Ocaml: Longest Path - path

I have to make an algorithm for the longest path problem.
I have an oriented weighted graph, a start node, a stop node and a number k.
The algorithm have to say if , on the graph, exist a path from start node to stop node with at least length k.
The true problem is that i have to use the BFS-visit algortihm and not the DFS. On Ocaml the BFS use the Queue and the node are insert on the end of the structure:
let breadth_first_collect graph start =
let rec search visited = function
[] -> visited
| n::rest -> if List.mem n visited
then search visited rest
else search (n::visited) (rest # (succ graph n))
(* new nodes are put into queue *)
in search [] [start];;
Someone can give me some advise, even theorical to make this?

In a BFS you basically shouldn't recurse deeper before you finished current layer. That means that on each step you should take a set of successors, cut the data, and afterwards recurse into each one in a row. Here is a first approximation (untested) of the algorithm:
let breadth_first_collect succ graph start =
let rec search visited v =
let succs = succ graph v |>
List.filter (fun s -> List.mem s visited) in
List.map (search (succs # visited)) succs |> List.concat in
search [] start
So, we first visit all children (aka succs) prepend the to the queue, and the recursively descent into each child in a row.
Again this is a first approximation. Since you need to know the path length it means, that you need to store each path in your queue separately, and can't just have a set of all visited vertices. That means, that your queue must be vertex list list. In that case, you can collect all possible paths, and find if there exists one, that is larger than k.


How to count number of non-empty nodes in binary tree in F#

Consider the binary tree algebraic datatype
type btree = Empty | Node of btree * int * btree
and a new datatype deļ¬ned as follows:
type finding = NotFound | Found of int
Heres my code so far:
let s = Node (Node(Empty, 5, Node(Empty, 2, Empty)), 3, Node (Empty, 6, Empty))
/ \
(5) (6)
/ \ | \
() (2) () ()
/ \
() ()
(* size: btree -> int *)
let rec size t =
match t with
Empty -> false
| Node (t1, m, t2) -> if (m != Empty) then sum+1 || (size t1) || (size t2)
let num = occurs s
printfn "There are %i nodes in the tree" num
This probably isn't close, I took a function that would find if an integer existed in a tree and tried changing the code for what I was trying to do.
I am very new to using F# and would appreciate any help. I am trying to count all non empty nodes in the tree. For example the tree I'm using should print the value 4.
I did not run the compiler on your code, but I believe this does even compile.
However your idea to use a pattern match in a recursive function is good.
As rmunn commented, you want to determine the number of nodes in each case:
An empty tree has no nodes, hence the result is zero.
A non-empty tree, has at least the root node plus the count of its left and right subtrees.
So something along the lines of the following should work
let rec size t =
match t with
| Empty -> 0
| Node (t1, _, t2) -> 1 + (size t1) + (size t2)
The most important detail here is, that you do not need a global variable sum to store any intermediate values. The whole idea of a recursive function is that those intermediate values are the results of recursive calls.
As a remark, your tree in the comment should look like this, I believe.
/ \
(5) (6)
/ \ | \
() (2) () ()
/ \
() ()
Edit: I misread the misaligned () as leaves of an empty tree, where in fact they are leaves of the subtree (2). So it was just an ASCII art issue :-)
Friedrich already posted a simple version of the size function that will work for most trees. However, the solution is not "tail-recursive", so it can cause a Stack Overflow for large trees. In functional programming languages like F#, recursion is often the preferred technique for things like counting and other aggregate functions. However, recursive functions generally consume a stack frame for each recursive call. This means that for large structures, the call stack can be exhausted before the function completes. In order to avoid this problem, compilers can optimize functions that are considered "tail-recursive" so that they use only one stack frame regardless of how many times they recurse. Unfortunately, this optimization cannot just be implemented for any recursive algorithm. It requires that the recursive call be the last thing that the function does, thereby ensuring that the compiler does not have to worry about jumping back into the function after the call, allowing it to overwrite the stack frame instead of adding another one.
In order to change the size function to be tail-recursive, we need some way to avoid having to call it twice in the case of a non-empty node, so that the call can be the last step of the function, instead of the addition between the two calls in Friedrich's solution. This can be accomplished using a couple different techniques, generally either using an accumulator or using Continuation Passing Style. The simpler solution is often to use an accumulator to keep track of the total size instead of having it be the return value, while Continuation Passing Style is a more general solution that can handle more complex recursive algorithms.
In order to make an accumulator pattern work for a tree where we have to sum both the left and right sub-trees, we need some way to make one tail-call at the end of the function, while still making sure that both sub-trees are evaluated. A simple way to do that is to also accumulate the right sub-trees in addition to the total count, so we can make subsequent tail-calls to evaluate those trees while evaluating the left sub-trees first. That solution might look something like this:
let size t =
let rec size acc ts = function
| Empty ->
match ts with
| [] -> acc
| head :: tail -> head |> size acc tail
| Node (t1, _, t2) ->
t1 |> size (acc + 1) (t2 :: ts)
t |> size 0 []
This adds the acc parameter and the ts parameter to represent the total count and remaining unevaluated sub-trees. When we hit a populated node, we evaluate the left sub-tree while adding the right sub-tree to our list of trees to evaluate later. When we hit the an empty node, we start evaluating any ts we've accumulated, until we have no further populated nodes or unevaluated sub-trees. This isn't the best possible solution for computing the tree-size, and most real solutions would use Continuation Passing Style to make it tail-recusive, but that should make a good exercise as you get more familiar with the language.

How to combine state and continuation monads in F#

I'm trying to sum a tree using the Task Parallel Library where child tasks are spawned only until the tree is traversed until a certain depth, and otherwise it sums the remaining child nodes using continuation passing style, to avoid stack overflows.
However, the code looks pretty ugly - it would be nice to use a state monad to carry the current depth around, but the state monad isn't tail recursive. Alternatively, how would I modify the continuation monad to carry around the state? Or create a combination of the state and continuation monads?
let sumTreeParallelDepthCont tree cont =
let rec sumRec tree depth cont =
let newDepth = depth - 1
match tree with
| Leaf(num) -> cont num
| Branch(left, right) ->
if depth <= 0 then
sumTreeContMonad left (fun leftM ->
sumTreeContMonad right (fun rightM ->
cont (leftM + rightM )))
let leftTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () ->
let leftResult = ref 0
sumRec left newDepth (fun leftM ->
leftResult := leftM)
let rightTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () ->
let rightResult = ref 0
sumRec right newDepth (fun rightM ->
rightResult := rightM)
cont (leftTask.Result + rightTask.Result)
sumRec tree 4 cont // 4 levels deep
I've got a little more detail on this blog post: http://taumuon-jabuka.blogspot.co.uk/2012/06/more-playing-with-monads.html
I think it is important to first understand what your requirements are.
The sequential version of the algorithm does not need to keep the depth (because it always processes the rest of the tree). However, it needs to use continuations because the tree can be large.
The parallel version, on the other hand, needs to keep the depth (because you only want to make limited number of recursive calls), but it does not need to use continuations (because the depth is quite limited and when you start a new task, it does not keep the stack anyway).
This means that you don't really need to combine the two aspects at all. Then you can rewrite the parallel version in a quite straightforward way:
let sumTreeParallelDepthCont tree =
let rec sumRec tree depth =
match tree with
| Leaf(num) -> num
| tree when depth <= 0 ->
sumTreeContMonad tree id
| Branch(left, right) ->
let leftTask = Task.Factory.StartNew(fun () -> sumRec left (depth + 1))
let rightResult = sumRec right (depth + 1)
leftTask.Result + rightResult
sumRec tree 4 // 4 levels deep
There is no need to duplicate the code from sumTreeContMonad because you can just call it on the current tree in the case tree when depth <= 0.
This also avoids using reference cells by creating Task<int> instead of Task and I modified the algorithm to only spawn one background task and do the second part of the work on the current thread.
In my eyes, the depth looks fine, the ugly bit is the ref cells and assignments. I am unclear why you need them; I think just passing id (identity function) as the cont parameter means that sumRec will return the value, and then you won't need the ref cells. (I may be wrong, this is analysis-at-a-glance.)
(I also would get rid of newDepth and just inline (depth-1) at the recursive call sites, as a matter of style.)
Finally, I've no idea what sumTreeContMonad is, but it appears that you could just use sumRec t -1 k instead of sumTreeContMonad t k and it would work the same.
(If your blog had code, rather than pictures of code, I might just post my own code with these refinements, but I don't feel like transcribing the data types and such. Why post pictures?)

Apply several aggregate functions with one enumeration

Let's assume I have a series of functions that work on a sequence, and I want to use them together in the following fashion:
let meanAndStandardDeviation data =
let m = mean data
let sd = standardDeviation data
(m, sd)
The code above is going to enumerate the sequence twice. I am interested in a function that will give the same result but enumerate the sequence only once. This function will be something like this:
magicFunction (mean, standardDeviation) data
where the input is a tuple of functions and a sequence and the ouput is the same with the function above.
Is this possible if the functions mean and stadardDeviation are black boxes and I cannot change their implementation?
If I wrote mean and standardDeviation myself, is there a way to make them work together? Maybe somehow making them keep yielding the input to the next function and hand over the result when they are done?
The only way to do this using just a single iteration when the functions are black boxes is to use the Seq.cache function (which evaluates the sequence once and stores the results in memory) or to convert the sequence to other in-memory representation.
When a function takes seq<T> as an argument, you don't even have a guarantee that it will evaluate it just once - and usual implementations of standard deviation would first calculate the average and then iterate over the sequence again to calculate the squares of errors.
I'm not sure if you can calculate standard deviation with just a single pass. However, it is possible to do that if the functions are expressed using fold. For example, calculating maximum and average using two passes looks like this:
let maxv = Seq.fold max Int32.MinValue input
let minv = Seq.fold min Int32.MaxValue input
You can do that using a single pass like this:
Seq.fold (fun (s1, s2) v ->
(max s1 v, min s2 v)) (Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue) input
The lambda function is a bit ugly, but you can define a combinator to compose two functions:
let par f g (i, j) v = (f i v, g j v)
Seq.fold (par max min) (Int32.MinValue, Int32.MaxValue) input
This approach works for functions that can be defined using fold, which means that they consist of some initial value (Int32.MinValue in the first example) and then some function that is used to update the initial (previous) state when it gets the next value (and then possibly some post-processing of the result). In general, it should be possible to rewrite single-pass functions in this style, but I'm not sure if this can be done for standard deviation. It can be definitely done for mean:
let (count, sum) = Seq.fold (fun (count, sum) v ->
(count + 1.0, sum + v)) (0.0, 0.0) input
let mean = sum / count
What we're talking about here is a function with the following signature:
(seq<'a> -> 'b) * (seq<'a> -> 'c) -> seq<'a> -> ('b * 'c)
There is no straightforward way that I can think of that will achieve the above using a single iteration of the sequence if that is the signature of the functions. Well, no way that is more efficient than:
let magicFunc (f1:seq<'a>->'b, f2:seq<'a>->'c) (s:seq<'a>) =
let cached = s |> Seq.cache
(f1 cached, f2 cached)
That ensures a single iteration of the sequence itself (perhaps there are side effects, or it's slow), but does so by essentially caching the results. The cache is still iterated another time. Is there anything wrong with that? What are you trying to achieve?

How to efficiently find out if a sequence has at least n items?

Just naively using Seq.length may be not good enough as will blow up on infinite sequences.
Getting more fancy with using something like ss |> Seq.truncate n |> Seq.length will work, but behind the scene would involve double traversing of the argument sequence chunk by IEnumerator's MoveNext().
The best approach I was able to come up with so far is:
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
let mutable result = true
use e = ss.GetEnumerator()
for _ in 1 .. n do result <- e.MoveNext()
This involves only single sequence traverse (more accurately, performing e.MoveNext() n times) and correctly handles boundary cases of empty and infinite sequences. I can further throw in few small improvements like explicit processing of specific cases for lists, arrays, and ICollections, or some cutting on traverse length, but wonder if any more effective approach to the problem exists that I may be missing?
Thank you for your help.
EDIT: Having on hand 5 overall implementation variants of hasAtLeast function (2 my own, 2 suggested by Daniel and one suggested by Ankur) I've arranged a marathon between these. Results that are tie for all implementations prove that Guvante is right: a simplest composition of existing algorithms would be the best, there is no point here in overengineering.
Further throwing in the readability factor I'd use either my own pure F#-based
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
Seq.length (Seq.truncate n ss) >= n
or suggested by Ankur the fully equivalent Linq-based one that capitalizes on .NET integration
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
ss.Take(n).Count() >= n
Here's a short, functional solution:
let hasAtLeast n items =
|> Seq.mapi (fun i x -> (i + 1), x)
|> Seq.exists (fun (i, _) -> i = n)
let items = Seq.initInfinite id
items |> hasAtLeast 10000
And here's an optimally efficient one:
let hasAtLeast n (items:seq<_>) =
use e = items.GetEnumerator()
let rec loop n =
if n = 0 then true
elif e.MoveNext() then loop (n - 1)
else false
loop n
Functional programming breaks up work loads into small chunks that do very generic tasks that do one simple thing. Determining if there are at least n items in a sequence is not a simple task.
You already found both the solutions to this "problem", composition of existing algorithms, which works for the majority of cases, and creating your own algorithm to solve the issue.
However I have to wonder whether your first solution wouldn't work. MoveNext() is only called n times on the original method for certain, Current is never called, and even if MoveNext() is called on some wrapper class the performance implications are likely tiny unless n is huge.
I was curious so I wrote a simple program to test out the timing of the two methods. The truncate method was quicker for a simple infinite sequence and one that had Sleep(1). It looks like I was right when your correction sounded like overengineering.
I think clarification is needed to explain what is happening in those methods. Seq.truncate takes a sequence and returns a sequence. Other than saving the value of n it doesn't do anything until enumeration. During enumeration it counts and stops after n values. Seq.length takes an enumeration and counts, returning the count when it ends. So the enumeration is only enumerated once, and the amount of overhead is a couple of method calls and two counters.
Using Linq this would be as simple as:
let hasAtLeast n (ss: seq<_>) =
ss.Take(n).Count() >= n
Seq take method blows up if there are not enough elements.
Example usage to show it traverse seq only once and till required elements:
seq { for i = 0 to 5 do
printfn "Generating %d" i
yield i }
|> hasAtLeast 4 |> printfn "%A"

F# sort using head::tail

I am trying to write a recursive function that uses head::tail. I understand that head in the first element of the list and tail is all other elements in the list. I also understand how recursions works. What I am wondering is how to go about sorting the elements in the list. Is there a way to compare the head to every element in the tail then choose the smallest element? My background in C++ and I am not allowed to use the List.sort(). Any idea of how to go about it? I have looked at the tutorials on the msdn site and still have had no luck
Here is recursive list-based implementation of quicksort algorithm in F#
let rec quicksort list =
match list with
| [] -> []
| h::t ->
let lesser = List.filter ((>) h) t
let greater = List.filter ((<=) h) t
(quicksort lesser) #[h] #(quicksort greater)
You need to decide a sorting methodology before worrying about the data structure used. If you were to do, say, insertion sort, you would likely want to start from the end of the list and insert an item at each recursion level, being careful how you handle the insertion itself.
Technically at any particular level you only have access to one data element, however you can pass a particular data element as a parameter to preserve it. For instance here is the inserting part of an insertion sort algorithm, it assumes the list is sorted.
let rec insert i l =
match l with
| [] -> [i]
| h::t -> if h > i then
h::(insert i t)
Note how I now have access to two elements, the cached one and the remainder. Another variation would be a merge sort where you had two sorted lists and therefore two items to work with any particular iteration.
Daniel's commented answer mentions a particular implementation (quicksort) if you are interested.
Finally list's aren't optimal for sorting algorithms due to their rigid structure, and the number of allocations required. Given that all known sorting algorithms are > O(n) complexity, you can translate you list to and from an array in order to improve performance without hurting your asymptotic performance.
Note that above isn't in tail recursive format, you would need to do something like this:
let insert i l =
let rec insert i l acc =
match l with
| [] -> List.foldBack (fun e a -> e :: a) acc [i]
| h::t -> if h > i then
List.foldBack (fun e a -> e :: a) acc i::l
insert i l (i::acc)
insert i l []
I don't remember offhand the best way to reverse a list so went with an example from https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/lists
