STM32f4-Discovery board FreeRTOS - freertos

I'm new to RTOS and I'm trying to get freertos working with stm32f4 discovery board to get a better grip with embedded RTOS. I have searched all that I can to find a working version of freertos with the discovery board but I haven't found any that works.
I have tried all that I can to get it working but I'm probably missing something trivial which I can't seem to put my finger on. If anyone could provide me with a tutorial/project of a working blink example that would be amazing.
I have tried to make the example in the freertos website to work but I still haven't been able to, that is why I'm asking for help here.
All I need is a coocox project which I can open,build and flash it to the board and have an LED blinking. from there I can possibly find my away.
I have been at this for 2-3 weeks now so if anyone can provide the project I will be extremely. thankful. E-mail ID
best regards,

You don't give enough information about what you have done, or what is not working (you don't even say if it is compiling), to be able to give you more than an educated guess as a reply.
If you have followed the instructions to create a new project ( then my educated guess would be that you have not installed the interrupt handlers (see "my application compiles but it does not run"


FreeRTOS on STM32F407-Discovery

I downloaded FreeRTOS port for STM32F4-Discovery from and I managed to compile it and flash it to the board, but I don't know what to do next. I would like to verify that it is working.
I tried to use debugger and I saw that after reset the program is in function deregister_tm_clones and the board does nothing.
What to do next?
You have the code, so can look to see what it is doing. Alternatively you can ask the author of the code by contacting them via github - if you do that they will see the question, if you post a question about there code here then it is unlikely they will see it.
Alternatively there are lots of resources available on the web to help you. For example there is an (old) documented port to that chip on the FreeRTOS website here: ST's STM32Cube software will create FreeRTOS projects for you - and if you just want to learn FreeRTOS you can download a free book here

iOS Interactive Remote Debugging

Is it possible to interactively remote debug an iOS App with xCode (or some other interactive debugger, if necessary)?
Has anyone got a neat framework I can stick in my App that will allow this? I can imagine Apple might not want this for live Apps, but for enterprise deployment and for Beta deployment, it would be ace.
A workflow that might work is a customer with a bug can get in touch and then I can email them with a link that will launch my app and connect it to my debug server. With magic.
There's an S.O. question from back in '11 about this – I'm hoping things might have moved on. However, a post here suggests it's probably not possible.
I want to be clear crash reporting, log acquiring and analytics are all very nice and everything (you're right – I use them too), but that is not what this question is about. Thank you :-)
Definitive answers along the lines of "This is just not possible because …" or, "It's possible but fearsomely involved because …", or ideally "Yeah, it's easy and cool, check out …" would be wonderful.
I think what you are searching is not possible. If you want, take a look at Bugfender, it's a product we have built that helps somewhat to do what you want.
With Bugfender you can get the logs from a remote device you choose, is not remote debugging but for now it might be the closest thing to what you want.

100+ Targets for one Xcode Project

I am wondering if anyone has experience with having 100+ targets in a single xcode project. I have a case right now where we are building many apps that use the same code base. There is some debate internally that if the amount of apps gets to an unmanageable level aka (Maybe a couple of 1000 apps) we are going to have issues.
So my Question: Does anyone have experience with making a xcode project that has a ton of apps/targets (100+) in one project? Is there any issues with this? Is it easier then having a single project for each one and just sharing code with symbolic links?
I have built a project and made about 80 targets. Besides xcode crashing a couple of times while I was creating them (I think this was because I was using hot-keys and going really fast) it seemed like it was fine. I did not see any major performance hits, but since this was not a full project I am skeptical that this was tested fully.
Thanks for any insight.
So I found some information hidden in a post of a site called openradar. I think it will answer my question. I would love to hear from some real world experience through. So if anyone still has input please add it. I will be doing some more research on the subject.
Link to Post:
Also I asked apple for comment on this as well and as soon as I get a response back I will post it in this answer.

bluetooth communication in nxj

I'm nxj beginner.
I have some questions about bluetooth communication between PC and brick.
First, when bluetooth communication occurs, where is the birthplace processing this datas?
In other words, I want to know whether these datas will be processed on CPU or brick.
Second, what is exact roles CPU and brick in bluethooth communication?
That means what is processed on CPU and what is processed on brick.
I have searched almost web site but I can't find this anywhere.
Please help me. Thanks.
You can see it in the package structure.
This package contains classes running on the NXT-brick. All code in this package will be compiled for the brick and will run on the brick.
Here the difference is not that clear. This is java-code you compile for personal computer. So most code runs on your computer. But some classes (e.g: RemoteMotorController) only send messages to the NXT-brick which gives commands to the motors.
lejos.pc.comm provides API's that allow you to communicate/control the nxt robot from the PC.
When importing the the libs to an Android project, it allows you to build an instance of the same environment used on a pc, but within android.
I agree it can be tough finding some things out. It would be great if there was as stronger lejos presence on SO
This question is months old and has remained un-answered I actually have a lot of questions about it myself, but I might be able to provide some insight for utter novices.
when using bluetooth with Android and NXJ robots, you use either lejos.pc.comm or lejos.NXJ.
Both provide APi's to do almost the same thing, but work a little differently. I don't know nearly enough about the NXJ api, but I do know that it is the one that lets you manipulate the robot much more effectively, such as outputting data to it's LCD screen, which you can't do with the pc.comm api
As far as I can tell, the pc.comm API uses both Android Bluetooth API's and it's own protocols to allow communication with Lego LCP commands.
(I want to come back to this, but I'm writing a dissert on the topic so I'll try to update it in a couple of days. Seems not many are interested though, shame)

IPad and Openframeworks

Can someone point me in the right direction to learning how to use Openframeworks to develop and IPad app. Perhaps some good tutorials, I can't seem to find any good documentation.
The docs of openFrameworks is quite outdated. But you can discover OF through the examples. Just download the iPhone package here: and follow the instructions in the included readme. I think a good start is, try to get the examples running on your device and start to modify the examples. If you have any further questions, the people here --> will be happy to help you out.
For a more in-depth discover of openFrameworks, look at the inofficial doxygen docs here -->
Getting OF running on iPad is actually pretty much the same thing as running on iphone.
have you got it running before?
if you haven’t, first thing is you need to pay Apple $99 if you want to run it on real device,
otherwise it’s free to try on the simulator.
there is some instructions on OF site for the first run,
just go through it these complicated stuffs only need to be done once:
(the guide is totally not updated at all, but it’s pretty much the same process with minor UI difference)
Any iOS OF example should runs on iPad the same way as iPhone does.
but to get iPad native resolution, you’ll have to change it manually.
it's in Application>General and in Deployment Info change the Devices drop down to iPad. (screenshot attached)
try it with any iOS examples
and if you want to put any code for mac version,
just make a copy of any iOS example and hand paste the code in appropriate void,
they are pretty much the same except mouse event vs touch event.
which a bit different in logic but just play around with it. not too hard to get used to.
basically touch events are touch.x/touch.y instead of mouseX mouseY.
(and touch events are private to each void so you might need other variables to pass it somewhere else)
I don't have a forum link but there was an openframeworks forum question on this just last week and folks posted a number of sites that have good examples/tutorials. Here's one on doing pixel operations for graphic effects:
