Is it possible to compile and use xapian, clucene or lucy on iOS? - ios

I want to compile and use Xapian with xcode on iOS, is there any one with any experiments on this? Is it possible?
Is there any other option for implementing full text search on iOS?I have tried
S4luceneLib (in Obj-C) which works but is port of old version of lucene, also I
have checked Clucene and lucy, which like xapian i can not compile on iOS.
any help and comment will be appreciated.

Speaking as one of the Xapian authors, I don't recall hearing of anyone reporting trying to compile Xapian on iOS. I also don't know of any fundamental reason why it would be impossible to compile it on iOS. I suggest you contact the Xapian developer community (on the xapian-discuss mailing list: or on the #xapian IRC channel on, and give details of the attempts you've made to compile Xapian, and the error messages or problems you encountered.


Objective-c Shinobi Grids Update to 2.8

I am using Shinobi Grids 1.1 and I am looking to upgrade to 2.8. I cant seem to find any documentation on this online, does anyone know of any documentations online I can look to point me in the right direction? Please and thank you.
DISCLAIMER: I am a developer at ShinobiControls.
If you're a customer, you can download version 2.8.0 of ShinobiGrids from our customer portal. Otherwise, you can download a trial version available on our main site HERE.
Once downloaded remove the old framework from your project and drag and drop the new one in. You may get warnings and possibly some compile errors seen as you are updating from such an old version. However, any warnings you get should describe an alternative implementation.
If you get any compiling errors or warnings that aren't clear, just email us at A member of our team will get back to you as soon as they can.

Qt generic error message

This is the error messsage I get.
I know it's kind of an eye roller, that it's difficult nigh impossible to tell what I may need without the source, but it seems like a deployment problem as people that installed the Qt SDK can run it. Plus, I figured I'd have better luck asking here than with a chinese developer that speaks google-english.
So here's what I've done:
I installed the MSVC2012.
I used a program called cffexplorer to see what the exe was looking for. I have the 7 or so .dlls that are at the top of the tree.
I found a recent (jun 2013) qwindows.dll from elsewhere on my system and put it in ./plugins (I've tried this file in ./, ./plugins, and ./plugins/platforms
I created a qt.conf with the following data (I determined the format from an existing Qt based app that works)
Plugins = plugins
Yet, I continue to get this message. Any suggestions on what I might look for to clear this up?
Ask the developer what compiler was used to build the application. Then you will need the right dll (that was built with the same compiler as the application). Also notice that (by default) the documentation says that qwindows.dll should be in the platforms folder in the same path as your executable, read more here. Depending on whether the developer used a Qt built with angle, you may also need: libEGL.dll and libGLESv2.dll. Dependency walker might help you find dependencies that are not there.

Is PlayN on iOS possible without licensing MonoTouch?

Following the instructions on the PlayN wiki I was able to get the "hello" PlayN sample running on the iOS simulator. However, when using MonoStudio, I was told that I need to upgrade to an Indie license or higher to compile the code. (Apparently I was using 33+ features which required it.) When I activated a trial edition, the sample compiled and ran fine on the simulator.
The PlayN wiki seems to indicate the you'd only need a license if you plan on testing on a real device. Is it wrong or am I missing something?
Also, I thought the idea behind PlayN was to build a free, open source game engine on top of free, open-source technology. Mono is both, but MonoTouch is neither. Is there another option or am I stuck with shelling out $1000/year to use iOS (which so far seems far from fully implemented on the PlayN side of things)?
Right now, there isn't. Sorry its disappointing, but its the nature of iOS. Its a very non-free platform.
Perhaps you can try your hands at writing a cross compiler, and release it under an opensource license? You can try basing it on

Clojure iOS Development

Over the past months, I've pretty much fallen in love with Clojure and refuse to use anything else.
I am aware that there is ClojureScript, which uses Google Closure to compile a subset of Clojure to JavaScript.
Is there anything similar in the works for Objective-C/Cocoa?
I would love to be able to prototype applications in Clojure, and then get an iOS app out of it.
[I'm perfectly fine if this prevents me from all the low level details of iOS -- I don't need access to any low level details (say pointer arithmetic) that I can't do in Java -- I just want to be able to easily transform my Clojure Apps onto the iOS]
You can run clojure on iOS by compiling clojure to scheme,
There's one more option (warning: haven't tried it yet):
This Leiningen plugin translates Java bytecode to native code for iOS. And there's even IDE that has it built-in:
I've just discovered las3r which is a Clojure port to the ActionScript (the language behind Flash) runtime. Since Flash/ActionScript can now develop for iOS (I'm in the process of writing a game right now. It's not wonderful, but it's quite usable), this may present a path to writing Clojure applications for iOS.
DISCLAIMER: I haven't tried this. I've just barely discovered las3r, haven't even downloaded it. and have no idea if it's good or terrible. I don't know how awful the speed will be. I know nothing.
Still - it's an intriguing idea, isn't it?
There is Re-Natal a simple command-line utility that automates most of the process of setting up a React Native app running on ClojureScript.

Ruby on RAils (rubyweaver) dreamweaver cs5 integrations

I saw there is an dreamweaver called rubyweaver. Does anyone know of plans to upgrade that to CS5? anyone hear interested in doing this? It would be helpful for newbies like me to have some Wysiwyg editing. Any other software offer that for ruby on rails?
According to the Rubyweaver site they are not offering CS5 support due to not having a developer that can perform the update work for the extension. This appears to be due to the site that is offering the download of Rubyweaver is not the same people that developed the original extension.
You may want to try the extension out, some of the functionality of it may work in CS5. The site doesn't list any specific CS5 issues on it Known Issues page.
Yes it is true that we do not currently have a developer for this extension as of yet. We have a few potential prospects that we are currently having talks with. The Original Creator of the extension is Rob Cameron of Jason Gills took over the IDE and updated it to it's latest state.
We took over the RubyWeaver IDE from the Jason Gills as he was not able to provide the extension or keep up with the development of RubyWeaver, so we got with Jason and decided to keep this extension available to everyone.
We hope to be offering an updated version as soon as we find a coder.
I hope this information helps out.
Thank You,
