What does the Alignment clause in Ada do? - alignment

I'm not clear what the Alignment clause in Ada does. See an example below. I have a 40 bit sized record, and I'm not sure what happens when I use the clause.
type Knots_Status_Record is
Value : Knots;
Status : Statuses;
end record;
for Knots_Status_Record use
Value at 0 range 0 .. 31; -- 32
Status at 0 range 32 .. 39; -- 8
end record;
for Knots_Status_Record'Alignment use 1;

Attribute Alignment
Alignment of x ensure the address is divisible by x
Data'Aligment = x <=> Data'Address mod x = 0
Some processors requires data address to be aligned to a specific alignment.
Some processors accesses data faster if the data address is aligned
to a specific alignment.
Example address behavior
with Ada.Integer_Text_IO; use Ada.Integer_Text_IO;
with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
with System.Storage_Elements; use System.Storage_Elements;
with Ada.Assertions; use Ada.Assertions;
with Ada.Command_Line; use Ada.Command_Line;
procedure Main is
function Get_Argument_1 return Natural is
return Natural'Value (Argument (1));
when others => raise Program_Error with "Missing natural argument(1)";
-- Change this size to see what happens for every address aligment under 64.
Float_Array_Size : Natural := Get_Argument_1;
type Float_Array is array (Integer range 1 .. Float_Array_Size) of Float;
F4 : Float_Array;
for F4'Alignment use 4;
F8 : Float_Array;
for F8'Alignment use 8;
F16 : Float_Array;
for F16'Alignment use 16;
F32 : Float_Array;
for F32'Alignment use 32;
F64 : Float_Array;
for F64'Alignment use 64;
-- Check if a 4 aligned address could be a 64 aligned.
Put (Integer(To_Integer(F4'Address) mod 64));
-- Sometimes it is, sometimes not, depends partly of Float_Array_Size.
Put (Integer(To_Integer(F8'Address) mod 64));
Put (Integer(To_Integer(F16'Address) mod 64));
Put (Integer(To_Integer(F32'Address) mod 64));
Put (Integer(To_Integer(F64'Address) mod 64));
-- Lets see if the address is aligned to 64 storage units.
Assert (Integer(To_Integer(F64'Address) mod 64) = 0);
External resources
The value of this attribute is of type universal_integer, and nonnegative; zero means that the object is not necessarily aligned on a storage element boundary. If X'Alignment is not zero, then X is aligned on a storage unit boundary and X'Address is an integral multiple of X'Alignment (that is, the Address modulo the Alignment is zero).
GNAT requires that all alignment clauses specify a power of 2, and all default alignments are always a power of 2. The default alignment values are as follows:
X'Alignment is an Ada attribute where X is any memory-allocated object or type. This attribute controls the address values used for objects. The alignment must be non-negative. A value of zero means that the object need not be allocated at the boundary of a storage units. Otherwise the address is a multiple of X's alignment.
The alignment of an object may be set.


What is the correct constant to use when comparing with the Minimal Single Number in Delphi?

In a loop like this:
cur := -999999; // represent a minimal possible value hold by a Single type
while ... do
if some_value > cur then
cur := some_value;
There is MaxSingle/NegInfinitydefined in System.Math
MaxSingle = 340282346638528859811704183484516925440.0;
NegInfinity = -1.0 / 0.0;
So should I use -MaxSingle or NegInfinity in this case?
I assume you are trying to find the largest value in a list.
If your values are in an array, just use the library function MaxValue(). (If you look at the implementation of MaxValue, you'll see that it takes the first value in the array as the starting point.)
If you must implement it yourself, use -MaxSingle as the starting value, which is approximately -3.40e38. This is the most negative value that can be represented in a Single.
Special values like Infinity and NaN have special rules in comparisons, so I would avoid these unless you are sure about what those rules are. (See also How do arbitrary floating point values compare to infinity?. In fact, it seems NegInfinity would work OK.)
It might help to understand the range of values that can be represented by a Single. In order, most negative to most positive, they are:
-MaxSingle .. -MinSingle
MinSingle .. MaxSingle

set of WideChar: Sets may have at most 256 elements

I have this line:
MY_SET: set of WideChar = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')];
The above does not compile, with error:
[Error] Sets may have at most 256 elements
But this line does compile ok:
var WS: WideString;
if WS[1] in [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')] then...
And this also compiles ok:
MY_SET = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z'), WideChar('a')..WideChar('z')];
if WS[1] in MY_SET then...
Why is that?
EDIT: My question is why if WS[1] in [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')] compiles? and why MY_SET = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z'), WideChar('a')..WideChar('z')]; compiles? aren't they also need to apply to the set rules?
A valid set has to obey two rules:
Each element in a set must have an ordinal value less than 256.
The set must not have more than 256 elements.
MY_SET: set of WideChar = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')];
Here you declare a set type (Set of WideChar) which has more than 256 elements -> Compiler error.
if WS[1] in [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')]
Here, the compiler sees WideChar('A') as an ordinal value. This value and all other values in the set are below 256. This is ok with rule 1.
The number of unique elements are also within limits (Ord('Z')-Ord('A')+1), so the 2nd rules passes.
MY_SET = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z'), WideChar('a')..WideChar('z')];
Here you declare a set that also fulfills the requirements as above. Note that the compiler sees this as a set of ordinal values, not as a set of WideChar.
A set can have no more than 256 elements.
Even with so few elements the set already uses 32 bytes.
From the documentation:
A set is a bit array where each bit indicates whether an element is in the set or not. The maximum number of elements in a set is 256, so a set never occupies more than 32 bytes. The number of bytes occupied by a particular set is equal to
(Max div 8) - (Min div 8) + 1
For this reason only sets of byte, (ansi)char, boolean and enumerations with fewer than 257 elements are possible.
Because widechar uses 2 bytes it can have 65536 possible values.
A set of widechar would take up 8Kb, too large to be practical.
Capitals = 'A'..'Z';
MY_SET: set of Capitals = [WideChar('A')..WideChar('Z')];
Will compile and work the same.
It does seem a bit silly to use widechar if your code ignores unicode.
As written only the English capitals are recognized, you do not take into account different locales.
In this case it would be better to use code like
if (AWideChar >= 'A') and (AWideChar <= 'Z') ....
That will work no matter how many chars fall in between.
Obviously you can encapsulate this in a function to save on typing.
If you insist on having large sets, see this answer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/2281327/650492

Re-configurable Memory Instance in verilog with DATA-IN and DATA-OUT are passed as parameter

How can I make a memory module in which DATA bus width are passed as parameter to each instances and my design re-configure itself according to the parameter? For example, assuming I have byte addressable memory and DATA-IN bus width is 32 bit (4 bytes written in each cycle) and DATA-OUT is 16 bits (2 bytes read each cycle). For other instance DATA-IN is 64 bits and DATA-OUT is 16 bits. For all such instances my design should work.
What I have tried is to generate write pointer values according to design parameters, e.g. DATA-IN 32 bit, write pointer will increment 4 every cycle while writing. For 64 bit -increment will be by 8 and so on.
Problem is: how to make 4 or 8 or 16 bytes to be written in single cycle according to parameters passed to instance?
//Something as following I want to implement. This memory instance can be considered as internal memory of FIFO having different datawidth for reading and writing in case you think of an application of such memory
module mem#(parameter DIN=16, parameter DOUT=8, parameter ADDR=4,parameter BYTE=8)
input [DIN-1:0] din,
output [DOUT-1:0] dout,
input wen,ren,clk
localparam DEPTH = (1<<ADDR);
reg [BYTE-1:0] mem [0:DEPTH-1];
reg wpointer=5'b00000;
reg rpointer=5'b00000;
reg [BYTE-1:0] tmp [0:DIN/BYTE-1];
function [ADDR:0] ptr;
input [4:0] index;
integer i;
for(i=0;i<DIN/BYTE;i=i+1) begin
mem[index] = din[(BYTE*(i+1)-1):BYTE*(i)]; // something like this I want to implement, I know this line is not allowed in verilog, but is there any alternative to this?
always #(posedge clk) begin
wpointer <= wptr(wpointer);
always #(posedge clk) begin
rpointer <= ptr(rpointer);
din[(BYTE*(i+1)-1):BYTE*(i)] will not compile in Verilog because the MSB and LSB select bits are both variables. Verilog requires a known range. +: is for part-select (also known as a slice) allows a variable select index and a constant range value. It was introduced in IEEE Std 1364-2001 § 4.2.1. You can also read more about it in IEEE Std 1800-2012 § 11.5.1, or refer to previously asked questions: What is `+:` and `-:`? and Indexing vectors and arrays with +:.
din[BYTE*i +: BYTE] should work for you, alternatively you can use din[BYTE*(i+1)-1 -: BYTE].
Also, you should use non-blocking assignments (<=) to mem. In your code read and write can happen at the same time. With blocking there is a race condition between when accessing the same byte. It may synthesize, but your RTL and gate simulation may generated different results. I also strongly advice agent using functions for assigning memory. Functions in synthesizable code without nasty surprises need to self contained without references on anything outside of the function and any internal variables are always reset to a static constant at the start of the function.
With the guidelines mentioned above, I'd recommend recoding to something like the below. This is a template to start with, not a free lunch. I left out the out-of-range index compensation for you to figure out on your own.
localparam DEPTH = (1<<ADDR);
reg [BYTE-1:0] mem [0:DEPTH-1];
reg [ADDR-1:0] wpointer, rpointer;
integer i;
initial begin // init values for pointers (FPGA, not ASIC)
wpointer = {ADDR{1'b0}};
rpointer = {ADDR{1'b0}};
always #(posedge clk) begin
if (ren==1) begin
for(i=0; i < DOUT/BYTE; i=i+1) begin
dout[BYTE*i +: BYTE] <= mem[rpointer+i];
rpointer <= rpointer + (DOUT/BYTE);
if (wen==1) begin
for(i=0; i < DIN/BYTE; i=i+1) begin
mem[wpointer+i] <= din[BYTE*i +: BYTE];
wpointer <= wpointer + (DIN/BYTE);

How do I calculate the size and layout of this particular struct?

The structure is,
struct {
char a;
short b;
short c;
short d;
char e;
} s1;
size of short is given as 2 bytes
size of char is given as 1 bytes
It is a 32-bit LITTLE ENDIAN processor
According to me, the answer should be:
1000 a[0]
1001 offset
1002 b[0]
1003 b[1]
1004 c[0]
1005 c[1]
1006 d[0]
1007 d[1]
1008 e[0]
size of S1 = 9 bytes​
but according to the solution, the size of S1 is supposed to be 10 bytes
The answer here is that it is that the layout of the structure is entirely up to the compiler.
10 is likely to be the most common size of this structure.
The reason for the padding is that, if there is an array, it will keep all the members properly aligned. If the size were 9, every other array element would have misaligned structure members.
Unaligned did accesses are not permitted on some systems. On most systems, they cause the processor to use extra cycles to access the data.
A compiler could allocate 4 bytes for each element in such a structure.
The C Standard says (sorry, not at my computer, so no quote): structs are aligned to the alignment of the largest (base type) member. Your largest member field is a short, 2 bytes, so the first element 'a' is aligned at an even address. 'a' takes up 1 byte. 'b' has to be aligned again at an even address, so one byte gets wasted. The last element of your struct 'e' is also one byte, and the byte following that is likely to be wasted, but that doesn't have to show up in the size of the struct. If put 'a' to the end, ie rearrange the members, you are likely to find the size of your struct to be 8 bytes..which is as good as it gets.

Postgres setting bit size dynamically

The goal is to fast extract bit at position N;
So far i've found only this way to do that:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION test(x int, size int)
y int;
y = get_bit(x::bit(size)>>size-1,size-1);
return y;
COST 100;
But this says because of bit(size)
invalid input syntax for integer: "size"
So i'm forsed to write size as a constant, for example bit(3)
Is there any way to set bit size dynamically? Alternatively, maybe there are some other ways to extract specific bit of int/text?
You don't need bitfield types for this. To test bit 6 of the value 200:
SELECT 200 & (1<<6) != 0
you binary-AND a value with the 6th bit set, by upshifting 1 by 6 base-2 places, then test to see if the result is nonzero.
Alternately, cast to a suitable bit size based on the integer and use position, though I think there's no reason whatsoever to do that when you can use extremely fast bitwise AND and shifts like above. Because get_bit numbers from the left, and uses a 1-offset instead of 0-offset, you have to take the compliment of 31 (for a 32-bit int) to get the position from the right:
SELECT get_bit(200::bit(32), 31 - 6);
so it's way simpler to just use bitwise operations like the first example.
