Jenkins TFS plugin deploy successful changes only - jenkins

I like to do partial builds of changes from today and deploy them on other environments (TST, Support or UAT, Prod) can jenkins do this on its own?

It can, but a better question is should it. Jenkins is a build system and not a deploy system. You should instead use a release management tool like octopus deploy or release management for visual studio.


How can I migrate from GitHub to VSTS with the same Jenkins Pipeline?

Our team is trying to migrate from GitHub environment to Microsoft Visual Studio Team Service environment. However, the GitHub already has a Jenkins pipeline.
I want to use the same pipeline but move it to the VSTS environment.
There are no clear tutorials regarding this issue.
I want to keep the same configuration but make this work for the repository in VSTS Git.
Please help.
You need to create a service hook for Jenkins. That will allow you to trigger Jenkins builds as appropriate.

User permissions for TFS Build server

I am creating a build using the new TFS 2015 Build definitions. I have msbuild tasks as well as npm/gulp tasks. I am looking at using variables to allow me to build and deploy to each environment, with DEV being the only one that runs on check-in. However, I don't want anyone to be able to start a deploy for production. How would I go about limiting the users that can start a deploy to production? I'd prefer to only have one build definition, for maintenance.
Use the Release hub capabilities for deployments and create an approval workflow for your environment pipeline.

CICD with jenkins and sonarqube

from the last week i am working with jenkins, and its going good but at the end of R&D I have lost of confusion, these are questions which confusingto me.
How to do Continuous Integration with jenkins of Website?
hoe to view Testing analysis reports produced by sonarqube server to my local system?
what happens where all my developers will do commit and push at the same time on repository?
How to deploy my web application on targeted server using jenkins?
How to I use sonarqube to test my website ?
If you are building a .net website, install msbuild plugin in jenkins. Create a jenkins job, add a step checkout your website (git/svn - install required repo plugin). Schedule to run nightly or hourly depending on your needs.
Type in url for your sonarqube server and then you can view the reports.
This is not an issue if your developers are comitting simultaneously. Usually a CI tool such as Jenkins will take care of that.
This is called continuous deployment or continuous delivery. Something like Octopus Deploy can help you if you are deploying .net applications. You can use the tool octo.exe and pass the API key as parameter to deploy to a specific environment.
SonarQube is used as a quality gate for code analysis. It is not a test framework. Try to investigate on how to use selenium framework for automation testing.
I hope that I have answered your questions.

How to setup TFS2010 to use Jenkins build server

We use Jenkins as our CI build server but have moved over to TFS to do all the project management stuff (user stories, dev tasks, test cases, reporting, automation). How do I setup TFS2010 to use our Jenkins build server?
it's actually more like the other way around. You need to configure the TFS plugin for Jenkins, telling it to use TFS as your source control system. below is a link to the jenkins TFS plug-in...

Retrieving old builds for re-deployment in Jenkins

I have built an automated deployment system using Jenkins, Subversion and ANT on a set of environments. It all works, allowing me to deploy old tagged releases to a set of environments or automatically deploy the latest build using the Subversion Release Manager within Jenkins.
The problem is on the client site, we have to utilise Perforce (which does not currently have a Release Manager plugin within Jenkins [don't really want to write one, but possible]). What is the best way to setup up Jenkins to be able to deploy certain releases to environments? I started looking at Ivy and Artifactory as a possibility.
If anyone has any suggestions, or any guides online, that would be great!
We currently build a WAR file for each Subversion checkin - and make this available with the copy artifact plugin. Redeploy is merely a matter of executing the deploy task for this WAR.
