How to get 'apple-touch-icon from URL? - ios

I am developing an iOS app in which user can bookmark the websites and later they can view it by tapping Apple-Touch-Icon (Its completely similar to iOS safari app).
Here my question is how to get/parse the Apple-Touch-Icon from a URL? there are so many questions and answers to get favicon but I don't see any answer/tutorial to get Apple-Touch-Icon.
Can you someone please help me out on this?
Thanks in advance!

There is a framework for iOS and MacOS called FavIcon that will make it work:


Deep link work in iPad, but not in iPhone

I'm working on an old iOS application made in Objective C. I have an html button with a deep link inside a WebView (don't ask why, I have to do this way, not my choice). This Deep Link should open the inApp page of subscription of my app.
It works well when I run my application on iPad but nothing happen when I try it on iPhone (regardless of iOS version or device).
It's not me who implemented the deep link code, so I can't be sure that it's ok. I search a lot, but I didn't find anyone who had the same issue.
If you need more information to help me, let me know.
Thank you.

For google firebase dynamic link, wiith preview page off (efr=1), the link always redirect you to app store even if the app is installed

Seems a few people had the issues too, but didn't figure a solution yet. For example I am having exactly the same this one.
Also according to this a reliable way to test if the universal link set up properly or not is to test the link in the notes app, which works for me. (Also works if I send the message with the link to myself.) However I can't open the app directly in most chat apps (eg. slack, discord) nor safari. On the other hand they works with the preview page on.
Anyone had a fix / workaround? Or that's just how it is (saw this might be issues with app trying to open the link in there build in browser and prevent redirecting somehow ?)
Any help or suggestion will be highly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
I had the same issue, enabling both universal links and custom url schemes for my dynamic link solved the issue.
Dynamic Links -> Edit Link -> Define link behavior for iOS
This is the setup:

How can I automatically post on my wordpress website photos that I took in my iPad?

The idea is to post into a Gallery on my website photos that I took with my iPad automatically using plugins. Or a workaround to achieve that functionality.
Thank you!
There is a wordpress app for ios and android that may help you

Swift 2 open twitter app

since ios 9 and swift 2 this line of code
NSURL(string: "twitter://user?screen_name=YOURNAME")
does not work anymore to open the twitter app, it will redirect to the website instead.
I have been trying to fix this but cannot find anything. Somebody knows how to fix this?
Thank you for any help or support
This actually works again, definitely had problems for a few days where it would not open twitter app. Maybe signing out and back in settings-twitter did the trick.

iOS native app working with jquery mobile

I have my native iOS xcode project that have some views working with jquery mobile and iframes inside it. I am afraid if apple is going to accept it! Could anybody please share his experience on it? Is my app going to be rejected for it? Thank you
I've seen a post in here of someone complaining because his app was rejected with a mention like :
"this is just an html5 website" or something like that.
Having webviews with html content is not bad in itself but your app must provide some useful stuff, not a "mere" website with 5 page to just look at.
