Gradle giving ClassNotFoundException while building Grails project - grails

I am trying to use the gradle-grails-plugin to build an existing (small) Grails project. Should this work? What is the relationship between the dependencies in build.gradle and the ones specified in buildConfig.groovy?
In any event, I have two projects, so the topmost build.gradle file is in the parent directory and looks like:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:2.2.0.RC1"
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '2.3'
and then the build.gradle in the Grails project looks like:
apply plugin: "grails"
repositories {
grails.central() //creates a maven repo for the Grails Central repository (Core libraries and plugins)
grails {
grailsVersion = '2.4.4'
groovyVersion = '2.3.9'
springLoadedVersion '1.2.0.RELEASE'
dependencies {
bootstrap "org.grails.plugins:tomcat:"
compile 'org.grails.plugins:asset-pipeline:3.0.1'
compile 'org.grails.plugins:scaffolding:2.1.2'
compile 'org.grails.plugins:cache:1.1.8'
runtime 'org.grails.plugins:hibernate4:'
runtime 'org.grails.plugins:database-migration:1.3.8'
runtime 'org.grails.plugins:jquery:1.11.0'
However, when I run ./gradlew war, I get back:
Caused by: java.long.ClassNotFoundException: grails.artefact.Service
Can anyone shed some light on this? There are practically no references to that via Google, it seems to be a Grails 3.x class? Also, I am using Java 1.7.

Class grails.artefact.Service is indeed accessible from v3.0 of grails framework - as can be seen here.
With the following statement grailsVersion = '2.4.4' v2.4.4 is specified to be used and it all looks ok. What spoils the build is the following dependencies entry:
compile 'org.grails.plugins:asset-pipeline:3.0.1'
In this package there is a class asset/pipeline/grails/AssetProcessorService that imports the mentioned grails.artefact.Service which isn't loaded at runtime (probably because of v2.4.4 used).
Unfortunately I can't suggest any solution apart from the trivial like excluding this dependency. I am not a grails developer nor have I set the environment up.
Hopes that helps somehow.


How perform OpenJPA Enhancement when using Gradle?

I've tried this gradle plugin but it complains that it cannot find certain libraries and doesn't support providedCompile which makes this unusable for me anyway.
I've also tried calling ANT tasks, my latest attempt below is throwing:
Caused by: C:\Work_Java\workspace\PaxHoldRelease\jpa_enhance.xml:5: taskdef class org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask cannot be found
apply plugin: 'java'
apply plugin: 'war'
apply plugin: 'ear'
// Java compilier compliance level
sourceCompatibility = 1.7
targetCompatibility = 1.7
repositories {
ant.importBuild 'jpa_enhance.xml'
war.dependsOn enhance
dependencies {
// Ensure ear plugin gets war file
deploy files(war)
providedCompile 'javax.servlet:javax.servlet-api:3.0.1'
compile 'javax.websocket:javax.websocket-api:1.1'
compile 'org.glassfish.jersey.containers:jersey-container-servlet:2.16'
compile 'com.fasterxml.jackson.jaxrs:jackson-jaxrs-json-provider:2.5.1'
compile 'org.glassfish:javax.json:1.0.4'
providedCompile 'org.apache.openjpa:openjpa:2.2.2'
providedCompile 'com.sybase:jconn3:6.05'
providedCompile files('libs/sqljdbc4-3.0.jar')
This is the latest version in a long list of attempts and probably complete rubbish as I just ripped everything out in a fit of desperation :-(
<target name="enhance">
<taskdef name="openjpac" classname="org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask"/>
<!-- invoke enhancer on all .java files below the model directory -->
<echo message="Enhancing complete!"/>
Try this Andrew - I loosely based this gradle on the nice Enhancer script provided on S.O. by another member (for the DataNucleus enhancer).
Note that you will need to modify the entity-files (include/exclude) to point to your specific 'to be/to not be' enhanced Java source files. Further, this approach assumes that classpath derives from your parent build.gradle.
task openJPAEnhance {
description "Enhance JPA model classes using OpenJPA Enhancer"
dependsOn compileJava
doLast {
// define the entity classes
def entityFiles = fileTree(sourceSets.main.output.classesDir).matching {
include 'org/foo/mypkg/entity/*.class'
exclude 'org/foo/mypkg/entity/DoNotEnhance.class'
println "Enhancing with OpenJPA, the following files..."
entityFiles.getFiles().each {
println it
// define Ant task for Enhancer
name : 'openjpac',
classpath : sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath,
classname : 'org.apache.openjpa.ant.PCEnhancerTask'
// Run the OpenJPA Enhancer as an Ant task
// - see OpenJPA 'PCEnhancerTask' for supported arguments
// - this invocation of the enhancer adds support for a default-ctor
// - as well as ensuring JPA property use is valid.
classpath: sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath.asPath,
addDefaultConstructor: true,
enforcePropertyRestrictions: true) {
entityFiles.addToAntBuilder(ant, 'fileset', FileCollection.AntType.FileSet)
I hope this helps, and the individual who wrote that first gradle script did not mind that we re-purposed it (from DataNucleus) to OpenJPA.

Grails can't load maven-publisher

I am trying to add maven-publisher to a Grails (2.3.6) plugin like so:
dependencies {
compile 'org.mongodb.morphia:morphia:0.107'
compile ":maven-publisher:0.8.1"
When I run grails compile I get:
| Error There was an error loading the BuildConfig: Bad artifact coordinates
:maven-publisher:0.8.1, expected format is <groupId>:<artifactId>[:<extension>[
:<classifier>]]:<version> (Use --stacktrace to see the full trace)
What's going on here?
Do not use the maven-publisher plugin. It's old and deprecated. Use the release plugin - it should already be in your plugin's BuildConfig.groovy. If not, here's how it should look (after removing unnecessary cruft): = 'target'
grails.project.dependency.resolution = {
inherits 'global'
log 'warn'
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'org.mongodb.morphia:morphia:0.107'
plugins {
build ':release:3.0.1', ':rest-client-builder:1.0.3', {
export = false
As #dmahapatro said in his comment, jar dependencies go in the dependencies block, and plugin dependencies go in the plugins block.
Note also that you should keep the export = false setting so the plugin is available locally for your use, but doesn't leak into the containing application as an unnecessary transitive dependency.

IntelliJ IDEA: Gradle indexing files - infinite loop

I'm developing a web application, using Grails 2.2.3 with Ember.js (rc3). I'm using IntelliJ IDEA 12.1 Utlimate as IDE and also the IntelliJ TeamCity CI Server - everything's on Windows 7 Professional SP1. Now I wanted to use Gradle 1.7 to better organize my build tasks (combining Grails, Grunt, testing and so on...) and I expected paradise but all I got was hell...
As soon as I started to use the file and started JetGradle in IntelliJ IDEA it started to scan and index files over and over (actually it is still running now - 14 hours and counting), the IDE is blocked and I can't do anything... it's really frustrating.
If it's of any interest, here's my
import org.gradle.api.tasks.Exec
import org.grails.gradle.plugin.GrailsTask
buildscript {
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
dependencies {
classpath "org.grails:grails-gradle-plugin:2.0.0-SNAPSHOT",
apply plugin: "grails"
apply plugin: "base"
repositories {
maven { url "" }
maven { url "" }
grails {
grailsVersion "2.2.3"
configurations {
all {
exclude module: "commons-logging"
exclude module: "xml-apis"
exclude module: "grails-plugin-log4j"
exclude module: "slf4j-log4j12"
test {
exclude module: "groovy-all"
compile {
exclude module: "hibernate"
dependencies {
compileOnly "org.grails:grails-plugin-tomcat:$grails.grailsVersion" // No tomcat-*.jar in the war
bootstrap "org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.0.5"
GRADLE Wrapper
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
gradleVersion = '1.7'
GRUNT Section
task npm(type: Exec) {
group = "Build"
description = "Installs all Node.js dependencies defined in package.json"
workingDir "web-app"
commandLine = ["npm.cmd", "install"]
inputs.file "package.json"
outputs.dir "node_modules"
task production(type: GruntTask) {
gruntArgs = "prod"
class GruntTask extends Exec {
private String gruntExecutable = Os.isFamily(Os.FAMILY_WINDOWS) ? "grunt.cmd" : "grunt"
private String switches = "--no-color"
private String workDir = "web-app"
String gruntArgs = ""
public GruntTask() {
public void setGruntArgs(String gruntArgs) {
this.args = "$switches $gruntArgs".trim().split(" ") as List
WAR creation
task war(type: GrailsTask) {
command "war"
env "prod"
Is anybody out there who is able to help me? I searched the internet up and down but it seems that either nobody is using the combination of Grails, Ember.js, Gradle, IntelliJ IDEA or everything is dead simple and I'm just to stupid to use the tools...
I don't recommend to use the Gradle integration in IDEA 12 as it's too limited. (IDEA 13 will be better.) Instead you can use Gradle's "idea" plugin to generate IDEA files. Not sure how well all of this works together with Grails. Grails' own build tool is deeply integrated with the rest of Grails, and from what I've heard, using anything else means to make compromises. (I don't have first-hand experience though.) There have been plans for Grails to switch over its built-in build tool to Gradle one day.
PS: I'd search the IDEA issue tracker and file an issue if there is none.

Classpath for ant plugins when using ANTBuilder from Gradle

I have a build.gradle file which loads PMD (downloading it from upstream Maven), and then loads an Ant build.xml file which requires PMD:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'pmd:pmd:4.2.5'
ant.importBuild 'shared-build.xml'
However, the Ant import fails:
taskdef class net.sourceforge.pmd.ant.PMDTask cannot be found
using the classloader AntClassLoader[]
at org.gradle.api.internal.project.DefaultAntBuilder.importBuild(DefaultAntBuilder.groovy:76)
How can Gradle's ant integration be instructed to make this available?
There's no straighforward way to do it, as Gradle does not offer any API support for this. So you need to hack it some way.
For example, you can do something like this, right before calling ant.importBuild file('libs/somelib.jar').toURI().toURL() )
Alternatively you can call the addURL() method with the paths you get through the Gradle's dependency resolution (again, this should be executed before the call to ant.importBuild).
configurations { someconf }
dependencies { someconf "org.eclipse.jdt:ecj:3.6.1" }
def antClassLoader =
configurations.someconf.each { File f ->
Of course, another solution would be to have the classpath defined inside your build.xml file so you won't have to do anything from Gradle.
See some input here

Grails 2.0 plugin dependencies

I'm trying to build a Grails 2.0 application using private plugins:
mycompany-frontend = Grails Application
mycompany-core = Grails plugins for domain classes
In the mycompany-core plugin, I created some domain classe and added a joda-time dependency in BuildConfig.groovy:
plugins {
":svn:1.0.2") {
export = false
in the mycompany-frontend app, I have the following BuildConfig.groovy:
plugins {
runtime ":hibernate:$grailsVersion"
runtime ":resources:1.1.5"
build "mycompany:mycompany-core:0.1-SNAPSHOT"
build ":svn:1.0.2"
build ":spring-security-core:1.2.7"
build ":tomcat:$grailsVersion"
I also removed grails.plugins entries from to avoid confusion.
But at the end, the mycompany-frontend cannot find the model classes from mycompany-core plugin.
What should I look/fix to get this working?
Have you tried to define the dependency to your core-plugin as runtime-/compile-dependency instead of build?
