Objective-c Shinobi Grids Update to 2.8 - ios

I am using Shinobi Grids 1.1 and I am looking to upgrade to 2.8. I cant seem to find any documentation on this online, does anyone know of any documentations online I can look to point me in the right direction? Please and thank you.

DISCLAIMER: I am a developer at ShinobiControls.
If you're a customer, you can download version 2.8.0 of ShinobiGrids from our customer portal. Otherwise, you can download a trial version available on our main site HERE.
Once downloaded remove the old framework from your project and drag and drop the new one in. You may get warnings and possibly some compile errors seen as you are updating from such an old version. However, any warnings you get should describe an alternative implementation.
If you get any compiling errors or warnings that aren't clear, just email us at info#shinobicontrols.com. A member of our team will get back to you as soon as they can.


Problem when publishing an application on the App Store [Non-public API usage]

Until three weeks ago, my application could upload it to the App Store without any problem. However, Apple has refused to upload the app with a new message about Non-public API usage.
The application is developed with Xamarin in Visual Studio for Mac and has updated all the libraries and packages. Can anybody help me? Because I can not find what the problem is, nor do I see any solution. It will be something new?
Thank you all.
Non-public API usage:
The app references non-public selectors in AppAytoSS.iOS:
addTemporaryAttributes:forCharacterRange:, behaviorWithType:,
defaultBaselineOffsetForFont:, defaultLineHeightForFont:, finished,
greekingThreshold, horizontalCornerRadius,
initWithSource:convolutionState:weights:, initWithType:,
postSession:didAddPlayer:, postSession:didReceiveData:fromPlayer:,
postSession:player:didSaveData:, preferredMetalContext, removeData:,
removeTemporaryAttribute:forCharacterRange:, setGreekingThreshold:,
setHorizontalCornerRadius:, setIsPrimary:, setShouldAntiAlias:, setUUID:,
setVerticalCornerRadius:, shouldAntiAlias,
textContainerChangedTextView:, toolTip, usesBackgroundSession,
We had the (exactly) same problem with an Xamarin iOS Project and where able to fix it via Setting Build/iOS Build/Linker Behaviour: Link Framework SDKs only (before Don't link) - what Jack Hua link shows as solution.
We where not able, to figure out the problem behind though. Two different MacBooks where used, one with the most recent version of XCode, Visual Studio and Xamarin Libs, the other with slightly older versions. The latter was able to create an IPA without the above described error, the updated machine was not.
However the used NugGet Packages where the same, so I think this issue is not related to them.
After filling an internal issue with the Xamarin team, they advised doing the following
adding --linksdkonly to the Additional mtouch arguments on the iOS Build settings page
As it seems that Visual Studio ignores the settings in GUI
I have tested it and now get my build accepted by Apple without the above error
This is the issue filed on Xamarin
I find a thread where people meet the same problem with you recently:build-status-has-changed-to-invalid-binary.
So, I guess some third part nuget packages you are using has updated and using these non-public selectors that Apple not allow.
I would suggest you to get you code three weeks ago and don't update any third part nuget packages. Then submit again to check if it is the problem.
You can also compare your reference with the references people listed in that thread and find something similar. And any nuget packages related to Player(As I can see some player selector in the non-public selectors list)?

How to do floating Native UI (Android) using cordova-ace plugins?

I am looking for documentation for Ace to do "Floating UI" , i want to to like facebook "Chat Heads". So far there is no documentation only mentioning coming soon , which means avaliable but undocumented right?. Is it already available in github latest master?
They decided to close the support for this project:
As of December 2016, this project is no longer maintained by Microsoft. We built ACE to provide developers with an “escape hatch” to access native code from within JavaScript. After nearly a year in production, we learned that most developers are satisfied with the access granted by Cordova’s Plugin Model. Thus, we’ve discontinued active development. We appreciate your interest in the project and hope you found it exemplary of Microsoft’s commitment to experimentation and open source software. if you're interested in continuing this project, please feel free to fork it. As of December 2016, we will no longer monitor or respond to open issues. You can keep up with other projects from Microsoft’s Cordova team by visiting http://taco.visualstudio.com. Thanks for your support!
I was also looking some plugin to implement "chat heads" in Cordova, without any luck :(

Metaio AR apps flagged in Google Play with OpenSSL issue

I notice Google Play has flagged my AR apps developed in metaio with this message:
Security alert
Your app is using a version of OpenSSL containing a security vulnerability. Please see this Google Help Centre article for details, including the deadline for fixing the vulnerability.
Security alert
Your application has an unsafe implementation of the WebViewClient.onReceivedSslError handler. Please see the alerts page for more information."
I'm hoping it's an easy fix, such as replacing DLL files. Seems I have till July 11th to sort it.
Anyone had this problem and resolved?
PS. I use metaio creator, output to arel, copy that output into an app folder template I created which I run through Android Studio/Xcode to generate the final build.
In case you are looking for alternatives, Wikitude came up with a fix a few days ago: http://www.wikitude.com/blog-sdk-update-openssl-upgrade/
Wikitude team

Building a Firefox add on

after I managed to create an add on for Chrome browser (http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13686561/chrome-addon-with-my-server-interaction),
my next target is to do the same for Firefox.
I see this is harder to do or there arent many good tutorials for begginers.
What Im asking is good step by step tutorials in order to understand the workflow for FF.
Thank you again for reading me!
Take a look to Add-on SDK. Here the documentation, and you can also download it from Github.
I would say that the Getting Started section of Add-on SDK docs is a good place to start your reading.
You can also join the IRC channel #jetpack on irc.mozilla.org and ask help directly to the SDK team, if you have any doubt!

Is it possible to compile and use xapian, clucene or lucy on iOS?

I want to compile and use Xapian with xcode on iOS, is there any one with any experiments on this? Is it possible?
Is there any other option for implementing full text search on iOS?I have tried
S4luceneLib (in Obj-C) which works but is port of old version of lucene, also I
have checked Clucene and lucy, which like xapian i can not compile on iOS.
any help and comment will be appreciated.
Speaking as one of the Xapian authors, I don't recall hearing of anyone reporting trying to compile Xapian on iOS. I also don't know of any fundamental reason why it would be impossible to compile it on iOS. I suggest you contact the Xapian developer community (on the xapian-discuss mailing list: http://lists.xapian.org/mailman/listinfo/xapian-discuss or on the #xapian IRC channel on irc.freenode.net), and give details of the attempts you've made to compile Xapian, and the error messages or problems you encountered.
