ios path issue in app missing libidn-1.15.tar.gz - ios

I just downloaded this git app
I am trying to run the app. I am ios compelte newbie. I have it pulled up in my code but it gives me this error
I am not sure how to solve this issue. I am running xcode Version 6.1.1(6A2008a) How do I try debug this issue in ios?
I tried to do a search for the folder and this is what came up
After a little search I found this
But it does not tell me where and how to add that file and framework?

I faced the same problem. What I did is just remove the libidn from Link Framework and Libraries, then add the library again.
To Remove: go to Build Phases->Link Framework and Libraries->Libidn
To Add Again: on Build Phases->Link Framework and Libraries->Click Plus Sign->Select Add Other and browse the location of libidn (XMPP->Vendor->Libidn->libidn.a)
Hope this helps.

If you check this link you will come to know that the owner of that project does not wish to provide an further support to users.
"You are own your own from here" [taken from project's read me file] I guess you will have to do some research and hard-work if you wish to continue to use this project.


How to properly add missing libraries and frameworks to existing Xcode project

in the past I have developed some simple iOS apps and today I saw that "phyphox", an app I would like to customize, is open source. So I downloaded the project, however it relies on some third-party libraries. Picture of the error message. I tried to compile these libraries and added the .framework files to the framework folder of the Xcode project, but the error messages wouldn't go away. What am I doing wrong?
Thanks for your help!
It sounds like you need to create a podfile to download everything properly. this video explains it really well! I've never done it the .framework way before, but I believe that podfiles will solve your problem because it's installed through your terminal and becomes a large piece of your project. I hope this helps! :)

Xcode 10.1 doesn't show 'distribute app' option when archiving, can't archive

I suddenly got this weird issue with Xcode 10.1.
When I archive app store target for my app I cant see "distribute app" option, instead it now says "Distribute Content" and neither I can export ipa nor upload to app store directly.
My archive comes under "Other items" in Organizer instead of iOS apps.
It seems to work fine with development target though.
Here is the screen shot.
Anyone with any knowledge about it please help.
Please make changes as follows
Change Skip install to NO
Make sure only the Application has this set to NO. Embedded Targets like Frameworks need to have Skip Install = YES
Faced the same issue few days ago. This usually occurs when you have multiple schemes in a project.
Go to edit scheme (Next to stop button)
Select the target of which you want to archive.
In build option, remove other targets or you may unselect archive checkbox.
I ran into this annoying error today - I thought it was the new version of Xcode - but no. I had multiple targets for my project (staging/production), and also a nested framework project.
To solve this I opened the staging scheme and made sure only the checkboxes are checked for that target: (the top row was selected before)
I have run into this situation and solved it.
The solution set SkipInstall=No does not work for me.
I find the reason for my situation is that I imported a framework by adding it into Link Binary With Libraries section.
So I changed a way to import the framework.
Remove the framework at Link Binary With Libraries section.
Add the framework directory to the framework search paths.
For more information ,see my blog at JianShu:
i got the same issue and nothing works from above answers. so i debugged my code and i found out that there was a folder that was missing and instead of showing any error i was getting "distribute content" instead of "distribute app". So if anyone have the same issue please check for the red folders or swift files in their xcode.
Unticking the 'Find Implicit Dependencies' tick box solved it for me. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem in different projects in the last few days.
In one of the projects, a solution had to delete the .xcproject subproject file.
In another project, the solution was to uninstall .xcworkspace (I use cocoapods) and run pod install.
Thanks for the old answers, I have solved the problem by keeping "Skip install" of frameworks to false.
My XCode is with version 13.2.1. One thing special is that runner and framework in my project are in different schemes. Hope the picture will help newcomers.
I got the same issue, I tried skip install setting it with "No" didn't work for me.
I removed the script added for swiftlint in build phases then it works fine.

Cocoapod issue not able to run on simulator

I have created my cocoapod and cross check in sample project but it is showing everytime this error.
I googled and found solution
Reset content and setting
Clear derived data
Clean and build
Restart xcode
But non of them works
i tried on device
Make sure you are opening the newly created .workspace file rather than your original project.
Refer to this answer for debugging.
Basically you need to look at ~/Library/logs/CoreSimulator/CoreSimulator.log for the source of the errors.
You need to consider the fact that the simulator is not linking files properly than any specific cocoapod issue.
Alternately, the problem could be related to code signing.
Refer :
If details like the Podspec and the simulator log were shared, perhaps we could be of more help.

How to integrate Unity inside native iOS App?

I'm having troubles integrating a simple Unity project inside a native iOS App.
I followed this this tutorial but I think that some things have changed since it was written. I'm stuck with this error:
And thats not the only one, there are 1600 files that include include that file. The problem is that all this 1600 files have a wrong reference to il2cpp-codegen.h
This are my build settings for the Unity project:
So, after following all the tutorial, should I change all the files so that all the references would be correct? Or am I missing something else?
I'm currently using Unity 5.1.1f1 Personal version.
Do you have a warning saying folder not found or something like it?
I think you didn't set the path for Libraries/libil2cpp/include in your header search paths.
You probably didn't copy the Libraries/libil2cpp folder.
That folder isn't visible inside the Xcode project but you can find it in Finder. You should try and copy that folder also and maybe add it to the Build Phases in Xcode. Not sure about this last step.

Could not build module 'FBSDKCoreKit' For FacebookSDK 4

I am having issue while updating Facebook SDK 3 to 4
when I add the framework it was added successfully. but when i add header file it's having the error that " Could not build module 'FBSDKCoreKit' ". Don't know the reason.
In setting the "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework modules" setting to YES in Build settings solved the problem for me. but don't know if is there any problem or issue or any side effects of it.
Its Facebook Bug you can check the solution they are providing in this link.
Update 1
Facebook said that they have fixed and will apply solution in next update see this link
Update 2
FaceBook Fixed It in Version Latest version (i.e. 4.1.0) see this link link.
i have also facing same issue and i got solution. Nothing do just Remove the Module folder in. Follow simple step
step 1. go to Document/FacebookSDK folder
step 2. Go inside FBSDKCoreKit.framework folder & remove Modules folder. then drag and drop in your Xcode Project.
Resolve your issue. Enjoy .... !!!
I have tried the above solutions but did not work for me.Finally after scratching head for sometime i came across below solution:
I changed my framework search path after which my issue was resolved.
Steps to find Framework search Path
Goto build setting of the project and search for framework search path.
Then add the below line
I hope this will help someone .
If your using cocoapods, go to Pods Project Build Settings and change "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework modules" to YES
When adding Facebook SDK (Version 4) files to the project make sure to uncheck "Copy into destination group folder".
This solved a problem for me.
Facebook has recognized the issue and said they're working on a fix.
In the meantime, here is the link to the available solutions depending on your project.
The updated FacebookSDK v4.1.0 launch on 30th April 2015 solved the following issue.
You might face a warning. Go to FBSDKCoreKit.framework/Headers/FBSDKCoreKit.h and add #import < FBSDKCoreKit/FBSDKTestUsersManager.h > to fix it.
I got the same issue and solve problem.
My solution :
1. follow the steps from
2. check the xcode proj -> Library, find and open file RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj then update fb sdk path in build setting->Framework search path.
It works. I guess that sometime the RCTFBSDK.xcodeproj in Library can not update the framework search path from main xcodeproj so we need done manually. Hopefully my solution can help you, Thanks.
And also this issue happens if you are open .xcodeproj file instead of .xworkspace file.
change In target setting "Allow Non-modular Includes in Framework modules" to YES
With me, just download new version of Facebook SDK, then remove the old and add new fixed the problem.
If you have multiple targets in your project, make sure that the "Target Membership" for the required frameworks is ticked for the target you're trying to build for.
When you drag the frameworks into XCode, you can usually choose the target, but it's an easy thing to miss.
I faced the same issue, but i was running project on old Xcode version. Make sure you are using latest SDK with latest Xcode version.
As In My Case, The problem was caused by cocoapod configs, I just updated the cocoapod version to 1.5.3 (currently it's the latest version) by using the following command:
sudo gem install cocoapods
Then, I simply updated all the pods I use.
pod update
Then voalá, the error is gone.
