Program doesn't work without an initial value - ios

The program works fine with var dig = 0 and it doesn't work with var dig:Int I get an error: Variable "dig" used before being initialized Could you explain me why?
func myFunc(a:Int, b:Int) {
var c = a / b
var o = a % b
var v = 0
var dig = 0
if o != 0 {println("\(a)/\(b) = \(c) и \(o)/\(b)")}
else {println("\(a)/\(b) = \(c)")}
if a > b {
v = b
else {
v = a
for var i = 1; i <= v; ++i {
if a % i == 0 && b % i == 0 {dig = i}
println("\(dig) -  greatest common denominator of \(a) and \(b)")

The only place you set the value of dig is inside of an if statement that is inside of a for loop. The Swift compiler does not know if the body of the for loop will be executed, and it doesn't know if the if statement will ever be true, so it has to assume that there is a path in which dig is not initialized.
Consider this simpler example:
func myFunc(a:Int, b:Int) {
var dig: Int
if a >= b {
dig = 3
if a < b {
dig = 4
println("\(dig) - greatest common denominator of \(a) and \(b)")
This example also gives the same error, because Swift considers each if separately. It is obvious to us that a is either greater than or equal to b or it is less than b, but Swift doesn't go that far in evaluating the situation. It just considers that each if may not be true, and dig is only set inside of ifs, so it is possible (as far as Swift is concerned) that dig may not be set.
func myFunc(a:Int, b:Int) {
var dig: Int
if a >= b {
dig = 3
} else {
dig = 4
println("\(dig) - greatest common denominator of \(a) and \(b)")
If you change the second condition to an else, Swift is then happy because it can reason that the if must be true or false and dig is set in each path, so it will certainly have a value before the println statement.

The compiler does not know mathematics good enough to
recognize that the statement
if a % i == 0 && b % i == 0 {dig = i}
is actually executed at least once (for i == 1). Therefore
the compiler assumes that dig might be undefined at
println("\(dig) - greatest common denominator of \(a) and \(b)")
Assigning an initial value in
var dig = 0
is the correct solution.
Btw., the Euclidean Algorithm is a much more effective method to
compute the greatest common divisor, see for example


Why is my binary search implementation returning -1?

This is my main.dart:
import 'edgecases.dart';
main () {
var card = edgecases(0)['input']['cards'];
var query = edgecases(0)['input']['query'];
var result = locate_card(edgecases(0)['input']['cards'], edgecases(0)['input']['query']);
var output = edgecases(0)['output'];
print("Cards:- $card");
print("Query:- $query");
print("Output:- $result");
print("Actual answer:- $output");
And this is my edgecases.dart:
edgecases ([edgecasenumber = null]) { //You may make it required, I provided a null as default to check if my syntax is going right.
List tests = [];
var edge1 = {'input': {
'cards': [13, 11, 10, 7, 4, 3, 1, 0],
'query': 1
}, 'output': 6};
if (edgecasenumber == null){ // This if is useless here so you may
return 'Null type object coud not be found.';
} else {
return tests.elementAt(edgecasenumber); // Indexing in dart also starts with 0.
locate_card (List cards, int query){
int lo = 0;
int hi = cards.length - 1;
print('$lo $hi');
while (lo <= hi) {
//print('hello'); Uncomment to see if it is entering the loop
var mid = (lo + hi) ~/ 2;
var mid_number = cards[mid];
print("lo:$lo ,hi:$hi, mid:$mid, mid_number:$mid_number");
if (mid_number == query){
return mid;
} else if (mid_number < query) {
hi = mid - 1;
} else if (mid_number > query) {
lo = mid + 1;
return -1; //taking about this line
[I have cut short the code here so you may find some things as unnecessary so just ignore it XD]
Actually I am trying to implement binary search here(I have previously successfully implemented it in python, I am implementing in dart to learn the language.)
On testing it with first edge case(that is on running the command dart main.dart), I found that it is returning the value -1 which was wrong, so I tried commenting the return -1; line in edgecases.dart file to see what happens as it was made to handle another edge case(edgecase if the list is empty, here I have removed that for simplicity). I am not able to understand why it is returning -1 if it gives the right value on commenting that line. Any possible explainations and solutions?
Thanks in advance!
You almost did it right. Just place the return -1; after the while loop's closing brace at the very end of locate_card.

Swift optional multiple tests in conditional

I want to do something like this with an optional in swift.
var opt:MyOptional?
func myfunction() {
if (opt == nil) || (opt?.x != 10 && opt?.y != 20)) {
opt = MyOptional()
opt.x = 10
opt.y = 20
My question is if this is a valid pattern, even though it compiles and runs. Does Swift compiler ensures condition 2 runs after condition 1 (opt!= nil)?
Well && and || operators in swift are Left Associative which means your evaluation of conditions goes from left hand side.
(opt != nil). // result 1
this condition will get evaluate first and as you are using the || operator.
Secondaly your (opt?.x != 10 && opt2?.y != 20) // result 2
will get now evaluate if your result 1 is false otherwise it would have gone in the loop because of || operator
final condition
if (result 1 || result 2) {
if only result 1 is true it not evaluate for result 2 due to || operator otherwise it would calculate result 2 and if result 2 is true its a success
Assuming you have got a typo this code should looks like this:
struct MyOptional {
var x: Int = 0
var y: Int = 0
class SomeClass {
var opt: MyOptional?
func myFunction() {
if let unwrappedOpt = opt,
unwrappedOpt.x != 10 && unwrappedOpt.y != 20 {
opt = MyOptional(x: 10, y: 20)
What about your question? You are right.

Match brackets the kotlin way

I'm giving Kotlin a go; coding contently, I have an ArrayList of chars which i want to classify depending on how brackets are matched:
(abcde) // ok characters other than brackets can go anywhere
)abcde( // ok matching the brackets 'invertedly' are ok
(({()})) // ok
)()()([] // ok
([)] // bad can't have different overlapping bracket pairs
((((( // bad all brackets need to have a match
My solution comes out(recursive):
//charList is a property
//Recursion starter'upper
private fun classifyListOfCharacters() : Boolean{
var j = 0
while (j < charList.size ) {
if (charList[j].isBracket()){
j = checkMatchingBrackets(j+1, charList[j])
return j == commandList.size
private fun checkMatchingBrackets(i: Int, firstBracket :Char) : Int{
var j = i
while (j < charList.size ) {
if (charList[j].isBracket()){
if (charList[j].matchesBracket(firstBracket)){
return j //Matched bracket normal/inverted
j = checkMatchingBrackets(j+1, charList[j])
return j
This works, but is this how you do it in Kotlin? It feels like I've coded java in Kotlin syntax
Found this Functional languages better at recursion, I've tried thinking in terms of manipulating functions and sending them down the recursion but to no avail. I'd be glad to be pointed in the right direction, code, or some pseudo-code of a possible refactoring.
(Omitted some extension methods regarding brackets, I think it's clear what they do)
Another, possibly a simpler approach to this problem is maintaining a stack of brackets while you iterate over the characters.
When you encounter another bracket:
If it matches the top of the stack, you pop the top of the stack;
If it does not match the top of the stack (or the stack is empty), you push it onto the stack.
If any brackets remain on the stack at the end, it means they are unmatched, and the answer is false. If the stack ends up empty, the answer is true.
This is correct, because a bracket at position i in a sequence can match another one at position j, only if there's no unmatched bracket of a different kind between them (at position k, i < k < j). The stack algorithm simulates exactly this logic of matching.
Basically, this algorithm could be implemented in a single for-loop:
val stack = Stack<Char>()
for (c in charList) {
if (!c.isBracket())
if (stack.isNotEmpty() && c.matchesBracket(stack.peek())) {
} else {
return stack.isEmpty()
I've reused your extensions c.isBracket(...) and c.matchesBracket(...). The Stack<T> is a JDK class.
This algorithm hides the recursion and the brackets nesting inside the abstraction of the brackets stack. Compare: your current approach implicitly uses the function call stack instead of the brackets stack, but the purpose is the same: it either finds a match for the top character or makes a deeper recursive call with another character on top.
Hotkey's answer (using a for loop) is great. However, you asked for an optimized recursion solution. Here is an optimized tail recursive function (Note the tailrec modifier before the function):
tailrec fun isBalanced(input: List<Char>, stack: Stack<Char>): Boolean = when {
input.isEmpty() -> stack.isEmpty()
else -> {
val c = input.first()
if (c.isBracket()) {
if (stack.isNotEmpty() && c.matchesBracket(stack.peek())) {
} else {
isBalanced(input.subList(1, input.size), stack)
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
println("check: ${isBalanced("(abcde)".toList(), Stack())}")
This function calls itself until the input becomes empty and returns true if the stack is empty when the input becomes empty.
If we look at the decompiled Java equivalent of the generated bytecode, this recursion has been optimized to an efficient while loop by the compiler so we won't get StackOverflowException (removed Intrinsics null checks):
public static final boolean isBalanced(#NotNull String input, #NotNull Stack stack) {
while(true) {
CharSequence c = (CharSequence)input;
if(c.length() == 0) {
return stack.isEmpty();
char c1 = StringsKt.first((CharSequence)input);
if(isBracket(c1)) {
Collection var3 = (Collection)stack;
if(!var3.isEmpty() && matchesBracket(c1, ((Character)stack.peek()).charValue())) {
} else {
input = StringsKt.drop(input, 1);

Dart - NumberFormat

Is there a way with NumberFormat to display :
'15' if double value is 15.00
'15.50' if double value is 15.50
Thanks for your help.
Actually, I think it's easier to go with truncateToDouble() and toStringAsFixed() and not use NumberFormat at all:
n.toStringAsFixed(n.truncateToDouble() == n ? 0 : 2);
So for example:
main() {
double n1 = 15.00;
double n2 = 15.50;
String format(double n) {
return n.toStringAsFixed(n.truncateToDouble() == n ? 0 : 2);
Prints to console:
Edit: The solution posted by Martin seens to be a better one
I don't think this can be done directly. You'll most likely need something like this:
final f = new NumberFormat("###.00");
String format(num n) {
final s = f.format(n);
return s.endsWith('00') ? s.substring(0, s.length - 3) : s;
Not very easily. Interpreting what you want as printing zero decimal places if it's an integer value and precisely two if it's a float, you could do
var forInts = new NumberFormat();
var forFractions = new NumberFormat();
forFractions.minimumFractionDigits = 2;
forFractions.maximumFractionDigits = 2;
format(num n) =>
n == n.truncate() ? forInts.format(n) : forFractions.format(n);
But there's little advantage in using NumberFormat for this unless you want the result to print differently for different locales.
Maybe you don't want use NumberFormat:
class DoubleToString {
String format(double toFormat) {
return (toFormat * 10) % 10 != 0 ?
'$toFormat' :
A variant of double value formatting:
void main (){
final n1 = 15.00;
final n2 = 15.50;
String format(double n) {
final fraction = n - n.toInt();
if (fraction == 0.0) {
return n.toString();
var twoDigitFraction = (fraction * 100).truncateToDouble().toInt();
return '${n.toInt()}.$twoDigitFraction';
This will work.
main() {
double n1 = 15.00;
double n2 = 15.50;
_formatDecimal(double value) {
if (value % 1 == 0) return value.toStringAsFixed(0).toString();
return value.toString();
An alternate solution, working on the string output of NumberFormat:
final f = NumberFormat("###.00");
print(f.format(15.01).replaceAll('.00', ''));
print(f.format(15.00).replaceAll('.00', ''));
Here is a flexible function that nicely rounds and removes trailing zeros after the decimal point to resolve double's imperfections. This doesn't handle the strictly 0 or 2 decimal points scenario from the question, but rather is a more general formatting for double numbers that may be useful for others to consider.
The verbose value can be changed to fit precision needs.
void main() {
for (double i = 0; i < 10; i += 0.3) {
//Creates nicely formatted number string without trailing decimal zeros.
String _formatDouble(double value) {
//this also rounds (so 0.8999999999999999 becomes '0.9000')
var verbose = value.toStringAsFixed(4);
var trimmed = verbose;
//trim all trailing 0's after the decimal point (and the decimal point if applicable)
for (var i = verbose.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {
if (trimmed[i] != '0' && trimmed[i] != '.' || !trimmed.contains('.')) {
trimmed = trimmed.substring(0, i);
return trimmed;
prints output:

Swift 2 Logical AND(&) Operator

I am new to programming and trying to find a simpler way to do this:
if state[0] != 0 && state[1] != 0 && state[2] != 0 && state[3] != 0 && state[4] != 0 && state[5] != 0 && state[6] != 0 && state[7] != 0 && state[8] != 0 {
gameOverLabel.text = "It's a tie."
gameOverLabel.hidden = false
active = false
I tried the code below but it reacted like a OR rather than a AND.
if state[0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8] != 0 {
gameOverLabel.text = "It's a tie."
gameOverLabel.hidden = false
active = false
Thanks for any help!
Assuming that your intention is to check if all array elements
are different from zero, the easiest approach would be
if !state.contains(0) { ... }
Your code
if state[0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8] != 0 { ... }
does not work
as intended because here the bitwise AND 0&1&2&3&4&5&6&7&8
is computed first (with result zero), so that is equivalent to
if state[0] != 0 { ... }
let state = [0,1,2,0,4,5,6,7]
if state.filter{$0 != 0}.count > 0 {
gameOverLabel.text = "It's a tie."
gameOverLabel.hidden = false
active = false
Try this one
The general case with an Array of indices
The short version
let indices = [4,2,9,6,5,3,8,0]
if !indices.contains({ state[$0] == 0 }) {
// ...
A second version which only shows the possibilities of Swift:
if !{ state[$0] }.contains(0) {
// ...
The lazy is used since otherwise map would apply the closure to all indices whereas lazy applies it on average only to half the elements (contains determines the number of executions of the closure).
Note: There is probably no performance improvement for a small amount of indices. The first version is certainly (ever so slightly) faster.
A specific range of indices
Just use the approach above with
let indices = 5...9
Or directly operate on the sub sequence of Array which is ArraySlice.
Side note: Even though it seems that ArraySlice (return type of Array[Range<Int>]) is a value type, internally it is a reference type (like Array) which only copies itself on mutation. In addition ArraySlice is only a view into the array (as long none of them is mutated). So it could be even faster than the first approach.
if !state[24...42].contains(0) {
// ...
