How should I access the asset_url helper in the view - ruby-on-rails

When I try to use asset_url in my view (Rails 3.2), I get a NoMethodError.
What do have to do to be able to use AssetUrlHelper's methods in my views?
To explain this a bit better and maybe find an alternative solutions: I need to get an "asset link" to file attachments created with carrierwave.
My model has an attachment which points to a file in my assets directory. I need to draw a link to this file.
= link_to, model.attachment(:size)
gives me /myfiles/model/id/attachment/size.png (which is what is persisted by carrierwave)
= image_tag model.attachment(:size)
gives me the wanted
but I have no need for an image tag, but the plain link to the file at the asset host.

The following works ok for me:
<%= link_to "link to asset", asset_path(article.image.url) %>
I'm using paperclip but I doubt it makes much difference

I think the helper asset_path belongs to asset files (like .css and .js) , not views. In views is proper to be used helpers like image_tag or stylesheet_include_tag. This is the idea behind the asset-pipeline - to ease reference to assets.


how to insert image in rails

Using Rails, I am creating my first web-site. And I have a problem like this: I can't insert an image in my page (index.html.erb).
I put an image named "main.png" in directory "app/assets/images", and wrote that:
<img src="main.png">
But my image isn't displayed correctly. What I'm doing not right?
You should use the provided helpers by Rails to "automagically" detect paths, fingerprints, ...:
<%= image_tag "main.png" %>
Anyway, I recommend you to read the asset pipeline guides to understand how the assets works in Rails:
You should use Rails helpers as markets pointed out.
By the way, the name of the image file should be the same you use as the parameter of image_tag method. You are referencing your image as main.png when the image file is main.jpg
<%= image_tag "main.jpg" %>

Rails images in many folders

I bought ready css and html template. There is many images in many folders, for example:
Is there some way in rails to do not write path to every image in view?
<%= image_tag('image.png') %>
gives not_found if I do not write path to it. I know I can copy all files to /images/ ...
You could write helpers for each of the major folders to cut down on having to repeat them. If they follow themes this would make sense (ie. icons, header images, borders, buttons etc.)
try these answer image_tag 'image.png' or image_url 'image.png'

Is there an advantage to using link_to over the anchor tag in Rails?

Don't these two do the same thing?
<%= link_to "Example", '#', class: "somestyle" %>
If I'm writing a static .html.erb page, if everything else is written with HTML tags, doesn't it make sense to use HTML tags for links as well? I'm not sure why one should use a helper. Similarly, for linking style sheets, javascripts, etc.
For the link tags, it may not make a difference which way you go. Unless you're linking to more than "#". For instance, using a routed path.
For the stylesheets and javascript, I think you will need to continue to use the Rails helpers if you're taking advantage of the asset pipeline. If so, the hash in the filename changes at each asset compilation (I believe), and manually trying to edit the filename each time could become a pain.

How to change default path for images to look for

By default, rails is looking for images to "public/images" folder.
But it is not suiteable for me, since i have all the multimedia stuff in "public/data/:model/:id" folders.
How do i force rails to look into this folder.
I don't need obligatory such a pattern, that i mentioned above.
The only thing, i need, is just to change "public/images" path to "public/data", so, the rails should look to "data" folder, instead of "images".
I don't need to use "paperclip" plugin, because my models holding the pure HTML content (with clean and simple structure, that will not change in the future), that has "img" tags.
How can it be done ?
You you mean the image_tag helper is looking by default there? That's only the case if you only specify a relative path. Putting the full path in gets what you want I believe.
<%= image_tag '/data/model/1'
would generate
<img src="/data/model/1.png">

Possible to use stylesheet.css.erb in Rails?

Hey, I'm new to Rails and Ruby in general. I was wondering if it's possible to use an embedded ruby css file (css.erb), similar to using html.erb files for views.
For example, I'm using
<%= stylesheet_link_tag "main" %>
to link to my main.css file in public/stylesheets, but when I change the file extension from main.css to main.css.erb, it no longer renders the css..
Is this even possible, or is there a better way?
By the time this question was answered there was indeed no way to use .css.erb files in rails properly.
But the new rails 3.1 asset pipeline enables you to use asset helpers inside your css file. The css parsers is not binded a controller/action scope, but the ruby parser is now able to resolve some issues like image path references
.class { background-image: url(<%= asset_path 'image.png' %>) }
or embed an image directly into your css
#logo { background: url(<%= asset_data_uri 'logo.png' %>) }
You can also generate a "stylesheets" controller
./script/generate controller stylesheets main admin maintenance
You get something like this:
exists app/controllers/
exists app/helpers/
create app/views/stylesheets
exists test/functional/
exists test/unit/helpers/
create app/controllers/stylesheets_controller.rb
create test/functional/stylesheets_controller_test.rb
create app/helpers/stylesheets_helper.rb
create test/unit/helpers/stylesheets_helper_test.rb
create app/views/stylesheets/main.html.erb
create app/views/stylesheets/admin.html.erb
create app/views/stylesheets/maintenance.html.erb
And you can later use the app/views/stylesheets/ files as dynamically rendered css files.
The same method works for javascript files (javascripts controller)
I dont think so. Whats your intention - to use variables and have them be evaluated at runtime, or "compile" time (meaning like deploy time?). Also, what would be the ERB binding? Would it bind to the controller, like views and helpers are, so that ERB instance would have access to the instance variables set in the controller? I just pose this question as more of a theoretical exercise.
If you want to use variables in your CSS than you can use Haml's SASS. You dont get access to the controller's scope but you do get basic variables and looping. Plus other cool stuff like mixins.
