Jenkins Promoted Build Parameter Value - jenkins

I have a jenkins job that runs some tests and promotes the build if all tests pass.
I then have a second job that has a 'Promoted build parameter' which is used for deployments.
THe idea is that the deply job should let you pick one of the prompted builds for deploying. The issue I'm having is that I can pick a promoted build, but I have not idea how I access information about the build.
I've named the build parameter
And according to the docs this should then be available via the environment.
The problem is that it doesn't seem to be bound to anything.
If I run a build step to exectute this sheel script:
The values are not interpolated / set.
Any idea how I can access the values of this param?
Many Thanks,

Inject the information as variable user jenkins plugin (eject evn variable).
while triggering parameterized build on other job, pass above variable as parameter to next job.


how to add Jenkins job parameters into system variable of a windows PC

I am trying to figure a way to add my Jenkins job parameters displayed in job configure page into slave node (windows PC).
So meanwhile if anyone know How to add Jenkins job parameters into system variable of a windows PC.
Please do share it.
Consider the following use case:
You set up a test job on Jenkins, and it accepts a distribution bundle
as a parameter and perform tests against it. You want to have
developers do local builds and let them submit builds for test
on Jenkins. In such a case, your parameter is a zip file that contains
a distribution.
Your test suite takes so much time to run that in normal execution you
can't afford to run the entire test cycle. So you want to control the
portion of the test to be executed. In such a case, your parameter is
perhaps a string token that indicates that test suite to be run. The
parameters are available as environment variables. So e.g. a shell
($FOO, %FOO%) or Ant ( ${env.FOO} ) can access these values.
More info at here

JMeter & Jenkins - passing jmeter parameters to downstream build

The Setup - A jenkins job using jenkins parameters testApp and testEnv. The Execution Batch looks like this:
C:\jmeter\apache-jmeter-3.2\bin\jmeter.bat -n -t
C:\JMeter\Scripts\API_scripts\%testApp%.jmx -Jtestenv=%testEnv% -JtestApp=%testApp% -JtestBrowser=NA -l
Post-build Actions
Console output (build lob) parsing with a global rule so that the Failures that are logged in the Jenkins Console window will consider the JMeter script failing. (discussed Jenkins shows JMeter script failure even though the script actually passed)
Triggered parameterized build - this is a separate jmeter script that updates a wiki page with either PASS/FAIL and uploads the JMeter report.
The Issue - How do I get the downstream Triggered build to use the parameters from the upstream script? I set the Parameter = Current build parameters but it's not applying those. Also, I wont know the value of the testResult parameter until the upstream build finishes. I tried adding %testResult%=PASS to the 'Predefined parameters' box
As per Parameterized Trigger Plugin page:
The parameters section can contain a combination of one or more of the following:
a set of predefined properties
properties from a properties file read from the workspace of the triggering build
the parameters of the current build
Subversion revision: makes sure the triggered projects are built with the same revision(s) of the triggering build. You still have to make sure those projects are actually configured to checkout the right Subversion URLs.
Restrict matrix execution to a subset: allows you to specify the same combination filter expression as you use in the matrix project configuration and further restricts the subset of the downstream matrix builds to be run.
So you basically need to copy over the parameters you would like to have in the "downstream" job from the current one.
As a workaround to current performance plugin limitations you can consider running JMeter using Taurus tool as a wrapper, it has flexible and powerful pass/fail criteria subsystem which will basically return to Jenkins non-zero exit code triggering build failure in case of issue in the test. If everything goes well Taurus exit code will be 0 which is considered successful by Jenkins. Check out How to Run Taurus with the Jenkins Performance Plugin article for more details.

Seed Job environment variable ${WORKSPACE} is assigned to child jobs

Create a Seed Job using DSL that would create 5 Child Jobs. As part of build step I've to use ${WORKSPACE} environment variable, which should read the value from the slave machine where the child Job is running. But however when the child jobs are created, the workspace value is replaced with SeedJobs workspace location from master server.
How would I restrict seed job not to inject its ${WORKSPACE} value.
Could some one help me on this please.
To refer to the BUILD_NUMBER of the generated job in your job-dsl code, you should code it as follows :
The important part is the \ before the $ sign which prevents the evaluation of the BUILD_NUMBER variable as it pertains to the Goovy runtime that is (likely) your Jenkins job-dsl seed job.
The config.xml of the generated job will contain ${BUILD_NUMBER} instead of a digit that represents you build number of your seed-job. And then your generated job will evaluate that when it runs.

How can I create parameterized Jenkins job?

I want to use same job in different machine. But I don't want to change the configuration of the job each time. Can I pass the machine name label as parameter and run the job in different machine ? (Not simultaneously).
I want to pass parameters while running a job to the script which I have written in th configuration (batch script). Can we do that ?
Can I get a return value from a job and use it in next job?
Example criteria:
User needs to use different environments for executions.
1. Select jenkins project
2. Job -> Configure -> Select this project is parameterized check box.
3. Select Add parameter drop down - > String parameter
4. Define a string parameter (In my example I use environment variable as : BaseURL)
5.Now under build section initialize the mvn command user needs to execute.Here in this case I want to execute my jenkins build on a environment where I specify. So I should be able to execute my build in different environment each time with out changing the code.
My mvn command: I pass my environment url as a parameter (Using $ sign). This is based on user requirement.
clean test -Dcustomproperty="$BaseURL"
6. Apply and save your Jenkins project.
7. Now your project is parameterized. Then your project should have Build with parameters option.
8.Click Build with parameters link and enter your parameter (In this example my environment variable) and click build. Your jenkins job should run with the parameter.
NOTE: This build won't succeed unless the passing parameter is not utilized in the automation script. So script has to be modified to retrieve the passing variable.
String BaseURL= System.getProperty("customproperty");
Yes, you can pass a node label parameter with NodeLabel Parameter Plugin.
Yes, you can define parameters, as described, in Parameterized Builds and then use it in your script as an environment variable:
The parameter is available as environment parameters. So e.g. a shell ($FOO, %FOO%) or Ant ( ${env.FOO} ) can access these values.
This is not exactly a return value, but you can pass any parameter (with its value) to the downstream job with Parameterized Trigger Plugin.
Use parameterized Build plugin and NodeLabel Parameter Plugin

How to change the configuration's by using the parametrized build based on the parameter?

choice parameter
I have a parametrized build with choice parameters like a,b,c,d. When I select a parameter, it has to do fresh checkout, and, when I select b it has to update the work space of Jenkins.
Right now whatever the parameter choose either a,b,c, it is checkout policy is fresh checkout only.
Can any one let me know how to set different properties based on the selected parameter.
You would have to forego the Jenkins SCM checkout configuration, and maintain the SCM checkout through a script (either Execute Shell or Execute Batch Command). Your script would then handle the logic of doing a certain type of checkout/update based on passed parameters
Late edit:
You could configure a Pre-scm Build Step, and there run either a Conditional Build Step or a plain shell execution (bash or batch). In that shell, test the param, and if it matched b, then wipe the local workspace/checkout folder from the shell script.
When the rest of the job runs, it will do a fresh checkout (since the workspace/checkout is empty). With other param options, it will run the job normally, doing an update.
I haven't tried this. Your biggest issue may be if pre-scm build step does not have access to environment variables at that time.
