How to remove Notification in Settings in iOS - ios

Using Parse service, I implemented Apple Push Notification service in my app.
This is a link I referred:
However, I changed my mind not to use it for now. And then, I deleted all of the codes, but it still remains Notifications in Settings.
Does anybody know how to delete if for all eternity?

Turn it off for the app in the settings and then delete and reinstall the app on the the device.


iOS Push Notification Programming - Is there a way to disable push notification on iPhone by programming

A few days ago, I got the issue below.
I've been getting notifications for the past several days. The notification had been enabled, and the app was working (I received push notification) until it suddenly didn't yesterday. And when I open the app, it suddenly asks me to enable notification (please see the picture "iOS Push Notification Permission Alert.png")
iOS Push Notification Permission Alert.png
I guessed that my client removed the app and re-installed, so all permissions were lost. But they said that they didn't.
So, How can it happen?
My concerns are:
If notification was enabled, how can it show the alert above again? Is there a possible way?
If notification was not enabled, why have I received the notification for the past several days?
Under which scenario(s), would an app suddenly disable already enabled notification? Is there a way to disable notification permission for the app on the iOS phone by programming?
I will appreciate your answers so much!
P/s: I read the post disable push notification in app, but it doesn't help for my questions.
This is only possible if the app is reinstalled or the notifications are turned off from the settings.
There is one setting in iPhone which will allow iPhone to offload the unused apps and if this happened, there will be a cloud icon on the left of app title.The app will be reinstalled when you click it again.
And it seems that it will also happened when the storage of iPhone is not enough.
So I guess this happened in your client's phone.
This setting is in both Setting-iTunes & App Stores-Offload Unused Apps and Setting-General-iPhone Storage-Offload Unused Apps.

push Notification not working in ios ionic using FCM

i have setup all the steps for push notification using but i didn't get notification in ios App but working in Android App and also with .how to resolve this issue
I was facing the same problem and after searching for a day here are my conclusions:
Don't forget to allow for push notification in your App ID.Click on edit and then enable push notification.
Make sure your certificates you are using are correct because as you allow for push notification your previous profiles become invalid(In my case they were).So either edit the provision profiles and download again or create new ones.
3.I'll prefer using Apn-auth key as suggested on main firebase site instead of apns certificates.
4.One of the major point which I was missing was the problem with xcode Enable push notification there in the xcode as well which
are not enabled by default.
If your app is closing soon after opening your plist might be the cause Follow this answer for solution .
Last thing that really helped me fix the issue was a mac OS update.I was trying to build using xcode 7.2 which was quiet dumb part on my
side.There when I tried to enable push notification.It made changes to
my certificates and then I downloaded the provisional profile after
editing them(So valid now) and then build and everything started
working fine as hell.

Firebase Cloud Messaging Push Notificartions don't arrive on iOS anymore

I have a problem with Firebase Cloud Messaging on iOS. I have implemented Firebase into the app like stated in the docs and a Firebase instance id is generated. However, if I try to send a push notification (for example using, nothing happened. The thing is, it did work, and I don't remember changing anything to do with notifications.
Because I couldn't find anything, I even tried deleting the whole project and doing everything again from scratch (by copying the code). Then it worked again, but now (an hour later) again, it again doesn't work.
If I send a FCM from pushtry or from the Firebase Console, it says the message is delivered, but nothing happens! (Push notifications are enabled in the iOS Settings. It did work)
I really don't know what to do. Does anybody know about anything I could do?
Thank you in advance.
Okay after two whole days of utmost frustration, I figured it out.
The problem was the line FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled set to NO in the info.plist file.
After I removed the line, the problem was gone!
I am so relieved right now
set parameter content_available to true
In my case, I had migrated my Apple account and forgot to configure both my Apple and Firebase account correctly.
Apple side
Make sure that "Push Notification" is enabled for that app id.
Make sure that you had created "Apple Push Notification service" certificate and attached to the Apple Id.
Create an Authorization Key that will be later updated load Firebase so it can communicate with Apple servers in your behalf. (link)
Firebase side
Make sure your iOS apple bundle is set correctly in your Firebase project
Upload the Authorization key you created before in Apple - Step 3 above. (link)
Follow all the steps to have the iOS app integrated with Firebase SDK
That is it.

GCM push is not received on iPhone 7

My app uses GCM to send push notifications and it all worked great.
Recently, one of subdcribers bought iPhone 7 and wrote to me, that push notifications dont work.
I've checked the logs from GCM - message is sent correctly:
She does receive other notifications from facebook, viber, etc., so no trouble with network.
Notifications are enabled in general and for my app.
"Do not disturb" is off.
Other subscribers with iOS 10.2 successfully receive notifications on their iPhones 5/6.
Reinstalling the app didnt help. App successfully receives the token, but doesnt receive notifications after.
What else can I check? Thank you.
I think this is a common issue on iPhone7. Check it here. I guess you have done all the workarounds in the link given but still no luck to fix the issue. Maybe this thread might help. Suggested action is to make sure that on your project settings, under the Capabilities Tab, scroll down to Push Notifications and turn it to ON. This automatically generates an entitlements file that contains the key APS Environment.

IOS9 Push notifications dialog appears after delete and launch app with xCode7

I have an application, it uses APNS, so I have code that subscribes to notifications, and everything works fine. But every time I reinstall app, and run it with xcode, I get allow push notification dialog. Every time.
I found hundreds questions about how to achieve this dialog again, but none - how to stop achieving them. I need help!
It's seems known IOS9 bug, here is a link for developer forum and still no response from apple and no solution:
