Rails 3 Wicked PDF - include Paperclip S3 pdf files - ruby-on-rails

I have a Rails 3 app that uses these gems:
gem 'paperclip'
gem 'wicked_pdf'
gem 'combine_pdf'
I'm using wicked_pdf to open a pdf for a costproject. The costproject has an HTML page called viewproject.pdf.erb.
I'm trying to combine the wicked pdf with the costproject attachments into a single pdf.
This is my controller code:
def viewproject
#costproject = Costproject.find(params[:costproject_id])
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
pdf = CombinePDF.new
pdf2 = render_to_string pdf: "Costproject.pdf", template: "costprojects/viewproject", encoding: "UTF-8"
pdf << CombinePDF.new(pdf2)
#costproject.attachments.each do |attachment|
pdf << CombinePDF.new(attachment.attach.path)
send_data pdf.to_pdf, :disposition => 'inline', :type => "application/pdf"
The line pdf << CombinePDF.new(pdf2) is giving me:
string contains null byte
If I look at pdf2, it starts like this - so it looks like a pdf:
>> pdf2
=> "%PDF-1.4\n1 0 obj\n<<\n/Title (\xFE\xFF)\n/Producer (wkhtmltopdf)\n/CreationDate (D:20150405202628)\n>>\nendobj\n4 0 obj\n<<\n/Type /ExtGState\n/SA true\n/SM 0.02\n/ca 1.0\n/CA 1.0\n/AIS false\n/SMask /None>>\nendobj\n5 0 obj\n[/Pattern /DeviceRGB]\nendobj\n8 0 obj\n<<\n/Type /XObject\n/Subtype /Image\n/Width 71\n/Height 75\n/BitsPerComponent 8\n/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB\n/Length 9 0 R\n/Filter
I also tried pdf << CombinePDF.new(pdf2.to_pdf)
Thanks for the help!
As a test, to see if pdf2 is working, I did this successfully:
def viewproject
#costproject = Costproject.find(params[:costproject_id])
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
pdf2 = render_to_string pdf: "Costproject.pdf", template: "costprojects/viewproject", encoding: "UTF-8"
send_data pdf2, :disposition => 'inline', :type => "application/pdf"
Myst was correct about using parse. Thanks!
I am now using this line in the controller code:
pdf << CombinePDF.new(attachment.attach.url)
I get this error:
No such file or directory - http://s3.amazonaws.com/ ...
But, if I copy the http address and paste into the browser the pdf shows up.

I am editing this answer to reflect the issue of remotely stored PDF files.
I should point out that without a persistent connection to the S3 storage and without using the S3 API, the following solution WILL effect performance*.
As I pointed out, the CombinePDF.new method is the same as the CombinePDF.load method. It accepts a file name and attempts to open the file. The CombinePDF.parse method will accept raw PDF data and parses it into a PDF Object.
In the following code I use Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url)) to get the raw PDF data.
I recommend replacing this solution with a S3 native solution, so that the whole application can share one or more persistent connections. This is a performance issue that may or may not be important for you.
require 'net/http'
def viewproject
#costproject = Costproject.find(params[:costproject_id])
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
pdf = CombinePDF.new
pdf2 = render_to_string pdf: "Costproject.pdf", template: "costprojects/viewproject", encoding: "UTF-8"
pdf << CombinePDF.parse(pdf2)
#costproject.attachments.each do |attachment|
pdf << CombinePDF.parse( Net::HTTP.get( URI.parse( attachment.attach.url ) ) )
send_data pdf.to_pdf, :disposition => 'inline', :type => "application/pdf"
* The performance hit is dependent on the amount of PDF attachments you have, on the number of users your app has, on network traffic, on your framework (single/multi-thread) and other factors.
A persistent connection should reduce the performance hit in a dramatic way, mainly due to the fact that establishing connections is an expensive action.


Streaming Large (7 GB) S3 gz file in Rails 3.x to the Browser

I'm trying to stream a large Amazon S3 file to the browser using the Rails send_data method, however because the file is so large, the server runs out of memory and cannot complete the request.
The code looks something like this:
def download
def download_file
send_data(file.download, :filename => filename, :type => 'application/gzip', :disposition => 'attachment')
Is there a way to stream the chunks of the file with send_data so that it's a single file in the browser? the way I understand it is that send_data has to load the entire file into memory, then send all of that at once.
You should use send_file instead of send_data as it allow you to set the buffer and more option.
More information here.
If you want to download from S3, you can do this:
def download
data = open("S3_OBJECT_URL")
send_file data.read, filename: filename, type: "application/gzip", disposition: 'attachment', stream: 'true', buffer_size: '4096'
redirect_to s3_object.file.url

Wicked pdf gem not creating correct data in pdf on rails production server

I am using Wicked pdf gem for creating pdf. It is absolutely working fine on my local. But on production it is giving serious issues. The pdf is generated but in spite of generating a single page it generates 14-15 pages with data like this:
")),this.$.write(e),this.$.close()},find:function(e){return new CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList(this.$.querySelectorAll(e))},findOne:function(e){return(e=this.$.querySelector(e))?new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e):null},_getHtml5ShivFrag:function(){var e=this.getCustomData("html5ShivFrag");return e||
(e=this.$.createDocumentFragment(),CKEDITOR.tools.enableHtml5Elements(e,!0),this.setCustomData("html5ShivFrag",e)),e}}),CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList=function(e){this.$=e},CKEDITOR.dom.nodeList.prototype={count:function(){return this.$.length},getItem:function(e){return
0>e||e>=this.$.length?null:(e=this.$[e])?new CKEDITOR.dom.node(e):null}},CKEDITOR.dom.element=function(e,t){"string"==typeof e&&(e=(t?t.$:document).createElement(e)),CKEDITOR.dom.domObject.call(this,e)},CKEDITOR.dom.element.get=function(e){return(e="string"==typeof e?
document.getElementById(e)||document.getElementsByName(e)[0]:e)&&(e.$?e:new CKEDITOR.dom.element(e))},CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype=new CKEDITOR.dom.node,CKEDITOR.dom.element.createFromHtml=function(e,t){var n=new CKEDITOR.dom.element("div",t);return
e[r]=t,o[n]=1,t.setCustomData(n,i)},CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearAllMarkers=function(e){for(var t in e)CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers(e,e[t],1)},CKEDITOR.dom.element.clearMarkers=function(e,t,n){var
i,r=t.getCustomData("list_marker_names"),o=t.getCustomData("list_marker_id");for(i in r)t.removeCustomData(i);t.removeCustomData("list_marker_names"),n&&(t.removeCustomData("list_marker_id"),delete e[o])},function(){function e(e,t){return-1<(" "+e+" ").replace(o," ").indexOf(" "+t+"
")}function t(e){var t=!0;return e.$.id||(e.$.id="cke_tmp_"+CKEDITOR.tools.getNextNumber(),t=!1),function(){t||e.removeAttribute("id")}}function n(e,t){var n=CKEDITOR.tools.escapeCss(e.$.id);return"#"+n+" "+t.split(/,\s*/).join(", #"+n+" ")}function i(e){for(var
t=0,n=0,i=a[e].length;i>n;n++)t+=parseInt(this.getComputedStyle(a[e][n])||0,10)||0;return t}var r=document.createElement("_").classList,r="undefined"!=typeof r&&null!==String(r.add).match(/[Native code]/gi),o=/[\n\t\r]/g;CKEDITOR.tools.extend(CKEDITOR.dom.element.prototype,
{type:CKEDITOR.NODE_ELEMENT,addClass:r?function(e){return this.$.classList.add(e),this}:function(t){var n=this.$.className;return n&&(e(n,t)||(n+=" "+t)),this.$.className=n||t,this},removeClass:r?function(e){var t=this.$;retur
The entire 14-15 pages are like this.
This is the method that creates pdf.
def generate_supplier_commission_pdf
#start_date = params[:start_date].to_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
#end_date = params[:end_date].to_date.strftime('%d/%m/%Y')
if params[:sec_filter].present?
sec_filter = true
sec_filter = false
results = get_report_results_by_type(params[:report_type], #start_date, #end_date, sec_filter)
#results = JSON.parse(results)
#type = params[:report_type].to_i
respond_to do |format|
format.pdf do
render pdf: "report",
layout: 'pdf_layout',
template: 'reports/generate_supplier_commission_pdf.html.erb',
encoding: 'UTF8',
print_media_type: true,
disposition: 'attachment',
page_size: 'letter',
orientation: 'landscape',
lowquality: 'false',
debug: true
Each and everything like the wkhtml path or anything that can be taken of care of in the code is fine. The only difference I saw is in the logs i.e after this line
Rendered reports/generate_supplier_commission_pdf.html.erb within layouts/pdf_layout (5.2ms)
The following line is not present on server logs.
"***************[\"/usr/bin/wkhtmltopdf\", \"-q\", \"--orientation\", \"landscape\", \"--page-size\", \"letter\", \"--encoding\", \"UTF8\", \"--lowquality\", \"--print-media-type\", \"file:///tmp/wicked_pdf20160903-24256-1v1ay70.html\", \"/tmp/wicked_pdf_generated_file20160903-24256-1da8k68.pdf\"]***************"
I will be really grateful if someone could point out what is going wrong in this case. Thanks in advance.
I managed to resolve this issue by commenting this line in my config/environments/production.rb
# config.assets.js_compressor = :uglifier
and adding this line in it's place:
config.assets.compress = true

Rails + Prawn_rails: How do I add an image to my PDF?

I'm using this gem to use Prawn to create a PDF: https://github.com/Whoops/prawn-rails
However, I can't seem to figure out how to add an image. I've tried pdf.image "path/to/img.jpg but it would say the file is not a recognized format.
I've also looked into this on page 101: http://prawn.majesticseacreature.com/manual.pdf , but it doesn't work.
This is happening in the views:
prawn_document() do |pdf|
pdf.image "#{Rails.root}/public/logo.gif"
This throws:
Prawn::Errors::UnsupportedImageType at /admin/purchases/6188.pdf
image file is an unrecognised format
Same happens for a .jpg image
I would do something like this.
gem 'prawn'
bundle install
In your controller.
def controller_method
pdf = Prawn::Document.new
pdf_file_path = "#{Rails.root}/public/output"
full_doc = "#{Rails.root}/public/something.png"
pdf.image full_doc
pdf.render_file pdf_file_path
rescue Prawn::Errors::UnsupportedImageType
flash[:notice] = "Image unsupported"
redirect_to '/handle'
Adding an image is easy enough.
def download
#document = Document.find(params[:id])
tmp_file = Tempfile.new(Digest::MD5.hexdigest(rand(12).to_s))
pdf = Prawn::Document.generate(tmp_file.path, :margin => 0, :page_size => "A4", :skip_page_creation => true) do |posting|
posting.image #document.user.logo.path
send_data posting.render, :filename => "whatever.pdf", :type => "application/pdf"
Obviously #document.user.logo.path could be a literal path, that's just a Paperclip attachment in this case.
If it's a literal path you might need to do something like this:
require "open-uri"
def download
posting.image File.open("/path/to/image.jpg")
It seems the latest prawn (version 1.0.0) has changed. You'll get
undefined method `image=' for #<Prawn::Document
if you try and apply something to pdf.image.
This worked for me:
img = "#{Rails.root}/public/my_lovely_image.png"
Prawn::Document.new(background: img)

How to save pdf file inside the public folder using wicked_pdf

Right Now i am using Rails 3.0.0.i already installed the gem wicked_pdf.Now to want to save the pdf file inside the public folder.please help me.
If you need to just create a pdf and not display it:
# create a pdf from a string
pdf = WickedPdf.new.pdf_from_string('<h1>Hello There!</h1>')
# create a pdf from string using templates, layouts and content option for header or footer
render_to_string(:pdf => "pdf_file.pdf", :template => 'templates/pdf.html.erb', :layout => 'pdfs/layout_pdf'),
:footer => {:content => render_to_string({:template => 'templates/pdf_footer.html.erb', :layout => 'pdfs/layout_pdf'})}
# or from your controller, using views & templates and all wicked_pdf options as normal
pdf = render_to_string :pdf => "some_file_name"
# then save to a file
save_path = Rails.root.join('pdfs','filename.pdf')
File.open(save_path, 'wb') do |file|
file << pdf
This is top answer on How to convert string in pdf in ruby on rails
And if you aren't against i put one of the answer:
Some services returns pdf as a string like: JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKNCAwIG9iago8PC9Ue. . .
You can create a pdf file from the sting, with:
f = File.new("/tmp/file.pdf", "w")
And then you can open pdf file with AcrobatReader or another pdf reader.
Wish it helps.
Also, you can do this:
render :pdf => 'foo',
:save_to_file => Rails.root.join('public', "foo.pdf"),
:save_only => true

Difficulty with send_data in Ruby on Rails in conjunction with Spreadsheet plug-in

I have a function in a controller that takes in some specifications and generates a report on them. This function user_report is called in a view:
< %= submit_to_remote 'submit-button', "Export Report to Excel", :url => { :controller => :reports, :action => :user_report, :print_state => 'print'} % >
In reports_controller I use the Spreadsheet plugin to generate an Excel file within the user_report function. I want to use send_data to stream the file to the user without creating it on the server first. The research I've done shows that using StringIO is the way to go, as shown below. Frustratingly, nothing happens when I call send_data. The plugin seems to work well creating a file and saving it on the server, but does nothing when I use send_file, suggesting that the problem doesn't lie in the plugin. But then what am I doing wrong with send_file/send_data?
The function itself looks like this:
def user_report
if request.post?
unless params[:reports][:userid].blank?
if params[:print_state]=='print'
report = Spreadsheet::Workbook.new
info = report.create_worksheet :name => 'User Information'
info.row(1).push 'User ID', #userid
#outfile = "Report_for_#{#userid}.xls"
require 'stringio'
data = StringIO.new ''
report.write data
send_data data.string, :type=>"application/excel", :disposition=>'attachment', :filename => #outfile
respond_to do |format|
format.js { }
The log file reads
2010-10-18 14:13:59 INFO -- Sending data Report_for_jjohnson.xls
but no download begins in-browser. I've succeed in using send_data on this app before, which is confusing.
I'm using Rails v2.3, Ruby v1.8.7, and Spreadsheet v6.4.1 at spreadsheet.rubyforge.org.
Just change the line:
send_data data.string, :type=>"application/excel", :disposition=>'attachment', :filename => #outfile
send_data data.string.bytes.to_a.pack("C*"), :type=>"application/excel", :disposition=>'attachment', :filename => #outfile
Even though I dont like to write and delete , but with spreadsheet seems like the only solution.
# write the file
book.write "Employee_History_#{ params[:id]}.xls"
# send the file
send_file "Employee_History_#{ params[:id]}.xls", :type => "application/vnd.ms-excel", :filename => "data.xls", :stream => false
# and then delete the file
File.delete("Employee_History_#{ params[:id]}.xls")
For someone looking at this in (or after) 2022, a possible solution to this would be to use Axlsx Gem. The interface provides a method for converting it to a StringIO object. (From Axlsx Documentation)
#serialize to a file
p = Axlsx::Package.new
# ......add cool stuff to your workbook......
# Serialize to a stream
s = p.to_stream()
:type => 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet',
:disposition => 'attachment',
:filename => #filename
