Could not build module 'FBSDKCoreKit' For FacebookSDK 4 - ios

I am having issue while updating Facebook SDK 3 to 4
when I add the framework it was added successfully. but when i add header file it's having the error that " Could not build module 'FBSDKCoreKit' ". Don't know the reason.

In setting the "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework modules" setting to YES in Build settings solved the problem for me. but don't know if is there any problem or issue or any side effects of it.
Its Facebook Bug you can check the solution they are providing in this link.
Update 1
Facebook said that they have fixed and will apply solution in next update see this link
Update 2
FaceBook Fixed It in Version Latest version (i.e. 4.1.0) see this link link.

i have also facing same issue and i got solution. Nothing do just Remove the Module folder in. Follow simple step
step 1. go to Document/FacebookSDK folder
step 2. Go inside FBSDKCoreKit.framework folder & remove Modules folder. then drag and drop in your Xcode Project.
Resolve your issue. Enjoy .... !!!

I have tried the above solutions but did not work for me.Finally after scratching head for sometime i came across below solution:
I changed my framework search path after which my issue was resolved.
Steps to find Framework search Path
Goto build setting of the project and search for framework search path.
Then add the below line
I hope this will help someone .

If your using cocoapods, go to Pods Project Build Settings and change "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework modules" to YES

When adding Facebook SDK (Version 4) files to the project make sure to uncheck "Copy into destination group folder".
This solved a problem for me.

Facebook has recognized the issue and said they're working on a fix.
In the meantime, here is the link to the available solutions depending on your project.

The updated FacebookSDK v4.1.0 launch on 30th April 2015 solved the following issue.
You might face a warning. Go to FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKCoreKit.h and add #import < FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKTestUsersManager.h > to fix it.

I got the same issue and solve problem.
My solution :
1. follow the steps from
2. check the xcode proj -> Library, find and open file RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj then update fb sdk path in build setting->Framework search path.
It works. I guess that sometime the RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj in Library can not update the framework search path from main xcodeproj so we need done manually. Hopefully my solution can help you, Thanks.

And also this issue happens if you are open .xcodeproj file instead of .xworkspace file.

change In target setting "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework modules" to YES

With me, just download new version of Facebook SDK, then remove the old and add new fixed the problem.

If you have multiple targets in your project, make sure that the "Target Membership" for the required frameworks is ticked for the target you're trying to build for.
When you drag the frameworks into XCode, you can usually choose the target, but it's an easy thing to miss.

I faced the same issue, but i was running project on old Xcode version. Make sure you are using latest SDK with latest Xcode version.

As In My Case, The problem was caused by cocoapod configs, I just updated the cocoapod version to 1.5.3 (currently it's the latest version) by using the following command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Then, I simply updated all the pods I use.
pod update
Then voalá, the error is gone.


Xcode 10.1 doesn't show 'distribute app' option when archiving, can't archive

I suddenly got this weird issue with Xcode 10.1.
When I archive app store target for my app I cant see "distribute app" option, instead it now says "Distribute Content" and neither I can export ipa nor upload to app store directly.
My archive comes under "Other items" in Organizer instead of iOS apps.
It seems to work fine with development target though.
Here is the screen shot.
Anyone with any knowledge about it please help.
Please make changes as follows
Change Skip install to NO
Make sure only the Application has this set to NO. Embedded Targets like Frameworks need to have Skip Install = YES
Faced the same issue few days ago. This usually occurs when you have multiple schemes in a project.
Go to edit scheme (Next to stop button)
Select the target of which you want to archive.
In build option, remove other targets or you may unselect archive checkbox.
I ran into this annoying error today - I thought it was the new version of Xcode - but no. I had multiple targets for my project (staging/production), and also a nested framework project.
To solve this I opened the staging scheme and made sure only the checkboxes are checked for that target: (the top row was selected before)
I have run into this situation and solved it.
The solution set SkipInstall=No does not work for me.
I find the reason for my situation is that I imported a framework by adding it into Link Binary With Libraries section.
So I changed a way to import the framework.
Remove the framework at Link Binary With Libraries section.
Add the framework directory to the framework search paths.
For more information ,see my blog at JianShu:
i got the same issue and nothing works from above answers. so i debugged my code and i found out that there was a folder that was missing and instead of showing any error i was getting "distribute content" instead of "distribute app". So if anyone have the same issue please check for the red folders or swift files in their xcode.
Unticking the 'Find Implicit Dependencies' tick box solved it for me. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem in different projects in the last few days.
In one of the projects, a solution had to delete the .xcproject subproject file.
In another project, the solution was to uninstall .xcworkspace (I use cocoapods) and run pod install.
Thanks for the old answers, I have solved the problem by keeping "Skip install" of frameworks to false.
My XCode is with version 13.2.1. One thing special is that runner and framework in my project are in different schemes. Hope the picture will help newcomers.
I got the same issue, I tried skip install setting it with "No" didn't work for me.
I removed the script added for swiftlint in build phases then it works fine.

symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64

Facing ObjC file reference issue. I tried pod deintegration, removing DerivedData, Cleaning the project, Adding -Objc and $(inherited) FLAGS.
I am using cocoapods, Xcode 9, Swift 4. Please revert if anyone have resolved this issue.
I had same issue make your your ".m" implementation files are assigned to the Target Membership:
For me none of these answers worked, and appeared to cause more problems.
My solution was in terminal trying "pod install" It added a missing file for me and everything was good to go
Try this
Goto Project -> Build setting
Serach enable bitcode & set it to NO
Check for the AppDelegate and OnBoardingViewCtontroller file in your project.
Just delete to and add it again. When your are adding it again make sure that Copy If needed option is checked
This is bcoz if your uncheck this check box then the file reference is created and if you move project the you will get this error.
Check Your Pod file that is it targeting your App Target?.
May be Pod is not targeting your App Target.
This error occurs when you have reference of File or Framework that is not included in Target.
change the Build Configuration from Debug to Release.
Edit Scheme... -> Info -> Run -> Build Configuration
Try Build Active Architecture Only to NO:
You need to add necessary framework to your project. Check all third party party framework and search its required framework for support. For e.g. if you add google analytic then you need to add CoreData , Foundation etc framework. There is some framework is missing for which third party framework needs.
Or you can-
Press "Cmd+Shift+K" to clean up, and quit Xcode.
Delete the cache Run "rm -rf ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData"
in terminal
Open the project and re-build it
Hope this will solve your problem.
Pods for UITest and Test projects for the pods was causing the issue. Check for it.
Check if there are certain function which are declared in .h file but are not implemented in implementation file and they are being called from another class.
It should be -ObjC, not -Objc. Note the upper case C.

Xcode 8 beta 4: Build fails with "The following binaries use incompatible versions of Swift:" error

With new Xcode 8 beta 4 we started experiencing the following error during CopySwiftLibs build phase:
Effective srcDirs: {(
error: The following binaries use incompatible versions of Swift:
myAppApi is a subproject in the workspace that contains some shared code (it uses Alamofire).
One thing to note: originally we converted project from Swift 2.2 to Swift 2.3, and then manually upgraded to 3.0.
Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this error?
I had the same problem, but managed to fix it by:
Clean the project.
Close project and quit Xcode.
Clean derived data.
Open the project again and it's there, all nice and working.
I did this on Xcode 8 using Swift 3.
You can also get this problem, if you have the scenario of your container app's code is Swift 2.3 and you're creating a new extension in Xcode 8.
To solve the above scenario...
Note: All code has to be in the same swift (compatible) version to compile without failure.
That being said, one way you could solve this problem is by sticking to Swift 2.3 and then setting your Extension Target's Use Legacy Swift Language Version to "Yes".
You can find that option while Xcode 8 is open as follows:
Select your app project root in the Project Navigator (on the left-hand side)
On the right-hand side, select your extension under the TARGETS
Once the extension is selected, click on the Build Settings tab
Scroll down and find Use Legacy Swift Language Version and set it
to Yes from its drop-down menu.
You can now build the project
Note: You might need to fix the overridden code in the extension templates since they were originally in Swift 3.
Before doing anything...
(If you can use Xcode 8.0-compatible with your project)
By default your project is set to Xcode 3.2-compatible
Select your app project in the Navigator (on the left-hand side)
Select Project Document in the Utilities Panel (on the
right-hand side)
Change Project Format to Xcode 8.0-compatible
Try to build your project.
If it doesn't work, try the other solutions proposed.
Note:You can even switch back to Xcode 3.2-compatible after fixing the error and it should work, but you "might" have other build problems later.
Before debugging an existing project. Close your project and zip a copy of your project file if you did not create a Git repository when you created your project.
I just had the same problem after updating Xcode to 9.3. I fixed the problem simply by just cleaning the build folder. You can do this with Command-Option-Shift-K or in the option menu "Product" -> "Clean" (see screenshot)
I fixed this by deleting the embedded binaries in the project. To do this:
Open your workspace/ project in Xcode.
Navigate to the actual project file (with the General, Capabilities, etc. ribbon).
Go to General > Embedded Binaries, remove by selecting on the ones you don't want and then clicking the minus sign.
Note 1: You shouldn't have to delete them from the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section (they should automatically be removed when you remove them from the "Embedded Binaries").
Note 2: I have a lot of dependencies and am using CocoaPods. I have nothing in the "Embedded Binaries" and only the "Pods_[YourApplicationName].framework" in the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" section.
I had various libraries integrated via carthage. However during the process I switched some of them to cocoapods and forgot to remove the old .frameworks file from the project target.
Removing them solved the build error.
I had the same problem.
My solution was to rename the 'myApp'-directory to 'myAppmyApp' and then I ran the app again. A new 'myApp'-directory was made a the app did run very well again on my iPhone.
A difference with your situation might be this: the name of my app, let's say 'myApp' in the directory 'DerivedData' was myApp concatenated with: '-'
Maybe this will help you.
You need to switch all the dependencies to swift 3.
In your case, Alamofire need to be switched to Swift 3 branch
I had the same error message after adding a Swift 3 version of a framework.
My target framework search path was still configured to find both swift 2 and swift 3 version of the same framework, so my project got stuck on swift 2.3 version.
For me, the solution has been to remove the old framework from my project directory and delete its folder reference from the framework search path.
So I just post the solution I found so far after an hour debugging.
Since Xcode 9, this can be tracked by the compiler log.
If you scroll down to the bottom of the compiler log, you will find this issue is caused by type checking crash.
Just had this pop up after upgrading to Xcode 10.2 ... one of my pods uses Swift.
Fix was to:
pod repo update
rm -rf Pods
pod install

'Framework not found' in Xcode

I know this has been asked a couple of times. I followed instructions from these ones:
Adding frameworks to project in Xcode 5 and having *relative* paths added
xcode4: Linker error: Directory not found for option
Still Xcode is giving this error:
Here's my current configuration:
The bolts framework is so I can use the Parse SDK. I downloaded the blank project from here:
It's working. I tried to copy every config option, but it still doesn't work.
Try deleting Bolts.framework from linked framework and re-add it. Also, in your Framework Search Path keep path until Bolts.framework like $(PROJECT_DIR)/Bolts if it is inside Bolts folder at your project directory path.
I'm pretty new to iOS development. Apparently this problem for me was a result of opening the .xcodeproj Xcode project instead of the .xcworkspace Xcode workspace. I opened the workspace instead and the error has gone away.
error: Framework not found
If you use CocoaPods try to run:
pod deintegrate
pod update
Also use .xcworkspace instead of .xcodeproj
Delete the framework link from the Xcode project setting.
Move the framework to the Project Folder.
Re-add the framework in the Xcode project setting.
clean the project and re-compile it.
delete all frameworks from Embedded Binaries and re-add it
me too was getting this error , I moved the framework file to the root project folder and added to framework again and problem is solved.
1:- Delete the framework from the Xcode project. Quit the Xcode.
2:- Open your project in XCode and go to file under Menu and select Add files to "YourProjectName".
3:- Select "YourFramwork.framework" in the directory where you keep it.
4:- Click on the Copy items if needed checkbox.
5:- Click Add.
Make sure that you have the framework added in both Embedded Binaries and Linked Frameworks and Libraries under Target settings - General. As shown in the following images:-
Here is the solution :
Turn the "$(PROJECT_DIR)" attribute(might be non-recursive by default) into recursive option in Select Project Click on Targets Click - Build Settings Search for 'Framework Search Path' - Double click the input.
Scratched from
Besides from removing the framework from the Podfile and Linked Frameworks and Libraries, I also had to remove the reference to the framework in Other Linker Flags.
I just had the same situation (was having a hard time to address the OP's build error after adding a 3rd party framework) and it seems like a bug in Xcode (mine is 8.3.2 (8E2002)).
The problem was that a folder name in path to the framework contained spaces. In this case, Xcode incorrectly escaped them with backslashes like this in Build Settings -> Framework Search Paths:
$(PROJECT_DIR)/Folder\ with\ spaces/Lib
To fix this, just manually edit the entry to remove those backslashes and enclose the whole string in quotes like this:
"$(PROJECT_DIR)/Folder with spaces/Lib"
Delete the framework that is causing the issue (by removing the reference).
Then add it again, following these steps for adding FBSDK frameworks and libraries:
click project
general settings
linked framework and libraries
click the plus button and add all that you want
None of the above worked for me until I found that I had a blank "Any Architecture | Any SDK" line underneath Framework Search Paths / Debug under Build Settings.
Deleted the line and it works!
Error: Framework not found
If you use CocoaPods try to run these commands from terminal:
Intel chip:
pod deintegrate
pod update
Apple Silicon M1 chip:
pod deintegrate
arch -x86_64 pod update
Also use .xcworkspace instead of .xcodeproj
When this error occurred to me was because Pods folder was in iCloud and had no local copy on my computer. Go to your project's folder in Finder and check if there is iCloud's symbol in any of the folders inside it!
I realised that I hadn't run/built my framework with the Generic Device, which strangely lead to these issues. I just put the framework back in and it worked.
If you are using CocoaPods. Similar thing has happened to me. Although this question is old someone like me might still be struggling. So for to help:
after pod install it warns you about project files. I didn't notice till now. it says:
[!] Please close any current Xcode sessions and use
ProjectFile.xcworkspace for this project from now on.
So basically, do not continue working on .xcodeproj after installing Pods. If you do linker won't find files.
My framework has long name like FrameworkSDK_Light-1.0.6.framework so I renamed it to FrameworkSDK_Light.framework and it solved my problem.
I got the error 'AdBrixRM framework not found'. I checked the AdBrixRM.framework. I noticed that 'AdBrixRM' excution file is missed. I copied this file into the framework folder and the issue was gone.
I used to encounter this same exact issue in the past with Google Admob SDK. Most recently, this happened when trying to add Validic libraries. I tried the same old good trick this time around as well and it worked in a jiffy.
1) Remove the frameworks, if already added.
2) Locate the framework in Finder and Drag & Drop them directly into the Project Navigator pane under your project tree.
3) Build the project and Whooo!
Not sure what makes the difference, but adding the frameworks by the official way of going to the section "Linked Framework & Libraries" under project settings page (TARGET) and linking from there does not work for me. Hope this helps.
I found that the file.framework was referencing a file outside my project. So I dragged the file into my frameworks folder under my project and then got rid of the earlier file.framework file and it worked.
add github "BoltsFramework/Bolts-iOS" on your cartfile.
then carthage update.
after copy Bolts.framework from ../carthage/Build/iOS
Switching from iOS simulator to real device solved the problem for me.
Was facing the same error and solved it ---> Build Settings > Build Active Architecture Only = Yes
Please after adding both framework also open each Bolts and Parse framework and add Parse and Bolts to the project then problem will be solve
Running pod update in the root directory of the app fixed the issue for me.
If you are developing one module using cocoapods, try to comment the line
s.vendored_frameworks = "YOURMODULE.framework"
on YOURMODULE.podspec
The error will disappear after you generate and copy your YOURMODULE.framework to your project folder.
I had this issue on one of the project i worked, before you delete and readd the framework do a:
git status
on your project and check to see if the framework is not listed as deleted. In the event that it is either do a
git stash
git checkout *framework/file/path*

ios path issue in app missing libidn-1.15.tar.gz

I just downloaded this git app
I am trying to run the app. I am ios compelte newbie. I have it pulled up in my code but it gives me this error
I am not sure how to solve this issue. I am running xcode Version 6.1.1(6A2008a) How do I try debug this issue in ios?
I tried to do a search for the folder and this is what came up
After a little search I found this
But it does not tell me where and how to add that file and framework?
I faced the same problem. What I did is just remove the libidn from Link Framework and Libraries, then add the library again.
To Remove: go to Build Phases->Link Framework and Libraries->Libidn
To Add Again: on Build Phases->Link Framework and Libraries->Click Plus Sign->Select Add Other and browse the location of libidn (XMPP->Vendor->Libidn->libidn.a)
Hope this helps.
If you check this link you will come to know that the owner of that project does not wish to provide an further support to users.
"You are own your own from here" [taken from project's read me file] I guess you will have to do some research and hard-work if you wish to continue to use this project.
