make UIView locked / untapped / disabled for loading - uiview

I am using activityIndicator view, and I want to "lock" the uiView for that period. The problem is - how to lock or make uiview do not receive some taps, and after this hot to turn it back?

Show identity inspector--->Document--->Lock--->select "all property"
Please use above steps in Xcode and lock your controls in xib. Once we lock the view we'll not move or tab the controls in the screen.
Note: We can see this utility in right side of Xcode and third menu from left.


Disable mouse dragging item on Storyboard designer

There are some overlapping items, let's say A and B. To be specific, A is a background image. On other GUI frameworks, setting a background image is easy, but it seems I have to place an ImageView to fill the view with a background image on the Storyboard.
When I am trying to drag B, often A is selected and moved. Can I "lock" A so that it will not move? I searched the web and found that on Document --> Lock, but setting it to "Localizable Properties" does not lock it. I could still drag it with mouse.
I believe you have to set Lock to All Properties. You can still select the object, and click+drag will move it -- but it snaps back into place when you release it.
Unfortunately, this locks - as expected - ALL properties, so you could not, for example, lock a label in-place while also editing its content.

Disable Swipe gesture for SideNavigationController Material Kit Swift

I am using SideNavigationController in my app for side menu and its working fine. In my case I want to open Left View and Right View on button click.
And I am able to do that using methods
Now, the problem is Left and Right view also open when user swipe left or right. I want to avoid the opening of left and right view on swipe/gesture. I am using Embedded framework of Material Kit and currently not able to find any property that can be set to avoid swipe/ gesture detection.
please update to the latest, and set
SideNavigationController.enabledRightPanGesture = false
That will disable the right pan gesture, which will disable the ability to open the rightView using the panning gesture.

iOS Left menu by button using MMDrawerController

I got some troubles making button for open/close leftside menu.
I made a button, but I can not configure it correctly, because I can't recognize whether the left view is open. It can be opened by swipe(special MMDrawer method), so I can't use a regular BOOL variable lika 'isOpen'. Also, I find it difficult to find a property for left view status (open/close).
I was surprised, that noone had trouble like this.
You could use the openSide property of MMDrawerController.
The current open side of the drawer.
Note this value will change as soon as a pan gesture opens a drawer, or when a open/close animation is finished.
As soon as the left view is opened, the value should change to MMDrawerSideLeft.

iOS TableView Form Navigation

When using Safari and filling out a form, there are three buttons conveniently located at the top of the keyboard labeled Previous, Next, and Done. Is there a keyboard setting that can enable those or do you have to create and program these buttons manually?
I've had some success using this library:
There is no default property of keyboard provided in ios. You need to add toolbar for that. Then you add previous , next or done UIBarButtons in the toolbar.
When keyboard appears toolbar is also displayed above it using some animation or directly same way when it hides/disappears you have to hide the toolbar also using animations or by changing it positioning in view.
Hope it helps you.
XCDFormInputAccessoryView is an accessory which contains the features you needed. It is easy to use. Here is how it looks with keyboard

Editing toolbar in Xcode 4.6 - unable to add Bar Button Items

I am attempting to add a toolbar as an input accessory, and as such have added it via xcode storyboard editor to the view controller (and not within the view). This was as specified in this tutorial(which seems to be written for an earlier version of xcode): reference
My issue: "8.) Now we need to open the toolbar item itself. Double click Toolbar in the document window."
This is no longer valid behavior in Xcode 4.6 it appears, so I ask you: how do I add button items to a toolbar? I would prefer to avoid doing it programmatically (Still reasonably new to xcode development and normally make my GUIs with storyboards) but if I have to, I have to.
Many thanks!
If you're doing what I think you are doing, adding UIBarButtonItems to a UIToolbar, then you simply drag a Bar Button Item out to the toolbar.
However, I would assume that what they mean when they say 'double-click' is not what people normally think of when they think double click. Try double clicking slowly this often does the trick.
Found the issue - it was appearing behind the UIView. However you dont ever need to graphically interact witha toolbar, you can just drag-and-drop controls onto it in the sidebar. If there is a need for more info on this message me or vote up.
