transparent background node webkit window - transparency

I can do almost everything else with nwjs so I find my failure to make this work very frustrating.
I have made the simplest of html file with <body style="background-color:rgba(0,0,0,0);"></body> and "transparent":true, in the window section of package.json, but the window background remains white.
(I have a new Dell tablet PC running windows 8.1.)
Something I've missed?

#chris .... quick check -- do you have your Windows "Theme" set to an "Aero" type, which allows for transparency? I'm not sure on Windows 8.1, but on 7 the "standard" desktop themes don't allow for transparency (shadowed, rounded elements) whereas the Aero desktop theme(s) do.


iOS 15.1 safari PWA statusbar color stays green despite changes in index.html and manifest.json

In buidling a PWA with ionic and capacitor. I've just updated my iPhone to iOS 15.1. When building for production, I noticed that the statusbar had a green color. I changed my apple-mobile-web-app-status-bar-style to black-transculent. Build the app again, added to home screen but still the status bar had a green color.
I inspected my manifest.json file and noticed that the theme_color property was set to #4DBA87. I looked this color up and it turned out to be the exact same color as the green color my statusbar has. Changed this color to #FFFFFF build the app again, added to home screen but still my statusbar stays the green color.
I'm a bit lost now what to do. I've made sure that after each build I cleared my cache to make sure the new build was loaded into safari. When I still had iOS 14.7.x the statusbar was white. I already looked up the release notes on iOS 15.1 but it doesn't say anything about changes in html properties regarding safari.
Any thoughts on this?
It turned out thatmy pwa configuration settings in vue.config.js caused a 2x <meta name="theme-color" /> tag in my index.html. the latter being the one with the green color, which was caused due to the fact that this tag was hard coded in my index.html and the vue pwa plugin also generated this tag, being the last one (order wise) with the green color.
I removed the hard coded tag, set the themeColor property in vue.config.js to #FFFFFF and all is well now.
pwa: {
appleMobileWebAppCapable: 'yes',
appleMobileWebAppStatusBarStyle: 'black-transculent',
themeColor: '#FFFFFF'

Avalonia : Hiding titlebar window on Linux does not work

I'm using avalonia (version 0.10.3 - but the same happened with 0.10.0 - on Net5.0 project) as the UI for a project and when I create for instance a splash or an about screen, the title bar must be invisible.
On windows this works just fine with these parameters in the window section :
Unfortunately, on Linux (mint - latest version with latest updates), the title bar remains visible (also if I set ExtendClientAreaTitleBarHeightHint="-1").
Is this a known issue or am I doing something wrong ?
I do not have a mac, but is that also the case for mac ?
X11 uses so-called "server decorations". Window frame is drawn by a window manager in a separate process, so it's not really possible to extend into that area.
You can still disable the frame completely and draw your own, but in general it's not really recommended since you will break advanced window interactions in basically every non-GNOME based Linux distro (GNOME doesn't care because it doesn't have any advanced window interactions).
In some future version Avalonia would use a custom-drawn frame for GNOME with a configuration option to ignore your user's preferences in favor of a fancy looking window border for other desktop environments as well, but it's not implemented yet.
I had a similar problem but I "solve it" by defining the window property as:
WindowState = WindowState.FullScreen;
Comparing with Normal or Maximized, with title bar in fullscreen remains hidden.

Delphi 10.3 RIO ImageList causes crash on Android 5.1.1

I recently moved from Delphi Berlin to Delphi Rio since I need the new Android stuff. Trough trial and error I figured out that the ImageList I have in my DataModule is causing a problem - It starts and stays at the Splash Screen.
I've created a new Multi-Device application without anything, put a SpeedButton (SB_BTN1) and a ImageList on the main form. Loaded a small BMP image to the ImageList and attached it to the SpeedButton (SB_BTN1) - which causes for it to stay on the splash screen and not load.
BUT if I add another SpeedButton (SB_BTN2) - and set (SB_BTN1) invisible, and on the (SB_BTN2) - code I add that it makes the (SB_BTN1) visible, the form gets past the loading screen and everything works.
I aswell have attached it to Logcat to see what it says - to no success, it doesn't show any error.
My Andrid SDK API Level is 26 and NDK Level is 14 -- If this helps in any way
Forgot to mention, that the sample: "ImageListDemo" also does this.
EDIT-2: So I aswell tried to do a fresh install - I reseted my whole pc, and I upgraded from 10.3 to 10.3.1 - still the same problem.

xcode Interface Builder background color preference

It seems odd, so i am likely just missing it in preferences, but how does one change the actual background color of IB in Xcode? Not any of the elements, but the actual blinding white of the standard IB? Too much contrast and when you zoom out, the view controllers almost disappear..
Thanks for any tips..
I've gone ahead and created an Xcode plugin that changes the background color of the storyboard editor. You can find the source at rpendleton/xcode-canvas-color. I've hardcoded it to a light gray color, as shown in the screenshot below, but this can be changed easily.
(Also, I don't think you're missing a setting for it. When I decompiled Xcode, the drawRect method for the background view explicitly called [[NSColor whiteColor] set].)
One doesn’t. Submitting a feature request to Apple is your only hope.
Unfortunately, with recent changes to Xcode, Ryan Pendleton's plugin is no longer a viable option. (unless you are willing to break Xcode's code signing, which can be quite problematic.) However, the good news is that there is now an official solution -- so long as you are willing to upgrade to OS X 10.14 Mojave: Upgrade to OS X 10.14 Mojave and turn on Dark mode. When Dark Mode is enabled, the background in Interface Builder darkens to a nice, eye-pleasing dark gray color. Navigating around a large storyboard is now MUCH easier (and less eye-scorching :) )

Set transparent window background in Titanium desktop app

I need to set the background of a window to be transparent programmatically, once the window is already created.
This creates a new window with a transparent background.
Background transparency can also be set in the tiapp.xml, but I need to set it after the window is loaded.
I also tried the following
var win = Titanium.UI.getCurrentWindow();
win.backgroundColor = 'transparent';
which does not have any effect...
Is there a way to achieve that?
Perhaps you could create 2 windows with the same components, one transparent and one not. Once you want the transparent background to show close the other window?
or win.setBackgroundColor('transparent');
I pasted your code into a click event and it worked fine for me. All i did was change the url to 'app://index.html' for testing purposes.
// test
Have you opened the web inspector to check for js errors?
If you want the initial window to be transparent, add this
<window />
on the tiapp.xml file.
