How to log/ find every single method call on the main thread automatically? - ios

Is there a way to follow a chain every function call on the main thread without having to manually write a log statement in every method?
For example, I would love to see (automatically)
- SomeViewController:viewDidAppear(...)
- SomeModel:loadModel(...)
- SomeService:findModel(...)
You might look at this and say "oh shoot, I shouldn't be finding the model on the main thread."
Of course this presumes it's filtering out all the
framework calls and only displaying the user's library of code. It's basically a means for me to find out where it's not smart for me to be calling things on the main thread.


What happens if the `NEPacketTunnelflow` method `readPacketsWithCompletionHandler` is called multiple times?

When calling the method
- (void)readPacketsWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(
NSArray<NSData *> *packets, NSArray<NSNumber *> *protocols))completionHandler;
the completionHandler is either called directly, in case packets are available at call time, or it is called at a later tim when packets become available.
Yet what is nowhere documented is: What happens if I call this method again before the prior set completionHandler has ever been called?
Will the new handler replace the prior set one and the prior set one won't get called at all anymore?
Are both handler scheduled and called as data arrives? And if so, will they be called in the order I passed them, in reverse order, or in random order?
Has anyone any insights on how that method is implemented?
Of course, I can make a demo project, create a test setup, and see what results I get through testing but that is very time consuming and not necessarily reliable. The problem with unspecified behavior is that it may change at will without letting anyone know. This method may behave differently on macOS and iOS, it may behave differently with every new OS release, or depending on the day of the week.
Or does the fact that nothing is documented is by intention? Do I have to interpret that as: You may call this method once and after your callback was executed, you may call it again with the same or a new callback. Everything else is undefined behavior and you cannot and should not rely on any specific behavior if use that API in a different manner.
As nobody has replied so far, I tried my best to figure it out myself. As testing is not good enough for me, here is what I did:
First I extracted the NetworkExtension framework binary from the dyld cache of macOS Big Sur using this utility.
Then I ran otool -Vt over the resulting binary file to get a disassembler dump of the binary.
My assembly skills are a bit rusty but from what I see the completionHandler is stored in a property named packetHandler, replacing any previous stored value there. Also a callback is created in that method and stored on an object obtained by calling the method interface.
When looking at the code of this created callback, it obtains the value of the packetHandler property and sets it to NULL after the value was obtained. Then it creates NSData and NSNumber objects, adds those to NSArray objects and calls the obtained handler with those arrays.
So it seems that calling the method again just replaces the previous completionHandler which is never be called in that case. So you must not rely that a scheduled handler will eventually be called at some time in the future if the tunnel is not teared down if the possibility exists that your code might replace it. Also calling the method multiple times to schedule multiple callbacks has no effect as as only the last one will be kept and eventually be called.

What is the default thread

In iOS, we have GCD and Operation to handle concurrent programming.
looking into GCD we have QoS classes, and they're simple and straight forward, this question is about why DispatchQueue.main.async is commonly used to asynchronies X tasks in the Main Thread.
So when we usually handle updating something in the UI we usually use that function since to prevent any irresponsiveness from the application.
makes me think is writing code inside the UIViewController usually executed in the main thread ?
but also knowing that callback & completionHandler usually execute without specifying on what thread they are in, and the UI never had a problem with that !! so it is on the background ?
How Swift handles this ? and what thread am i writing on by default without specifying anything ?
Since there are more than one question here, let's attempt to answer them one by one.
why DispatchQueue.main.async is commonly used to asynchronies X tasks
in the Main Thread.
Before mentioning a direct answer, make sure that you don't have confusion of understanding:
Serial <===> Concurrent.
Sync <===> Async.
Keep in mind that DispatchQueue.main is serial queue. Using sync or async has nothing to do with determining serialization or currency of a queue, instead they refer to how the task is handled. Thus saying DispatchQueue.main.async means that:
returns control to the current queue right after task has been sent to
be performed on the different queue. It doesn't wait until the task is
finished. It doesn't block the queue.
cited from: (I'd recommend to check it.)
In other words, async means: this will happen on the main thead and update it when it is finished. That's what makes what you said:
So when we usually handle updating something in the UI we usually use
that function since to prevent any irresponsiveness from the
seems to be sensible; Using sync -instead of async- will block the main.
makes me think is writing code inside the UIViewController usually
executed in the main thread ?
First of all: By default, without specifying which thread should execute a chunk of code it would be the main thread. However your question seems to be unspecific because inside a UIViewController we can call functionalities that are not executed on the main thread by specifying it.
but also knowing that callback & completionHandler usually execute
without specifying on what thread they are in, and the UI never had a
problem with that !! so it is on the background ?
"knowing that callback & completionHandler usually execute without specifying on what thread they are in" No! You have to specify it. A good real example for it, actually that's how Main Thread Checker works.
I believe that there is something you are missing here, when dealing when a built-in method from the UIKit -for instance- that returns a completion handler, we can't see that it contains something like DispatchQueue.main.async when calling the completion handler; So, if you didn't execute the code inside its completion handler inside DispatchQueue.main.async so we should assume that it handles it for you! It doesn't mean that it is not implemented somewhere.
Another real-world example, Alamofire! When calling
Alamofire.request("").responseJSON { response in
// what is going on here work has to be async on the main thread
That's why you can call it without facing any "hanging" issue on the main thread; It doesn't mean its not handled, instead it means they handle it for you so you don't have to worry about it.

How to make a function atomic in Swift?

I'm currently writing an iOS app in Swift, and I encountered the following problem: I have an object A. The problem is that while there is only one thread for the app (I didn't create separate threads), object A gets modified when
1) a certain NSTimer() triggers
2) a certain observeValueForKeyPath() triggers
3) a certain callback from Parse triggers.
From what I know, all the above three cases work kind of like a software interrupt. So as the code run, if NSTimer()/observeValueForKeyPath()/callback from Parse happens, current code gets interrupted and jumps to corresponding code. This is not a race condition (since just one thread), and I don't think something like this can solve this problem.
There is a specific function B called in all three cases to modify object A, so I'm thinking if I can make this function B atomic, then this problem is solved. Is there a way to do this?
You are making some incorrect assumptions. None of the things you mention interrupt the processor. 1 and 2 both operate synchronously. The timer won't fire or observeValueForKeyPath won't be called until your code finishes and your app services the event loop.
Atomic properties or other synchronization techniques are only meaningful for concurrent (multi-threaded) code. If memory serves, Atomic is only for properties, not other methods/functions.
I believe Parse uses completion blocks that are run on a background thread, in which case your #3 **is* using separate threads, even though you didn't realize that you were doing so. This is the only case in which you need to be worried about synchronization. In that case the simplest thing is to simply bracket your completion block code inside a call to dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()), which makes all the code in the dispatch_async closure run on the main, avoiding concurrency issues entirely.

iOS blocks are called on what thread?

I'm learning about blocks from a Stanford video. I'm now at the part which explains core data. The teachers mentions something about:
- (void)openWithCompletionHandler:(void (^)(BOOL success))completionHandler;
He said that completionhandler block will be called in the thread which called the method. So basically the method runs async but the blocks get called on the thread, lets assume main.
So my question is do all blocks run on the thread from where the method call was made. To illustrate why I ask this question, I have a Async class which does request to a server.
The format of all these methods is like this:
- (void) getSomething:(id <delegateWhatever> const)delegate{
goto background thread using GCD..
Got result from server...
Go back to main thread and call the delegate method...
When I use blocks I do not need to worry about going back to main thread if they will be called where the call was made?
Hope this is clear,
Thanks in advance
If something runs asynchronously, you should read a documentation to know on which thread, e.g. the completion block will be executed. If it is your code, you are in charge here, you can use global GCD queues, you can create your own queue and execute it there or whatever...
In general, blocks behaves like a function or a method call, it is executed on thread, which calls it. It is even possible that the same block will be executed from 2 different threads at the same time.
And just to be clear: Even if you are using blocks, you need to care about going back to main thread, of course if it is necessary
Nothing forces blocks to be called on a particular thread, so it depends on the specific method whether or not you need to worry about its callback being on the main thread. (In practice I don't remember ever seeing a library where a method called on the main thread would not call its completion handler also on the main thread. But you still need to read the documentation of the specific library and method you are using, as always.)

NSThread argument problem

[NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:#selector(addressLocation:) toTarget:self withObject:parameter];
[self addressLocation:parameter];
Should these two statements do the same thing? Because one of them (the second one) gives me an accurate result, and the other consistently gives me a random location off the coast of Africa. From what I have read, they should both do the same thing; execute addressLocation with the argument 'parameter.' The only difference is the thread, but it is accessing a global volatile variable, so that shouldn't matter, should it?
Threads are much more complicated than that. When you call detachNewThreadSelector, you are creating a new thread, but there's no simple way for you to know when that call completes. It could complete before the next line of code in the calling thread or many seconds later.
If you create the thread first, you can then use performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone and you should get the same result as if you used [self addressLocation:parameter]. That won't do you a lot of good though because your main thread will be doing nothing while you wait for the result.
There are lots of ways to get data back from a thread -- I like to call performSelectorOnMainThread from the secondary thread to send the data back to the main thread, for example.
I would read up on Grand Central Dispatch to see if it suits your needs.
