How to do referral concept in ios - ios

Hello I am android developer. I have a question related to iOS. I want something when I ask user to install my application from iTunes once click on hyperlink that redirect to app which is on iTunes. I want to pass some referral code in that link (source from which user came to my app). Once app install then I want to get that referral code. How to do this in iOS.
This is doable in android like
Thanks in advance.

This is not supported by Apple or the App Store. There is no corresponding way to do this.


Firebase dynamicLinks: Do i need an app on the store for my link to work correctly?

I created a dynamic link on firebase dynamics like in their tutorial here
using an app ID (WhatsApp) which is not mine because not yet on App Store.
When i click on it (in Notes or Mail), it goes to Safari and ask if i want to open WhatsApp in AppStore.
When i come back to my app, i don't receive any link.
Do i need to publish my app to the appstore before it works?
You do not need to publish your App in AppStore in order to test the Firebase Dynamic Links.
Did you followed steps here regarding Set up Firebase and the Dynamic Links SDK and Open Dynamic Links in your app?
Is your App receiving any link in UIApplicationDelegate's openURL: method? Can you reproduce the issue with quick-start App ?

Retrieving a deep link when the app isn't installed (iOS)

In the iOS docs for Google App Invites, under Receiving Invitations, it is suggested that a deep link can be retrieved on first launch if the app wasn't installed in advance:
If the user has not yet installed the app, the user can choose to
install the app from the iTunes App Store. When the app opens for the
first time, the App Invites SDK will supply a deeplink if one is
I've looked through the reference docs for GINInvite and GINReceivedInvite but I don't see any way to instantiate GINReceivedInvite outside of an application openURL call. Anybody know how to actually have the SDK retrieve the deep link in this scenario?
What you are trying I will say is not the correct way. You have to check in Safari web browser if app is install or not. If not navigate to App store
You can find your solution in here How to check if an app is installed from a web-page on an iPhone?

Not seeeing "Reply" link to app in Facebook Messenger Platform integration

I was implementing optimized integration for Facebook Messenger Platform for my iOS app using the SDK and am facing a few issues. When I share content from my app to Facebook Messenger, I always see the "Install" link alongside my app link, even though the app is installed. Also, I never see the "Reply" button on the content shared from my app, just Install.
Both the sender and receiver have Admin access to the corresponding Facebook app. (The FB integration features are currently in dev, even though the app is live).
Followed all the sequence of steps mentioned in the documentation -
FBSDKMessengerURLHandler callbacks are implemented for FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerReplyContext and FBSDKMessengerURLHandlerOpenFromComposerContext as well.
Not sure how to proceed to test the features. Anybody else faced the same problem? Any help would be much appreciated.
I had the same issue. Find any valid iOS App Store ID and fill it in on the page (near where you enter the Bundle ID info).
Relaunching Messenger made the Reply button start to show up on new messages.
The developer community at Facebook is pretty awful.

How to install my app to client's iPhone without iTunes Connect

Recently i got an order to create a iOS app. The problem is that the man made the order is really far from me and he want to test the app before i publish it to iTunes. He is not a developer himself. How that could be done?
Its very simple.
In one word: TestFlight
You can use below link. The only thing you need to do is to make zip of your build and drag it to the area provided in site. It will provide a link which you can open on test device on browser and all the things would be done!!
You can try This for wireless installation

Open my app from facebook app

I have an application on IOS, which posts photos and location on facebook.
I want my app to open once user tap on link(When viewing facebook from facebook app). Is this possible?
It's not possible using the built in iOS sharing but Facebook will open your app if you are using their SDK and posting with a Facebook app. (as in an app setup in their developer portal) You need to have deep linking turned on and your app profile setup to point back to your app store id. They also have a new app links thing they announced which is worth checking out. In any case your app will have to support custom URL schemes.
Sorry I can not get clearly but if I am not wrong then do you want to open your iOS app when user click on link on FB ?
If I am right then simple and sort answer, it is not possible because apple iOS dose not provide any such types of feature/API so it is better to stop fighting.
