Is there a way to setup permissions so that a viewer can only view issues he is monitoring - mantis

I have been given a requirement to allow our sales team to view all of the issues that we are in the process of investigating/fixing that their customers are experiencing.
We've added a custom column that contains a list of all of our customers so that we can filter by customer.
We are going to add viewer accounts for everyone on our sales team.
On every issue we were going to add the relevant sales guy as a viewer. That way the sales guy will get an email whenever a customer's issue is resolved, moved to feedback, etc.
Here is the question:
We want the sales guy to be able to log into Mantis and on his "View Issues" page have a filter already setup that displays all of the issues he is monitoring, and only his issues (to avoid confusion). Is that possible?
We don't really care if he can see all of the resolved issues, unassigned issues, recently modified, etc on the "my view" page. This isn't really a security thing, it is a usability thing. I want to be able to send a link to the sales guy and tell him to bookmark it and it will contain a continually updating list of the issues that pertain to him.

This may be a workable solution, but it is still a little clunky.
If I send out a URL like this:
<SERVER ADDRESS>/print_all_bug_page.php?filter=<XX>
Where the XX is the corresponds to the value of "myself" on the monitored by box. For me it is 52, not sure if that will change as I play with the columns.
Therefore the link right now is:
<SERVER ADDRESS>print_all_bug_page.php?filter=52
What's clunky is: If the user clicks any of the column headings on this page for sorting the query string isn't included in the new URL and all of the issues are then displayed again.


Using SpecFlow Featurs as subroutines in other features

I may have this completely wrong, but I've been searching available documentation and googling for 2 weeks now, and have my head completely wrapped around the axle.
I am trying to use SpecFlow to write a regression test for our site. This means that I want to exercise all the features so that if we inadvertently broke something, it will catch it.
The site is basically an incident reporting portal. The home page has about 50 different buttons, each of which opens up the data entry pages for a different class of incident.
The data entry pages are arranged in a "wizard" fashion, where it starts with a page of general questions, then moves on to a page of more specific questions and so on. The questions are more or less grouped in the classic "who/what/when/where/why" grouping, with one wizard page for each group, so that we don't overwhelm the user with 100 questions presented all at once.
Exactly which pages are needed depends on the particular type of incident. Some incident types have as many as 8 pages, some as few as 3.
Our specifications for each page are framed in BDD style - Given/When/Then. So it is very natural to translate those specifications into SpecFlow features, and I have done that, at least for the first page of general information questions. But the Scenario had about 30+ steps in it.
I have also written another Feature for testing from the home page -
Given I'm logged in on the home page
When I clicked the button for XYZ ticket
Then it opens XYZ ticket
And the General Information page is displayed.
And I can drive that scenario from a table so that I can test as many different incident types as I want.
So far so good.
But now I want to add
And the General Information page requirements are verified
Where the step definition for that last clause would run the whole scenario for the general information page. In other words, I want to use that other scenario that I have written as a subroutine in this one.
(And then I want to go on and do the same for each of the other wizard pages. But let's get the first one first!)
I can't figure out a way to do that. I tried writing the step definition for the above clause to invoke the step definitions of the General Information scenario, e.g.
Given("I am on the General Information page")
When ("I click this checkbox")
Then ("This happens")
You used to be able to do that (although that would still be a lot of repetition). But now that's giving a warning message that function is deprecated and will be removed (and since I've now upgraded, it may already have been removed - I haven't tried it since I upgraded.) The github issues page ( has a lot of discussion on it, none of which sheds any light on how to do what I'm trying to do. The primary author (SabotageAndi) seemed to be saying "That's a bad thing; don't do that" without really giving any alternative, at least none that I was able to understand.
Can anyone give me a direction for how to accomplish what I'm trying to do?
I want to use that other scenario that I have written as a subroutine
in this one.
You can't reuse scenarios defined in feature files.
The best you can do is create a new Step that reuse already defined steps by calling them direcly (jameswtelfer comment on 31 Jan in github issue you provide).

View a JIRA issue as readonly

When a JIRA issue is assigned to me, I keep the issue page open so I can read fields, description, attachments, etc. But the problem is, any place I click, the fields enters in edit mode. I fear change anything by accident, so I was thinking if there is some way to put the ticket in "readonly mode", so I can change something only if I click some "edit" button, or visit a specific url. Is this possible?
There isn't a way to configure this at a user-level, but there is a project level setting to adjust on the applications settings page (if you have admin-level permissions for it).!default.jspa
Someone had requested this as a feature 7 years ago, but it seems like the JIRA development team has not actioned it. (as seen:

Is AmazonAWS creating non-genuine hits? How can I verify?

I have a site that logs a "hit (via saving a record to a Hits table that captures the date/time and IP of the machine whenever the detail page is loaded)" whenever a user brings up a detail page for a particular item so that admins can see how many hits that particular item gets. We get random instances where items are being hit multiple times/day in twos. So, in the data, it looks like a user is viewing an item, but the site is logging their hit twice in the database (same item, same date/time, same IP Address, etc.). Most hits are only being recorded once, and all my testing has lead to assurance the site is working appropriately. I'm noticing that particular IP Addresses are causing double hits. When I do Reverse IP searches, all the "double hits" are tied to IP Addresses that trace back to Amazonaws in northern Virginia, on the other side of the country. Our site is used locally, and the single hits are coming from IPs that trace back to local areas. Is there a bot hitting my site from afar? Should I block Amazonaws in Azure (which is where my site is hosted) or is that going to lock out genuine users? Is there a way I can detect whether a hit is genuine in my code (my site is in .Net MVC)? Has anyone faced a similar situation in the past?
Note: This IS RELEVANT to software engineering because a part of the question is asking how I can verify in my code that a hit is genuine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Basically, what I found out (no thanks to the elitist user who downvoted my question and offered no contribution) is that, my hit counter is being inflated by web crawlers. The quick and dirty solution is to implement a robots.txt file to block crawlers from hitting that page. Of course, that comes with the sacrifice that my client's site will no longer come up, should the public do a google search for the product being offered.
One alternative is the hidden link method; in which we put a hidden page on the site that no human user would ever access. When a bot hits that page, we record the IP in a "blacklist" table. Then, before our real hit counter logs a hit, it checks the user's IP against the blacklist.
Another alternative is to implement a blacklist of known User-Agents used by bots. We check the user's credentials against that list in order to determine whether a user is a bot.
Neither of these solutions are 100% though.
These are fairly adequate responses to my question. Of course, since this is StackExchange (or StackOverflow or StackYourMomma or whatever it is), people are just going to downvote your question and act like you're beneath a response because you didn't follow all the little bull crap rules that come along with being a member of the SE/SO/SYM community.

Is it possible to write a TFS Shared Query with a parameter on a custom field?

I have a set of queries on the Team home page that use the standard #Me, for example to let different users quickly get to bugs they have personally raised, PBIs they created that are now in a certain state.
The users are in customer groups and I'd like to have a similar set of queries showing as tiles on the home page, e.g. "Team Open Bugs", "Team PBIs for review".
Is it possible to write a query that does this -
Select all [work item type] from [team project] where [state] and [#myCustomerTeam] ?
From what I have read so far I believe this is not possible, and certainly not possible through the UI. I'm curious to find out if anyone has solved a problem like this - having different customer groups see different Team Favorites tiles on the Home page of Team Web Access - in some other way. I'm going to try making three sets of queries and putting different permissions on them (there are TFS groups that correspond to the Customer Group field) but I'm not confident that Denying even Read permission on the query itself will stop the tile showing on everyone's homepage.
Edited to say that solution worked for my purposes, as per comment.
Still interested to know if anyone has managed something like this more cleanly. In this case the field I would have liked to parameterise happened to be something I could map to a completely different type of thing, thus shifting the problem. I can imagine wanting to parameterise a field that didn't have that characteristic though.

TFS2010 Customer access via internet Website

Wondering if its possible (technically and licensing) to create a website for a Customer to view reports, report bugs, track progress of products we are creating for them (we are using VS2010 and TFS2010).
Cheers, Nick.
Hopefully one of the MSFT guys will weigh in here, but if I recall, providing access to "real-time" data via a web site is not allowed. Putting static data into a status report is allowed, I believe, as long as the person creating the data has a CAL.
There's an exception to the CAL requirement for creating work items and the subsequent view of those work items. This would allow non CAL-ed users to be able to submit things like bug reports.
From a technical standpoint-- yeah, it is not only possible, but relatively easy to do with the API.
