOS 7 or later.

on iOS device, open app and take screenshots

I need to "industrialize" screenshot taking on iOS device with a lot of apps.
Everyday, I have to take these screenshots, it's really boring.
For each app, I need to :
launch the app
wait few seconds to be sure that the app is really loaded
emulate button clicking
take a screenshot
close the app
After that, I need to send these screenshots to my Macbook (but it seems to be simple ..).
This tool could take some screenshots : but, I don't have the apps sources.
Moreover, I can't open Automator on my iPhone (it would be too simple ..).
If you have any ideas to help me ...
Thank you so much!

What happens to a WatchKit app when iPhone is turned off?

Let's say I want to create a WatchKit app that shows the seconds for the current time.
What happens if iPhone gets turned off (e.g. battery drained), then user starts the app on the Watch device?
As far as I know, every (!) code runs on the iPhone (extension app), so my method that "fetches" seconds probably won't respond either. It is hard to imagine, but seems that I cannot get / display the current time on the Apple Watch if iPhone is turned off.
Any experiences on this?
Firstly, you can't do watch faces in the current developer kit.
All current WatchKit apps are extensions of iPhone or iPad apps. As you suggest, if the iOS device is not contactable, nothing will happen.
Apple say that native Watch apps will be coming later.
Your app will be killed immediately.
As you mentioned before, WatchKit Extension runs on iPhone, and you're absolutely right. There is only storyboard on Apple Watch.
So, the answer is very simple - "No code - no App"

Custom screenshots while submitting app to appstore

I want to know whether I can upload custom screenshots of my app while submitting the app to appstore. e.g. Instead of uploading standard screenshots, I want to edit them (add some marketting text, explain screen in the screenshot itself). Will my app get rejected if I submit these custom screenshots?
Yes You can add them. Many apps do it. Check screen shots of Flipboard app. They have description text at the bottom of every screen shot
This scenario app won't be rejected in app store.
Absolutely you can, just concern about image resolution.
Apple will not reject your app if you use their devices like a mockups showing how your app look on device. (I asked this on WWDC) But they will reject if you just put a macbook somewhere on screenshot just to beautify your image.
Creating them can be a tricky part unless you are Photoshop expert. The easiest way is to use tools like

How iAd searches for content to display?

I have an iPhone app that implements iAd. In debugging mode everything works fine and I'm showing the test advertisement correctly on simulator and on device with no particular logs or errors.
The app was approved and it's in the app store, but is not showing any ad.
I show the iAd in a UIview with lots of textual content, but in Italian (don't know if language matters, btw the app is available in all the app stores).
I wonder how iAd search for content and then displays related banners and how I can somehow "force" content by passing (if possible) tags or predefined content.
Any idea?
I simply forgot to add my app to the iAd service.
I needed to upload a new version in order to fix this.
Let's wait for apple approval.
