Request Tracker Reverse Chronological Ticket History Sorting - rt

On some of our more lengthy tickets it takes awhile to load the ticket
history when you open it.
Some of our users have request "reverse chronological" sorting so that
they can read the latest correspondence first as they wait for the page
to load.
Request Tracker version 4.2.10 (latest).
Any ideas where I could make this customization?
Thanks, Michael.

As previously said, you can set this globally on with Set($OldestTransactionsFirst, '0');
But in fact, the users can modify this settings in their Preferences page (section Ticket display, Show oldest history first).

I found the solution:
You can change the order to oldest first or oldest last using this
setting in
Set($OldestTransactionsFirst, '0'); turned off (meaning oldest is at
the bottom of scroll. A '1' would put the most recent email (with
attachements) and/or comments at the bottom.


Trying to get TFS bug State change dates by Reading defect History from TFS ticket using rest api

I am trying to chart out the ticket state change dates to uncover the average time each ticket sits in each of its states (Bug Life cycle). Using rest API's able to get the Create/closed/Resolved dates etc but how can I get the state change dates?
One option that I thought was to read the content from the History Tab (picture attached (History tab) contents right next to Link Tab. Let me know if any of you have already explored it.
I have tried reading the contents using API with fields.System.History but so far it returned null even though there was some contents. am I using the right filed name?
You can achieve it with the revision API (I don't know if it exist in TFS 2015):
GET https://{instance}/{collection}/_apis/wit/workItems/{id}/revisions/?api-version=4.1
You will get all the revisions for the work item, each revision includes State and ChangedDate, so you can investigate it and get the dates when the state changed.

jquery tablesorter issue with page number

I am developing an ASP.NET MVC 4 application using jquery.tablesorter.js, jquery.tablesorter.pager.js and jquery.tablesorter.widget.js. Now I get an issue with this tablesorter, that is, the page number is saved in the local storage.
I understand it is saved for some reasons. The problem is, for example, I last open the 3rd page of the table and leave the session, then re-open a session, it goes to the 3rd page automatically. If, for some reasons, there is not enough items for any item to go to the 3rd page, it simply shows an empty table and pager, and confuses the user.
Any idea is highly appreciated.
A. Zhang
If you don't want the pager to save the page & size, then set the savePages option to false.
If you do want the page to get saved, but you only want to use session storage, then set the storage_useSessionStorage widget option to true.
Please note: the above options only work with my fork of tablesorter.

Is there a way to setup permissions so that a viewer can only view issues he is monitoring

I have been given a requirement to allow our sales team to view all of the issues that we are in the process of investigating/fixing that their customers are experiencing.
We've added a custom column that contains a list of all of our customers so that we can filter by customer.
We are going to add viewer accounts for everyone on our sales team.
On every issue we were going to add the relevant sales guy as a viewer. That way the sales guy will get an email whenever a customer's issue is resolved, moved to feedback, etc.
Here is the question:
We want the sales guy to be able to log into Mantis and on his "View Issues" page have a filter already setup that displays all of the issues he is monitoring, and only his issues (to avoid confusion). Is that possible?
We don't really care if he can see all of the resolved issues, unassigned issues, recently modified, etc on the "my view" page. This isn't really a security thing, it is a usability thing. I want to be able to send a link to the sales guy and tell him to bookmark it and it will contain a continually updating list of the issues that pertain to him.
This may be a workable solution, but it is still a little clunky.
If I send out a URL like this:
<SERVER ADDRESS>/print_all_bug_page.php?filter=<XX>
Where the XX is the corresponds to the value of "myself" on the monitored by box. For me it is 52, not sure if that will change as I play with the columns.
Therefore the link right now is:
<SERVER ADDRESS>print_all_bug_page.php?filter=52
What's clunky is: If the user clicks any of the column headings on this page for sorting the query string isn't included in the new URL and all of the issues are then displayed again.

Are Asana stories guaranteed to be returned in time order sequence?

While trying the Asana API for task stories I noticed that the server sends back a list of all the stories in time-ordered sequence i.e sorted on the created_at field. The first element in the list is the first story of that task and the last item is the latest story. Is this ordering guaranteed by design? And can this be relied upon in the code? I want to get the latest activity by looking at the last element of the returned list. Documentation has no such information.
You're correct, we order stories by creation time in any situation where you get a set of stories. I'm adding that to the documentation now. Thanks for the catch!

Online users in Ruby on Rails

What is the simplest way how to check if user is online and display list of online users?
The only way I can think of is some periodic polling server to update last action timestamp, and when last timestamp is more than xx ago, user is considered to be offline. But it doesn't seem like too eficient solution.
Authlogic can do this by default, and is a great authentication system that is very powerful. I would suggest migrating your current authentication system over to it (maybe a days worth of work, depending how customized your system is).
If you can't (or simply don't want to) move your application over to Authlogic, you can check out the source code at the link above, as well as an example project here.
You could potentially check the session time, if you use database session store. When the updated_at extends past a certain time, assume the user is no longer active. This could be problematic as well, however.
Being honest, it's a somewhat difficult scenario to tell the active number of users without some form of periodic server polling. Your thought is not a bad one.
We can list the online users using active record session store, please see this github app
