Iterate over a JavaUtilList in Swift - ios

I have a list translated with J2Objc:
var userDtoIds:JavaUtilList = // some list
Now I want to iterate over this list with a for in loop. I tried:
for iten in userDtoIds {
Error: Type 'JavaUtilList' does not conform to protocol 'SequenceType'
let arr:IOSObjectArray = userDtoIds.toArray()
for iten in arr {
I got the Error: Type 'IOSObjectArray' does not conform to protocol 'SequenceType'
The only way how it works is:
for var i:Int32=0; i < userDtoIds.size(); i++ {
Can I use a for in loop to iterate over a JavaUtilList?
The following code leads to a runtime error:
var list = userDtoIds as! NSArray
for item:String in list as! [String] {

extension IOSObjectArray: Sequence {
func makeIterator() -> Iterator {
// Create iterator
Here is a wonderful article on conforming custom collection types, even if you are using j2objc.


Generic class type doesn't conform to Any

I have a problem with storing my generic classes in an array. How should I format the type for my array while keeping the reference to the original type (I know I could do var myClasses: [Any] = [] but that wouldn't be helpful when retrieving the variable from my array :(
Example is below:
import UIKit
protocol Reusable { }
extension UITableViewCell: Reusable { }
extension UICollectionViewCell: Reusable { }
class SomeClass<T> where T: Reusable {
init() { }
var myClasses: [SomeClass<Reusable>] = []
Edit: Just to clarify, I have used the collection and table cells as an example, I am not actually planning on storing them together :)
Edit 2 var myClasses: [SomeClass<Reusable>] = [] generates error: using 'Reusable' as a concrete type conforming to protocol 'Reusable' is not supported
Edit 3 var myClasses: [SomeClass<AnyObject>] = [] generates error: type 'AnyObject' does not conform to protocol 'Reusable'
I think you can create some sort of Holder class that can accept and retrieve your object:
class Holder {
lazy var classes: [Any] = []
func get<T>(_ type: T.Type) -> [T]? {
return classes.filter({ $0 is T }) as? [T]
And the main part:
let holder = Holder()
if let someTableViewCells = holder.get(SomeClass<UITableViewCell>.self)?.first {
// or filter out again to get specific SomeClass of UITableViewCell
Or without holder class:
var classes: [Any] = []
if let someTableViewCell = classes.filter({ $0 is SomeClass<UITableViewCell> }).first as? SomeClass<UITableViewCell> {
You should use array of AnyObject in your case. Because as you know swift is strong typed language and for example
are different types of objects. As for example Array< Int > and Array< String >, they are both arrays, but still it's a different types of objects. So in this case you'll have to use declaration:
var myClasses: [AnyObject] = []
and check type of object or typecast them every time you'll need.
if (myClasses[0] is SomeClass<UICollectionViewCell>) { do something }
if let cell = myClasses[0] as? SomeClass<UICollectionViewCell> { do something }
My suggestion is adding parent protocol SomeClass Container for your SomeClass generic. Then put an array of SomeClass objects inside SomeClass.
protocol Reusable { func cakePlease() }
extension UITableViewCell: Reusable {
func cakePlease() { }
extension UICollectionViewCell: Reusable {
func cakePlease() { }
protocol SomeClassContainer {
func teaPlease()
func afternoonPlease()
class SomeClass<T: Reusable>: SomeClassContainer {
var item: T?
init() { }
func teaPlease() { }
func afternoonPlease() {
var myClasses = [SomeClassContainer]()
if let item = (myClasses[0] as? SomeClass<UITableViewCell>)?.item {
for myClass in myClasses {
if let tableCell = (myClass as? SomeClass<UITableViewCell>)?.item {
} else if let collectionCell = (myClass as SomeClass<UICollectionViewCell>)?.item {
myClasses.forEach({ $0.afternoonPlease() })
Generally the way to type your array would be to go as specific as possible whilst still covering all bases.
What I mean by this for example is storing an array of UIViewController objects, even though each will actually be a different type. You wouldn't use Any here because you really don't need to be that general.
In your case, why not use Reusable? Since all your generic classes conform to it anyway, it is as general as you can go whilst still maintaining convenience.

Casting array of objects to array of subclassed objects in Swift

I have an array of EKReminder, like so:
var currentReminders: [EKReminder]? = ....
I want to cast this array to an array of subclasses of EKReminder. Let's say this is the subclass:
import Foundation
import EventKit
class NNReminder: EKReminder {
var additionalNotes: String?
How would I cast currentReminders to [NNReminder]? I tried several ways but they all failed.
Provided you are sure that all members of currentReminders are, in fact, NNReminders, you can cast them all like this:
currentReminders = { $0 as! NNReminder }
Edit: if only some of the reminders are of type NNReminder, or you're not sure of the array's contents, you can use flatMap to remove the nil values:
currentReminders = currentReminders.flatMap { $0 as? NNReminder }
If you are asking how to transform a bunch of objects that were initialized as EKReminder, you should write a custom init in NNReminder that takes an EKReminder, and use this init in the above map method.
I was tired of having cryptic .map clauses all over my code so i wrote a small extension to make things neat:
extension Array{
func cast<T>(type:T.Type? = nil) -> [T]{
return { $0 as! T }
class A:B{
var value:String = "default"
init(_ value:String){
self.value = value
class B{
var someNum:CGFloat = 1
var arr1:Array<A> = [A("a"),A("b"),A("c")]
let arr2:Array<B> = arr1.cast(B.self)//neat!
let arr3:Array<B> = arr1.cast()//epic!
the cast method supports protocols as well

Swift generic class which could take Array of elements or single element

I would like to make generic class which will be able to take Parsable type, or Array of Parsable type. Logic for both are almost the same so i don't want to make two different class for this operation. Is it possible to solve it using Swift generics, or protocol associatedtype types?
protocol Parsable: class {
associatedtype Type
static func objectFromDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>, inContext context: NSManagedObjectContext) -> Type?
func importFromDictionary(dictionary: Dictionary<String, AnyObject>)
class ParseOperation<T: Parsable>: NSOperation {
func execute() -> T {
class ParseOperation<T where T: SequenceType, T.Generator.Element == Parsable>: NSOperation {
func execute() -> T {
// Do parsing
This i how i would like to work:
class ParseOperation<T where T: SequenceType, T.Generator.Element == Parsable OR T: Parsable>: NSOperation {
func execute() -> T {
// Do parsing
In my current implementation i am using enum which looks little bit ugly:
class ParseOperation<T where T: NSManagedObject, T:Parsable>: NSOperation {
var responseToParse: AnyObject?
var parseType: ParseType
var parsedObjects: [T]?
init(parseType: ParseType) {}
func execute() {
var objects: [NSManagedObject] = []
if self.parseType == .Single {
if let responseToParse = self.responseToParse as? Dictionary<String, AnyObject>,
let parsedObject = T.objectFromDictionary(responseToParse, inContext: localContext) {
} else if self.parseType == .Array {
if let responseToParse = self.responseToParse as? Array<Dictionary<String, AnyObject>> {
for dictionary in responseToParse {
if let parsedObject = T.objectFromDictionary(dictionary, inContext: localContext) {
self.parsedObjects = objects
I modified #RonaldMartin 's answer to show how ParsableArray might help you. It don't need to take input of Parsable elements, just implement parse function this way:
protocol Parsable {
associatedtype T
static func parse(input: AnyObject) -> T?
struct ParsableArray<TElement where TElement: Parsable>: Parsable {
static func parse(input: AnyObject) -> [TElement.T]? {
guard let arrayInput = input as? [AnyObject] else {
return nil
return arrayInput.flatMap(TElement.parse)
I've renamed objectFromDictionary to parse because it's need to take AnyObject not the Dictionary to be able to parse array. You can add context or whatever you like to parse method, of course.
If Parsable done this way then ParseOperation becomes very simple:
class ParseOperation<T where T: Parsable>: NSOperation {
let input: AnyObject
var result: T.T?
init(input: AnyObject) {
self.input = input
override func main() {
result = T.parse(input)
Then, you can parse arrays this way (note: this is only to demonstrate how to create ParseOperation; S is just some Parsable struct):
let op = ParseOperation<ParsableArray<S>>(input: [["1": 5, "2": 6], ["3": 10]])
var r: [S]? = op.result
I hope, this will help.
As far as I know, the type constraint system is not designed to handle OR constraints. However, it should still be possible to do what you're asking.
One approach is to represent both singleton Parsables and collections of Parsables under a single type that you can use to constrain ParseOperation. The neatest way to do this would be to extend Array (or SequenceType, CollectionType, etc.) to conform to the Parsable type as well, but this is not yet possible as of Xcode 7.3. You can use the same workaround from that linked question and add an intermediate class to represent Parsable arrays:
class ParsableArray: Parsable {
let array: [Parsable]
init(array: [Parsable]) {
self.array = array
// Parsable conformance...
Now, you can just use the original protocol for your type constraint:
class ParseOperation<T: Parsable>: NSOperation {
func execute() -> T {
// Do parsing
Ideally you should be able to do this:
// This DOES NOT compile as of XCode 7.3
extension Array: Parsable where Element: Parsable {
// Parsable implementation
However it currently doesn't work.
Currently you have to rely on a wrapper struct:
struct ParsableArray<Element: Parsable>: Parsable {
let array: [Element]
init(_ array: [Element]) {
self.array = array
// Parsable implementation
You can also implement a convenience method for [Parsable] arrays:
extension Array where Element: Parsable {
func toParsable() -> ParsableArray<Element> {
return ParsableArray(self)
So you could execute your method like this:
let array = [Parsable]()
parse(array.toParsable()) // Equivalent to: parse(ParsableArray(array))

How to refactor swift code to take protocol and struct types as method arguments

I have 2 functions that have a lot in common, and I want to re-factor my code to remove the repeated logic, however the things that are different are types, specifically a protocol, and and a struct type. The way I can think about it now is that to re-factor this I'd have 1 common method that would take one protocol type as an argument, and one struct type with the restriction that the struct type must implement the protocol 'DataDictionaryStore'. And would return an array of the protocol type passed in as argument 1
I've tried to implement this with generics, but from how I understand it, you still pass an instance as an argument when using generics, not the actual type itself.
The methods I'd like to re-factor in the code below are 'articles()', and 'authors()'
Here's the code (which can be copied to a playground Xcode 7+):
import Foundation
protocol Article {
var headline: NSString? { get }
protocol Author {
var firstName: NSString? { get }
protocol DataDictionaryStore {
init(dataDictionary: NSDictionary)
struct CollectionStruct {
let arrayOfModels: [NSDictionary]
//This function is identical to authors() except for return type [Article], and 'ArticleStruct'
func articles() -> [Article] {
var articlesArray = [Article]()
for articleDict in arrayOfModels {
let articleStruct = ArticleStruct(dataDictionary: articleDict)
return articlesArray
func authors() -> [Author] {
var authorsArray = [Author]()
for authorDict in arrayOfModels {
let authorStruct = AuthorStruct(dataDictionary: authorDict)
return authorsArray
struct ArticleStruct : Article, DataDictionaryStore {
var internalDataDictionary: NSDictionary
init(dataDictionary: NSDictionary) {
internalDataDictionary = dataDictionary
var headline: NSString? { return (internalDataDictionary["headline"] as? NSString) }
struct AuthorStruct : Author, DataDictionaryStore {
var internalDataDictionary: NSDictionary
init(dataDictionary: NSDictionary) {
internalDataDictionary = dataDictionary
var firstName: NSString? { return (internalDataDictionary["firstName"] as? NSString) }
var collStruct = CollectionStruct(arrayOfModels: [NSDictionary(objects: ["object1", "object2"], forKeys: ["key1", "headline"])])
var articles = collStruct.articles()
for article in articles {
If there is another way to re-factor this to remove the repeated logic, all suggestions welcome.
It's not exactly an answer to your question, but this might simplify it enough for you to be happy:
func articles() -> [Article] {
func authors() -> [Author] {
Based on PEEJWEEJ's answer, this refactor is also worth a shot. Instead of returning a single array, you can return a tuple of authors and articles. If you aren't going to be processing both the authors and articles arrays at once, this method is more expensive. But the syntax is much nicer than the previous solution using generics below.
func allObjects() -> (authors: [AuthorStruct], articles: [ArticleStruct]) {
let authors =
let articles =
return(authors, articles)
You would then call the method like this:
let objects = collection.allObjects()
let authors = objects.authors
let articles = objects.articles
I'm not a huge fan of the clarity here but maybe you can refactor it a bit. It seems to work at least.
func allObjectsOfType<T>(type: T.Type) -> [T] {
var objectArray = [T]()
for objectDict in arrayOfModels {
var objectStruct: T?
if type == Author.self {
objectStruct = AuthorStruct(dataDictionary: objectDict) as? T
} else if type == Article.self {
objectStruct = ArticleStruct(dataDictionary: objectDict) as? T
guard objectStruct != nil else {
return objectArray
You can then call it like this...

Casting struct with generic parameter with swift

I'm trying to do the following.
protocol Vehicle {
class Car : Vehicle {
class VehicleContainer<V: Vehicle> {
let carContainer = VehicleContainer<Car>()
let vehicleContainer = carContainer as VehicleContainer<Vehicle>
But I get the compile error on the last line:
'Car' is not identical to 'Vehicle'
Is there any workaround for this?
Also I believe this type of casting should be possible because I can do it with Arrays which are built on generics. The following works:
let carArray = Array<Car>()
let vehicleArray = carArray as Array<Vehicle>
Expanding your array example quickly in playground works as intended
protocol Vehicle {
class Car : Vehicle {
class Boat: Vehicle {
var carArray = [Car]()
var vehicleArray : [Vehicle] = carArray as [Vehicle]
vehicleArray.append(Car()) // [__lldb_expr_183.Car]
vehicleArray.append(Boat()) // [__lldb_expr_183.Car, __lldb_expr_183.Boat]
Haven't done too much work with swift generics but looking quickly at the swift docs
struct Stack<T: Vehicle> {
var items = [Vehicle]()
mutating func push(item: Vehicle) {
mutating func pop() -> Vehicle {
return items.removeLast()
and using vehicles instead of the generic type T
var vehicleStack = Stack<Vehicle>()
var aVehicle = vehicleStack.pop()
appears to compile aok in an app (playground has some issues handling it though)
