Iversion equivalent for titanium - ios

I need a way to check the app store for the latest update of the app.
One way of doing this is to make an api call to see what the latest version is and force the user to download it. However this is reliant on an internet connection; a better way is to sync the app with the app store. There is a native module called iversion, does anyone know of a titanium equivalent.

Inspired by Harpy project the benCoding.iOS.Tools module allows you to query the AppStore and return the latest version. Check README for further details.


Can I start using Flutter even though my app is already on Playstore?

I already uploaded my android app (written in Java) on Playstore, and now I want to upload it on Appstore as well. In order to save time, I decided to use a cross-platform, but I realized that I should have began to develop with Flutter since the beginning.
Is possible to start developing my app on Flutter even though it is already on Playstore? Or do I have to use another cross-platform like Kotlin multiplatform?
yeah sure you can start with flutter, you need to clarify these things :
package name should be the same as on Play Store.
you have to choose your old key alias and passwords.
For cross-platform you have to build a new app for the app store
You have java code that does not directly compile in flutter but you can use your logic and architecture which you build earlier you have to build new app for app store
But make sure you have to use your older package name and key store so you can override your java app(Live on play store) into a flutter app.
You can rewrite your app in Flutter and upload it to the Play Store to replace the current one. It’s just a matter of making sure to sign the built applications with the same key as it proves to Play Store that you are in control of both, and you’re making the switch willingly. Also, your new app will have to have a version greater than the one already available in the Play Store, as downgrades are not allowed.

How can I call with native Swift methods from Electron app using javascript?

I am looking to add in-app subscriptions to the mac desktop app so I can submit to app store.
I have the code written for iOS using the cordova plugin: https://github.com/AlexDisler/cordova-plugin-inapppurchase
But for electron there exists no such plugin.
So I can use the native swift code from the plugin, but need a way to write a custom plugin so I can call swift methods from javascript running the Electron app.
Please let me know how to approach this, or point me to the correct resources.
Thanks You

How to cancel AWS 1.4.6 AmazonServiceRequest in iOS

I have an async upload process working with Amazon S3 but I am having trouble when I try to cancel it.
I'm trying to call cancel on the request but I get an unrecognised selector crash. I think this is due to the cancel method not existing in the 1.4.6 version of the AWS iOS SDK but I could be wrong, I know it definitely exists in 1.6 but unfortunately I cannot use the latest version.
Is there a different way to cancel a request in 1.4.6?
I am one of the maintainers of the AWS SDK for iOS. The cancel method has been available on AmazonServiceRequest since version 1.4.4 as seen in GitHub. You may want to verify that you don't have an older version of the SDK in your Framework search path. You can verify the version of the SDK you are using with the code metioned on the AWS Mobile Developer Blog.
Can you let us know why you are unable to use the latest version of the SDK? Is there something we can change to help make it possible for you to upgrade?

Application with plugins is possible in iOS or not?

I just want to know that can i make an application which have some plugins in it, when user install that application then some plugins also get installed? for example I make a plugin which have some smilies and when i open Facebook application all that smilies get available to me in that application and in my application also.
Still what i studied is that you cannot make any thing for iphone that wants to make change or access OS level. SO this in not possible for iOS. But this is some how possible for JailBreak

how to add one or more plugins to an existing app

My company want to make an application which like a bookshelf can load more books when the application finished, they want the application to be able to load more plugins without destroying the already installed code: when the app has been purchased and downloaded from the app store, the user can buy plugins in the app store and install them into the app.
Can anyone tell me how this could be achieved? Thank you very much.
Implementing A Plugin System in C or C++
Xcode & iOS - Create Plugins?
How can I combine multiple iPhone applications in to one application?
Objective-C Plugin Architecture Security (Mac, not iPhone)
Objective-C and designing a plugin mechanism
You have to choose right platform for creating plugins and then you need to link installed plugins to correct app
I don't think you'll be able to check that before installing plugins the app has to be installed
Second way will be using in-app purchase and downloading plugins to program data directory
I think the second way is more usable and more valid, because in AppStore cannot be sold application which is not standalone, and depends on another app.
