Application with plugins is possible in iOS or not? - ios

I just want to know that can i make an application which have some plugins in it, when user install that application then some plugins also get installed? for example I make a plugin which have some smilies and when i open Facebook application all that smilies get available to me in that application and in my application also.

Still what i studied is that you cannot make any thing for iphone that wants to make change or access OS level. SO this in not possible for iOS. But this is some how possible for JailBreak


Swift : get all installed application and open specific one

Is there any way to get all the list of installed application and check a specific bundle/app can be open which is already installed in swift ?
You can only open an app if you know its URL Scheme just like facebook provides for example. fb://
There is no way to get the list of applications. Can't say anything about jail broken devices.

Install MDM profile via SafariViewController

I was wondering is there a way to install the profile(.mobileconfig) via SafariViewController. I'm aware that only and have the privileges of doing so.
So, if there is way that SafariViewController can handle such request, please let me know.
It looks like it's possible to install mobile configuration profiles (.mobileconfig) via SFSafariViewController since iOS 11.3. I confirmed this on both iOS 11.3 and iOS 12 beta.
See here for more details:
As the documents written for SafariViewController(, are saying that the SafariViewController is minimizing the work of developers who need to create UIWebView inside the application which need to show the web interface in application.
On the other side is a different iceland where things are going on, and our application is a different one. Apple granted different level of permissions to applications. Based on that the and the are enabled to install the .mobileconfig(configuration files).
As we Apple is very much clear about the functionality of the SafariViewController, they will not allow us to install the .mobileconfig file from out applications with SafariViewController.

How can i make an app that will work for desktop windows and IOS with phonegap?

I want to be able to access folders and files via my app, the problem is, when i want to access files on the desktop, i have to run it from a server or at least to emulate one using a program like xampp.
I know PhoneGap has it's own API to access files, but i need to make the app work on desktop too, and i don't mind it to be as normal offline website ( via index.html, not an exe ), but i still need to solve the security issues, i can't tell clients to run it from a server...
The big idea after it, is that i need the app to check for new files in the server, if there are any, to download them.
Also, i want the app to be able to access those downloaded files when it is offline as well.
I guess using only phonegap in ios will solve this, but i still need it to work on windows desktop as well.
PhoneGap released PhoneGap Desktop
I think this is what you are looking for!

how to add one or more plugins to an existing app

My company want to make an application which like a bookshelf can load more books when the application finished, they want the application to be able to load more plugins without destroying the already installed code: when the app has been purchased and downloaded from the app store, the user can buy plugins in the app store and install them into the app.
Can anyone tell me how this could be achieved? Thank you very much.
Implementing A Plugin System in C or C++
Xcode & iOS - Create Plugins?
How can I combine multiple iPhone applications in to one application?
Objective-C Plugin Architecture Security (Mac, not iPhone)
Objective-C and designing a plugin mechanism
You have to choose right platform for creating plugins and then you need to link installed plugins to correct app
I don't think you'll be able to check that before installing plugins the app has to be installed
Second way will be using in-app purchase and downloading plugins to program data directory
I think the second way is more usable and more valid, because in AppStore cannot be sold application which is not standalone, and depends on another app.

how to debug java app in blackberry

I am developing a bluetooth application for blackberry. I am getting some BluetoothStateException's whil running the app on the phone. I am wondering if there is any way to debug th application on the phone?
UDPATE: There is an option in JDE I found to debug on device, but it keeps asking me to install signing keys.But I have not used any BB API's AFAIK
You cant install a BB app on handset without signing it. Get a developer account on BlackBerry developer website, and you should be able to set up signing, it is almost trivial to do so.
You shouldn't have to sign if you haven't used the BlackBerry APIs that require signing keys. In particular, the basic UiApplication class and the BluetoothStateException don't require the keys.
Having said that, it sounds like you used a protected API in there somewhere (they're really all over the place, the PersistentStore for example, or the Display class in the system package). You can enable warnings within Eclipse for when you use protected APIs. Under Window->Preferences->BlackBerry Java Plug-In, check the Warnings sub-item and make sure all 3 checkboxes are unchecked. Then look at your Eclipse warnings/error view.
Also, I agree with #omermuhammed, it's really easy to get signing keys.
