Absolute image URL in rails - ruby-on-rails

How can I get the absolute URL of an image in Rails.
Rails serves the images using assets.
So an image by the name "logo.png" is actually stored as "logo-776bfb0d3b4bdea029da753cf63916e2.png".
This is not a problem when I need to access the image using a Rails server as I render it using the <%= image_tag %> helper.
But I need to pass the actual URL to an API which will then render the image.
So how can I just get the physical URL??

This is the name of the file. It will be in your public/assets directory and the url will be
Note this will change when you precompile your assets and the file is given a new fingerprint. You will be much better off using the rails image_url helper to give you the URL and passing that to your API.

If you are using rails 4. Then the image will be in name_of_your_app/app/assets/images/.

You probably have to include ActionView::Helpers::AssetUrlHelper. Or you could just call ActionController::Base.helpers.image_tag("image.png")


Image not loading in dynamic page of Ruby on Rails app

I've done the assets pipeline for my rails project and everything is working fine, except on the dynamic posts page, like http://localhost:3000/posts/2, where images doesn't load. Everywhere else it works fine.
In console I get this error:
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET]
But I used src="assets/m1.jpg in image tag but in the console error the link is different!
What am I missing?
If the image tag has the following exact image path specified:
<img src="assets/m1.jpg" etc="etc">
...then the browser will treat that as a relative URL and try to look it up relative to the URL of the current page, which is http://localhost:3000/posts/2.
As a result, the browser will look for an image with this URL: http://localhost:3000/posts/assets/m1.jpg, which is exactly what's happening in your case.
Try using the image_tag helper instead:
<%= image_tag "m1.jpg" %>
Links that don't start with a / look within the same "folder" you're currently in. Thus when you're on localhost:3000/posts/2 you're in the posts 'folder' and so it looks for localhost:3000/posts/assets/m1.jpg.
If your start a link with a / it'll look from the top of the current site localhost:3000, thus /assets/m1.jpg will look for localhost:3000/assets/m1.jpg which is where you want it to be looking.
In your code you, can use the image_tag helper instead of manually writing out your image tags:
image_tag('m1.jpg') # <img alt="M1" src="/assets/m1.jpg" />
You should use the helper <%= image_tag('m1.jpg') %> and put your image in the assets/images/ directory.
The helper will generate the correct path to the image

how to insert image in rails

Using Rails, I am creating my first web-site. And I have a problem like this: I can't insert an image in my page (index.html.erb).
I put an image named "main.png" in directory "app/assets/images", and wrote that:
<img src="main.png">
But my image isn't displayed correctly. What I'm doing not right?
You should use the provided helpers by Rails to "automagically" detect paths, fingerprints, ...:
<%= image_tag "main.png" %>
Anyway, I recommend you to read the asset pipeline guides to understand how the assets works in Rails: http://guides.rubyonrails.org/asset_pipeline.html
You should use Rails helpers as markets pointed out.
By the way, the name of the image file should be the same you use as the parameter of image_tag method. You are referencing your image as main.png when the image file is main.jpg
<%= image_tag "main.jpg" %>

Initial seed access asset link

I have an initial seed that I am trying to add some html to the database. I would like to reference an image. But when I do this it does not contain the auto generated hash key.
Here is the code I have:
<img src=\"/assets/Placeholder.png\" alt=\"Add image 2\">
But I would like to use the actual production file.
If I was in a view i would use
<%= image_tag "Placeholder.png" %>
Is this possible in the initialseed file?
If you pre-compile assets in production, it should generate a manifest.yml file with the respective fingerprint/hash for the file in question. You could do that and then use that hash in your seed, I believe.

How should I access the asset_url helper in the view

When I try to use asset_url in my view (Rails 3.2), I get a NoMethodError.
What do have to do to be able to use AssetUrlHelper's methods in my views?
To explain this a bit better and maybe find an alternative solutions: I need to get an "asset link" to file attachments created with carrierwave.
My model has an attachment which points to a file in my assets directory. I need to draw a link to this file.
= link_to model.name, model.attachment(:size)
gives me /myfiles/model/id/attachment/size.png (which is what is persisted by carrierwave)
= image_tag model.attachment(:size)
gives me the wanted http://static_host.com/.../size.png
but I have no need for an image tag, but the plain link to the file at the asset host.
The following works ok for me:
<%= link_to "link to asset", asset_path(article.image.url) %>
I'm using paperclip but I doubt it makes much difference
I think the helper asset_path belongs to asset files (like .css and .js) , not views. In views is proper to be used helpers like image_tag or stylesheet_include_tag. This is the idea behind the asset-pipeline - to ease reference to assets.

How to rewrite Rails assets path?

I began moving all the assets in my site to S3 and ran into a problem with my asset path.
There's a WYSIWYG editor on my site that includes images by absolute path, so when you add an image, it doesn't use the rails image_tag helper but rather adds an image like this:
<img src="/system/images/image_1.jpg" />
The problem is that in production the URL /system/images/image_1.jpg leads to a non-existant file.
Naturally, two solutions are to 1) replace the URL dynamically (gsub) when it's called and 2) to loop through the database and replace the urls.
A better solution, however, would be to rewrite the /system/images/image_1.jpg url to point to S3. How do I do that?
