Describing a 'waiting' step on gherkin language - bdd

I'm trying to describe a scenario of my app on gherkin language so that I can use it as executable spec. The scenario is more less the following: There's a phase of a process in which a check is performed. If all conditions for the check are fulfilled then the process end. Otherwise, the process waits for any condition to change (it's notified about this) and the checks again, finishing if succesful. What I'm having trouble describin is this waiting part. My current version (simplified) is:
Given condition A
And not condition B
When the check is performed
Then the result is negative, pending condition B
What I'm trying to express with pending condition B is that the test will be repeated once condition B changes, but I don't particularly like this version, since it's hard to turn one to one to a test (the fact that condition B changes would be a new When).
Can anybody with more experience come up with a better formulation?

You can either link the two tests together, like this:
Scenario: When A and not B result is negative, but if B happens then result is positive
Given condition A
But not condition B
Then the check returns negative
But if condition B
Then the check returns positive
Which might not be best practice but is sometimes the pragmatic way of doing things, especially if the tests are slow running because of the system under test or your test environment etc.
Or you could make it into two scenarios with some repetition behind the scenes.
Scenario: When A and not B the result is negative
Given condition A
But not condition B
Then the check returns negative
Scenario: When A and B the result should be positive
Given the system has condition A but not B
And the check is returning negative
When condition B
Then the check returns positive
In your case I would say that which one to choose depends on how long your tests take to run. If they are slow then go for one big scenario. If they aren't, or it doesn't matter for some reason then go for the second suggestion. The second suggestion will give more information about the cause of the failure which is nice to have, but if the tests are slow then I think it would still be quite obvious why the the test was failing even if you are using one big scenario.


Guarantee Print Order After Parallelism

I have X amount of cores doing unique work in parallel, however, their output needs to be printed in order.
Object {
Data data
int order
I've tried putting the objects in a min heap after they're done with their parallel work, however, even that is too much of a bottleneck.
Is there any way I could have work done in parallel and guarantee the print order? Is there a known term for my problem? Have others encountered it before?
Is there any way I could have work done in parallel and guarantee the print order?
Needless to say, we design parallelized routines with focus on an efficiency, but not constraining the order of the calculations. The printing of the results at the end, when everything is done, should dictate the ordering. In fact, parallel routines often do calculations in such a way that they’re conspicuously not in order (e.g., striding on each thread) to minimize thread and synchronization overhead.
The only question is how you structure the results to allow efficient storage and efficient, ordered retrieval. I often just use a mutable buffer or a pre-populated array. It’s very efficient in terms of both storage and retrieval. Or you can use a dictionary, too. It depends upon the nature of your Data. But I’d avoid the order property pattern in your result Object.
Just make sure you’re using optimized build if using standard Swift collections, as this can have a material impact on performance.
Q : Is there a known term for my problem?
Yes, there is. A con·​tra·​dic·​tion:
Definition of contradiction…2a : a proposition, statement, or phrase that asserts or implies both the truth and falsity of something// … both parts of a contradiction cannot possibly be true …— Thomas Hobbes
2b : a statement or phrase whose parts contradict each other// a round square is a contradiction in terms
3a : logical incongruity
3b : a situation in which inherent factors, actions, or propositions are inconsistent or contrary to one anothersource: Merriam-Webster
Computer science, having borrowed the terms { PARALLEL | SERIAL | CONCURRENT } from the theory of systems, respects the distinctive ( and never overlapping ) properties of each such class of operations, where:
[PARALLEL] orchestration of units-of-work implies, that any and every work-unit: a) starts and b) gets executed and c) gets finished at the same time, i.e. all get into/out-of [PARALLEL]-section at once and being elaborated at the very same time, not otherwise.
[SERIAL] orchestration of units-of-work implies, that all work-units be processed in a one, static, known, particular order, starting work-unit(s) in such an order, just a (known)-next one after previous one has finished its work - i.e. one-after-another, not otherwise.
[CONCURRENT] orchestration of units-of-work permits to start more than one unit-of-work, if resources and system conditions permit (scheduler priorities obeyed), resulting in unknown order of execution and unknown time of completion, as both the former and the latter depend on unknown externalities (system conditions and (non)-availability of resources, that are/will be needed for a particular work-unit elaboration)
Whereas there is an a-priori known, inherently embedded sense of an ORDER in [SERIAL]-type of processing ( as it was already pre-wired into the units-of-work processing-orchestration-code ), it has no such meaning in either [CONCURRENT], where opportunistic scheduling makes a wished-to-have order an undeterministically random result from the system states, skewed by the coincidence of all other externalities, and the same wished-to-have order is principally singular value in true [PARALLEL] by definition, as all start/execute/finish at-the-same-time - so all units-of-work being executed in [PARALLEL] fashion have no other chance, but be both 1st and last at the same time.
Q : Is there any way I could have work done in parallel and guarantee the print order?
No, unless you intentionally or unknowingly violate the [PARALLEL] orchestration rules and re-enter a re-[SERIAL]-iser logic into the work-units, so as to imperatively enforce any such wished-to-have ordering, that is not known, the less natural for the originally [PARALLEL] work-units' orchestration ( as is a common practice in python - using a GIL-monopolist indoctrinated stepping - as an example of such step )
Q : Have others encountered it before?
Yes. Since 2011, each and every semester this or similar questions reappear here, on Stack Overflow at growing amounts every year.

Remove duplicates across window triggers/firings

Let's say I have an unbounded pcollection of sentences keyed by userid, and I want a constantly updated value for whether the user is annoying, we can calculate whether a user is annoying by passing all of the sentences they've ever said into the funcion isAnnoying(). Forever.
I set the window to global with a trigger afterElement(1), accumulatingFiredPanes(), do GroupByKey, then have a ParDo that emits userid,isAnnoying
That works forever, keeps accumulating the state for each user etc. Except it turns out the vast majority of the time a new sentence does not change whether a user isAnnoying, and so most of the times the window fires and emits a userid,isAnnoying tuple it's a redundant update and the io was unnecessary. How do I catch these duplicate updates and drop while still getting an update every time a sentence comes in that does change the isAnnoying value?
Today there is no way to directly express "output only when the combined result has changed".
One approach that you may be able to apply to reduce data volume, depending on your pipeline: Use .discardingFiredPanes() and then follow the GroupByKey with an immediate filter that drops any zero values, where "zero" means the identity element of your CombineFn. I'm using the fact that associativity requirements of Combine mean you must be able to independently calculate the incremental "annoying-ness" of a sentence without reference to the history.
When BEAM-23 (cross-bundle mutable per-key-and-window state for ParDo) is implemented, you will be able to manually maintain the state and implement this sort of "only send output when the result changes" logic yourself.
However, I think this scenario likely deserves explicit consideration in the model. It blends the concepts embodied today by triggers and the accumulation mode.

Predicting possible inputs leading to output satisfying certain condition

Suppose there is a data set of statistical data with a number of input columns and one output column. The predictors characterize some particular process that is repeated, so one data row is corresponding to one occasion of that process. And for these process characteristics the order and duration is important. Some of them might be absent at all, some of them are repeated, but with different speed or other parameter.
Let's say that our process is names P and it can have a lot of child parts, that form the process together. Let's say, once the process had N sub processes:
Sub process 1, with: speed = SpdA, duration = DurA, depth = DepA
Right after sub process A next sub process B happened:
Sub process 2, with: speed = SpdB, duration = DurB, depth = DepB
... N. Sub process N.
So there might be from 1 to N child processes in each process, that is, in each data row. And the amount of the child processes may vary from one row to another. This is about the input data.
As for the output - the output here in the simplest case is binary - either success or failure, but in reality it will be a positive number starting from 0 to positive infinity. This number represents the time by which the process has finished successfully. If the value for the output is a positive infinity - it means that the process failed to succeed.
Very important note, if we are going with the simplest case where the output is binary - in the statistical data set there will be data rows that mostly have failure in the output. The goal is to find the hypothetical parameters that values of the test predictors should be equal to, to make the process succeed.
For example, after learning we should be able to tell what is the concrete universal input parameters that will most process success. That was the simplest, binary output case.
However, in real life we will have the output that represents time by which the process finished successfully, and +infinity - if failure. So here the goal is the same - make the process succeed or as much close to success as possible. The goal is to generate the test inputs that we might use in future to prevent the output equal to +infinity.
The goal maximum is, having the target time provided, find the exact values for the inputs that will make the process finish successfully as closer to the given time as possible. Here we should expect the enumeration of child processes, their order and the values for each child process to be predicted.
Here in this problem, I guess, the output will play the role of the input and the input will play the role of the output.
What is the approach to solve these problems? How to handle the variable number of characteristics and how to handle the order that might vary in the each data row?
I am a novice in machine learning and would appreciate the concrete suggestions or examples of similar problems solved.
Any help and advice welcome!

SARSA Implementation

I am learning about SARSA algorithm implementation and had a question. I understand that the general "learning" step takes the form of:
Robot (r) is in state s. There are four actions available:
North (n), East (e), West (w) and South (s)
such that the list of Actions,
a = {n,w,e,s}
The robot randomly picks an action, and updates as follows:
Q(a,s) = Q(a,s) + L[r + DQ(a',s1) - Q(a,s)]
Where L is the learning rate, r is the reward associated to (a,s), Q(s',a') is the expected reward from an action a' in the new state s' and D is the discount factor.
Firstly, I don't undersand the role of the term - Q(a,s), why are we re-subtracting the current Q-value?
Secondly, when picking actions a and a' why do these have to be random? I know in some implementations or SARSA all possible Q(s', a') are taken into account and the highest value is picked. (I believe this is Epsilon-Greedy?) Why not to this also to pick which Q(a,s) value to update? Or why not update all Q(a,s) for the current s?
Finally, why is SARSA limited to one-step lookahead? Why, say, not also look into an hypothetical Q(s'',a'')?
I guess overall my questions boil down to what makes SARSA better than another breath-first or depth-first search algorithm?
Why do we subtract Q(a,s)? r + DQ(a',s1) is the reward that we got on this run through from getting to state s by taking action a. In theory, this is the value that Q(a,s) should be set to. However, we won't always take the same action after getting to state s from action a, and the rewards associated with going to future states will change in the future. So we can't just set Q(a,s) equal to r + DQ(a',s1). Instead, we just want to push it in the right direction so that it will eventually converge on the right value. So we look at the error in prediction, which requires subtracting Q(a,s) from r + DQ(a',s1). This is the amount that we would need to change Q(a,s) by in order to make it perfectly match the reward that we just observed. Since we don't want to do that all at once (we don't know if this is always going to be the best option), we multiply this error term by the learning rate, l, and add this value to Q(a,s) for a more gradual convergence on the correct value.`
Why do we pick actions randomly? The reason to not always pick the next state or action in a deterministic way is basically that our guess about which state is best might be wrong. When we first start running SARSA, we have a table full of 0s. We put non-zero values into the table by exploring those areas of state space and finding that there are rewards associated with them. As a result, something not terrible that we have explored will look like a better option than something that we haven't explored. Maybe it is. But maybe the thing that we haven't explored yet is actually way better than we've already seen. This is called the exploration vs exploitation problem - if we just keep doing things that we know work, we may never find the best solution. Choosing next steps randomly ensures that we see more of our options.
Why can't we just take all possible actions from a given state? This will force us to basically look at the entire learning table on every iteration. If we're using something like SARSA to solve the problem, the table is probably too big to do this for in a reasonable amount of time.
Why can SARSA only do one-step look-ahead? Good question. The idea behind SARSA is that it's propagating expected rewards backwards through the table. The discount factor, D, ensures that in the final solution you'll have a trail of gradually increasing expected rewards leading to the best reward. If you filled in the table at random, this wouldn't always be true. This doesn't necessarily break the algorithm, but I suspect it leads to inefficiencies.
Why is SARSA better than search? Again, this comes down to an efficiency thing. The fundamental reason that anyone uses learning algorithms rather than search algorithms is that search algorithms are too slow once you have too many options for states and actions. In order to know the best action to take from any other state action pair (which is what SARSA calculates), you would need to do a search of the entire graph from every node. This would take O(s*(s+a)) time. If you're trying to solve real-world problems, that's generally too long.

What's the point of basis path coverage?

The article at onjava seems to imply that basis path coverage is a sufficient substitute for full path coverage, due to some linear-independence/cyclomatic-complexity magic.
Using an example similar to the article:
public int returnInput(int x, boolean one, boolean two)
int y = x;
y = x-1;
x = y;
return x;
with the basis set {FF,TF,FT}, the bug is not exposed. Only the untested TT path would expose it.
So, how is basis path coverage useful? It doesn't seem much better than branch coverage.
[Disclaimer: I've never heard of this technique before, it just looks interesting so I've done a few searches and here's what I think I've found out. Hopefully someone who knows what they're talking about will contribute too...]
I think it's supposed to be a better way of generating branch coverage tests, not a complete substitute for path coverage. There's a far longer document here which restates the goals a bit:
The onjava article says "the goal of basis path testing is to test all decision outcomes independently of one another. Testing the four basis paths achieves this goal, making the other paths extraneous"
I think "extraneous" here means, "unnecessary to the goal of basis path testing", not as one might assume, "a complete waste of everyone's time".
I think the point of testing branches independently, is to break those accidental correlations between the paths which work, and the paths you test, that occur with terrifying frequency when I write both the code and an arbitrary set of branch coverage tests myself. There's no magic in the linear independence, it's just a systematic way of generating branch coverage, which discourages the tester from making the same assumptions as the programmer about correlation between branch choices.
So you're right, basis path testing misses your bug, and in general misses 2^(N-1)-N bugs, where N is the cyclomatic complexity. It just aims not to miss the 2^(N-1)-N paths most likely to be buggy, as letting the coder choose N paths to test typically does ;-)
path coverage is no better than any other coverage metrics - it is just that metrics that shows how much of 'code' has been tested. The fact that you can achieve 100% branch coverage with (TF,FT) set of TCs as well as (TT,FF) means it is all up to your luck if your exit criteria tell you exit after 100% coverage is done.
The coverage should not be a focus for the tester - finding bugs should be and TC is just a way to show the bug just as well as coverage a proxy showing how much of this showing the bug activity has been done. As with all other white box methods - striving for max coverage with minimum costs require actually understanding the code so that you could actually write a defect w/o a TC. TC is just good for regression and as a documentation of the defect.
As a tester coverage is just a hint on how much has been done - only experience can be really helpful as to say how much is enough. As this is difficult to present in numerical values we use other methods i.e. coverage statistics.
Not sure if this makes sense to you I guess judging on the date you are far gone since the date you publish your question...
My recollection from McCabe's work on this exact subject is: you generate the basis paths systematically, changing one condition at a time, and only changing the last condition, until you can't change any new conditions.
Suppose we start with FF, which is the shortest path. Following the algorithm, we change the last if in the chain, yielding FT. We've covered the second if now, meaning: if there was a bug in the second if, surely our two tests were paying attention to what happened when the second if statement suddenly started executing, otherwise our tests aren't working or our code isn't verifiable. Both possibilities suggest our code needs reworking.
Having covered FT, we go back up one node in the path and change the first T to F. When building basis paths, we only change one condition at a time. So we are forced to leave the second if the same, yielding... TT!
We are left with these basis paths: {FF, FT, TT}. Which address the issue you raised.
But wait, you say, what if the bug occurs in the TF case?? The answer is: we should have already noticed it between two of the other three tests. Think about it:
The second if already had its chance to demonstrate its effect on the code independently any other changes to the execution of the program through the FF and FT tests.
The first if had its chance to demonstrate its independent effect going from FT to TT.
We could have started with the TT case (the longest path). We would have arrived at slightly different basis paths, but they would still exercise each if statement independently.
Notice in your simple example, there is no co-linearity in the conditions of the if statements. Co-linearity cripples basis path generation.
In short: basis path testing, done systematically, avoids the problems you think it has. Basis path testing doesn't tell you how to write verifiable code. (TDD does that.) More to the point, path testing doesn't tell you which assertions you need to make. That's your job as the human.
Source: this is my research area, but I read McCabe's paper on this exact subject a few years back:
