Twillio Call Screening silence on answer - twilio

I am using the call screening example at
When I place a call to my incoming Twilio number via landline, it is forwarded to my mobile and I am prompted to "press a key to accept"
Problem is that as soon as I answer it on my mobile the incoming call stops getting the ringing tone and has silence until about 5 seconds after I press any key.
As soon as I answer the call on my mobile the user is presented with silence and has the impression that the call has been answered but it is not until I have pressed a key to accept the call and further until Twilio does its hookup of the call, that is the point that I can talk to the person.
Could I present them with music or a ringing tone until the cal really has been connected to me?
Here is the code of the forwarding
// Set the numbers to call
$numbers = array("<number to call 1>", "<number to call 2>", "<number to call n>");
$number_index = isset($_REQUEST['number_index']) ? $_REQUEST['number_index'] : "0";
$DialCallStatus = isset($_REQUEST['DialCallStatus']) ? $_REQUEST['DialCallStatus'] : "";
header("content-type: text/xml");
// Check the status of the call and
// that there is a valid number to call
if($DialCallStatus!="completed" && $number_index<count($numbers)){
<Dial action="attempt_call.php?number_index=<?php echo $number_index+1 ?>">
<Number url="screen_for_machine.php">
<?php echo $numbers[$number_index] ?>
} else {
And the part that asks me to accept the call
<?php header("content-type: text/xml");
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
<Gather action="complete_call.php">
<Say>Press any key to accept this call</Say>

Twilio Customer Support here.
What I would recommend is that you place the incoming caller into conference, this would allow you to use the waitURL parameter to play hold music whilst your agent decides to take the call:


How to Receive and Send voicemail from/on Twilio number?

I am creating a Twilio based application that will receive the Voicemail if the call is not picked up.
For now, I had set up the incoming call URL in the console against the phone number.
header('content-type: text/xml');
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
file_put_contents('incoming_call.log', "\n" .json_encode($_REQUEST) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
<Dial timeout="15" action="/voicemail.php">
Whereas my voicemail.php file will has to code
// echo "hello ";exit;
header('content-type: text/xml');
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
file_put_contents('incoming_voicemail.log', "\n" .json_encode($_REQUEST) . "\n", FILE_APPEND);
<Say voice="alice">Your call could not be answered at the moment. Please leave a voice message.
I am not receiving the voicemail. Where can I setup the recordingStatusCallback attribute in twiml?
Secondly, I am trying to send voicemail from Twilio number to phone number by dialing One calling and again dial a Second call as the second call will receive a busy status and we are able to send a voicemail, but it's not working. My code is
$call = $twilio->account->calls->create(
$phone_no, // To
$from_no, // From
"method" => "GET",
"statusCallback" => SURL . "voicemail?to_phone_no=" . $phone_no,
"statusCallbackEvent" => ["initiated","ringing"],
"statusCallbackMethod" => "POST",
"twiml" => '<Response><Say>Testing voicemail</Say></Response>'
$call2 = $twilio->account->calls->create(
$phone_no, // To
$from_no, // From
"url" => AURL.'Vm/audio_file'
Please guide me what I am doing wrong. For help thanks in advance.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
For your first question, if you don't include a number (or a SIP address, or a Client identity) to try to connect to, then the <Dial> will move straight on to the action URL, without bothering with the timeout.
If you want the <Dial> to try to connect to a phone, then you should add a phone number.
Second, if you want to receive a webhook when the recording is complete, then you need to add the recordingStatusCallback attribute, with a URL to send the webhook to, to your <Record>, e.g.:
<Say voice="alice">Your call could not be answered at the moment. Please leave a voice message.
<Record recordingStatusCallback="/recording-complete.php"></Record>
Finally, we do not support the final use case of trying to dial a number twice in order to block it up and then leave a voicemail. Making calls and then dropping them is against the terms of service (see point 19 under "prohibited services". So I encourage you to consider a different way to reach out to your customers or contacts that engages with them in a legitimate way.

Play music while waiting an answer in TWIML <dial>

How to dial numbers and diffuse a music to the caller while waiting a successful connexion ?
The code below waits the music to end before doing the <dial> (which is logic)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Dial timeout="10" callerId="+1234567890">
<Number url="whisper?id=1">+1122334455</Number>
<Number url="whisper?id=2">+1122334466</Number>
<Number url="whisper?id=3">+1122334477</Number>
NB: It would be nice NOT to use conference functionalities. Something with <Enqueue> maybe ?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You could do this with <Enqueue>. Here's how it would work:
You would need replace the TwiML that <Play>s and then <Dial>s. This would have to be a dynamic action as you would need to make the three simultaneous calls using the REST API instead of TwiML. The TwiML that you would return would put your original caller into a queue as you suggest and play them music. In PHP that would look a bit like:
// Get the PHP helper library from
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php';
use Twilio\Rest\Client;
// Your Account Sid and Auth Token from
$sid = "your_account_sid";
$token = "your_auth_token";
$client = new Client($sid, $token);
$numbers = array('+1122334455', '+1122334466', '+1122334477');
foreach ($numbers as $number) {
$call = $client->calls->create(
$number, $YOUR_CALLER_ID,
array("url" => "")
header("content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
<Enqueue waitUrl="">
At the URL you would need to return TwiML that dials the callee into the original caller. You have a whisper URL in your original example, which you can achieve by inlining that into the TwiML.
<Say>Your custom message</Say>
Note that you dial the name of the <Queue> that you used in the original <Enqueue>. If this system will be used for more than one caller, then you probably need to generate unique queue names for them.
The final things to do would then be to cancel the other two calls once a call connects and cancel the queue if none of the calls answer. I will leave that to you as I'm sure there's many ways you could achieve it with your own setup.
Let me know if that helps at all.

How to dial the same digit as asked in twilio incoming voice call

I've done the basic twillio client setup following instructions here -
Would it be possible to reply the voice call with the digit asked to dial ?
Like, if the automated call asks to press 5, I can respond with pressing digit 5, like that ?
Have your gather code like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Gather action="/process_gather.php" timeout="10" finishOnKey="*">
<Say>Please enter a digit</Say>
Then on process_gather.php capture the gathered input and send it back to the user using
<Say>You pressed <?php echo $_REQUEST['Digits']; ?></Say>

Twilio Screen Caller with Voicemail

My goal is to have the ability to screen incoming calls, and send them to voicemail. The below code does the screening correctly, however if I answer the call and and then just hangup the call is dropped instead of directing it to voicemail. How can I accomplish this?
<Say>Please wait while we connect you to Aaron. Calls may be recorded for quality assurance purposes.</Say>
<Dial action="voicemail.php?email=aaron" timeout="15">
<Number url="screen-caller.xml">+11231231234</Number>
<Gather action="handle-screen-input.php" numDigits="1">
<Say>To accept, press 1.</Say>
<!-- If customer doesn't input anything, prompt and try again. -->
<Say>Sorry, I didn't get your response.</Say>
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
echo '<Response>';
$user_pushed = (int) $_REQUEST['Digits'];
if ($user_pushed == 1)
echo '<Say>Connecting. Calls are recorded.</Say>';
else {
echo '<Hangup />';
echo '</Response>';
header("content-type: text/xml");
echo '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>';
$email = $_REQUEST['email'];
<?php if ($_REQUEST['DialCallStatus'] == 'completed') { ?>
<?php } else { ?>
<Say>Please leave a message at the beep. Press the star key when finished.</Say>
<Record transcribe="true" action="goodbye.php" transcribeCallback="voicemail-send.php?email=<?php echo $email; ?>" maxLength="120" finishOnKey="*" />
<Say>I did not receive a recording.</Say>
<?php } ?>
[[ edit ]]
Ahhh! I know what it is! The below answer (which I've kept for posterity) is straight wrong.
When the person being dialled and getting the whisper hangs up, then the action on the <Dial> verb is called. From the documentation, the DialCallStatus values can be: completed, busy, no-answer, failed or canceled. When the person picks up the phone the status cannot be busy, no-answer, failed or canceled. So when they hang up before the whisper is over, the call status will be completed.
So, when your action gets called, the DialCallStatus will be completed and your voicemail.php will hang up.
You do also get sent a DialCallDuration, so you could check how long the call went on for and work out whether the call was connected or the person just hung up.
Hope this helps now!
[[ original answer ]]
Twilio developer evangelist here.
If you hang up during the whisper part of the call then the original caller will continue to make their way through the TwiML they were given. In this case, you only give them a <Dial> verb, so once you hang up on your end, the caller completes the <Dial> action, gets to the end of their TwiML and hangs up.
Try adding a <Redirect>/voicemail.php?email=aaron</Redirect> after the <Dial> in the first TwiML.
Let me know if that helps.

programmatically set room id in a Twilio conference

Does anyone know the best way to programmatically set the name/id of the conference room in the Twilio noun ?
<Say>Joining a conference room</Say>
My system will dole out new conference room ID's, dynamically, to keep the conferences small but I'm not sure how to associate the assigned user's room id in the to twiml app's code...
Ricky from Twilio here. Wanted to add some example code for anyone who may stumble on this question.
You need to return TwiML to give Twilio the instructions of what to do with a call but you can generate that TwiML however you'd like. For example, here is a simple PHP script that returns TwiML that places callers in a random conference room.
header("content-type: text/xml");
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n";
<Say>Joining a conference room</Say>
<Conference>Room<?php echo rand(0,2); ?></Conference>
