Will iPad2 app work on iPad3? - ios

I am new to iOS,
I seen that iPad 2 has resolution of 1024-by-768 and iPad 3 has resolution of 2048-by-1536 with retina display..
I am sure that iPad 2 app will defiantly work on iPad mini because the resolution is same..
and same case for iPhone,
Do we need to develop separate app for iPhone 5 ? because it has resolution different then other iPhone..
I am sure this is a dumb question that any mildly experienced iOS developer would laugh at but since a simple Google search didn't turn anything up I figured id ask.
Any help will be appriciated.

Will iPad2 app work on iPad3?
Yes, it will. The iPad 3 has exactly twice the pixel density in each direction as the iPad 2, so the OS will just go ahead and "scale up" the graphics (except those which are made from images in the app - you'll have to generate a higher resolution version of these image files for iPad 3).
Do we need to develop separate app for iPhone 5?
Not a separate app, you just have to pay attention to the different screen aspect ratio. If you don't do that, you'll have black bars at the top and the bottom of the screen.

iPhone 4 Apps will work on iPhone 5 :
But it will have black spaces at top and bottom, In order to refactor it you just need to change the splash screen which is suitable for iphone 5.
iPad 2 Apps on iPad3:
It will work without any issues unless they have different iOS versions running in them.

As far as I know, the difference between the iPad2 and iPad3 won't be such a big problem. (unless you want to be really exact)
Whereas you should develop a new App for the iPhone5 because it has a greatly different screen format than the iPads.

Yes, your iPad 2 working app will work on iPad 3 (also, depends on iOS version). Just it will not look good :) In order to make it look good, for all images used for your app, you have to add #2x ones with double size.
As for iPhone 5, no, you don't have to develop different app, just you have to make your views resizable to fit on screen. Good Luck!


iPhone application pixelated on iPhone

I've two live apps on Appstore, my one app is looking quite blurry on iPhone 11(which I just bought) and its fine previous models of iPhone, but my another app looks fine on iPhone 11.
The first app which is blurry is built on xib file and base screen size of iPhon SE and second app which look fine is built on storyboard and base screen size is iPhone 8 but I think that may not be the reason.
Blurry App on iPhone 11 (as it look pixelated)
Blurry App on iPhone 8(as it looks fine and crisp)
Xib file of Blurry App
Let me know why this is happening and whats the solution ? Do I need to revamp all screens in project? Looking for suggestions.
Finally I found solution and the culprit was iOS 8.0 and Later check. It was unchecked, which I marked checked and added Splash screens for these defined sizes and my whole apps screens became crisp from pixelated.

Storyboard Sizes for iOS 11?

I currently use Storyboard for Screensizes.
The following storyboards I use are:
Each Storyboard corresponds to the screen size in the name.
Now with the iPhone X out, I need to create a new storyboard for this screen size.
However, my question is, what screensizes must I account for, with iOS 11?
And just out of curiosity, what screensizes must I account for, with iOS 10?
I'm finding conflicting information, so I thought I'd reach out here for clarification.
I'm thinking of making this update for iOS 11 users only, meaning I may be able to drop some older storyboards.
Separate storyboards for different screen sizes is a quick route to maintenance nightmares compared to Auto Layout, but whatever floats your boat...
That said, your set of supported screen sizes is correct for iOS 9 (which supports devices as far back as iPhone 4s, a 3.5" screen). iOS 10 drops support for 3.5" devices, but still supports 4" devices (iPhone 5s and iPhone SE, the latter of which remains for sale and will thus likely be supported for years to come). iOS 11 drops no further screen sizes (but does drop some... uh, bit sizes?), and of course, adds iPhone X.

iPhone app does not work correctly on iPad after change from universal to iphone only

How can I run iPhone apps on iPad after changing the target from an initial 'Universal' to 'iPhone'?
I'm working on a game for iOS (iPhone) using Swift and SpriteKit. The game got rejected today for this reason:
Reasons for Rejection: 2.10: iPhone apps must also run on iPad without
modification, at iPhone resolution, and at 2X iPhone 3GS resolution
After searching on StackOverflow I found out that it might have something to do with my info.plist file because at first my app was 'universal' and later I've changed it to iPhone-only.
It seems like there's something wrong with the aspect ratio of all the nodes. Take a look at the screenshots below. At the left side is the iPad-simulator and on the right there's the iPhone-simulator.
Maybe the game still thinks it is running on iPad because the nodes appear in 4:3 ratio?
How can I run iPhone apps on iPad after changing the target from an initial 'Universal' to 'iPhone'?
Please help. Thanks!
I've also added a screenshot of my info.plist file.
Apple requires that each app targeted on iPhone should run on iPad in the specific manner.
This usually looks like the app on iPad is not full-screen, it's surrounded by black frame that resembles the situation that the iPad is simulating iPhone.
My suggestion is to use size class now to make the app run full-screen on iPad and this should fix your issue with Apple.
Simply choose in your storyboard Regular Width and Regular Height, delete the existing constraints and set new ones.
More help here and apple docs also might come in handy
Darvydas' comment solved my problem.
What size does your background node have? Also if you whant your app
run only on Landscape delete those 2 (Item 0, Item 1 PORTRAIT)

Can I put more content on iPhone 5 than on Iphone 4?

I am developing an app and in one of the views the 4inch screen would fit the content I want to include just fine but the 3.5 inch screen is just too small so I wanted to remove a part of the content for that screen size.
So the question is: Do apple allow the bigger screens to have more content than the smaller screens? I guess this question also applies to ipad vs iphone, iphone 6 vs iphone 5 , etc...
I have never seen this even being discussed and I've never done it myself but always wondered.
Naturally I would do it in a way that the 3.5 inch screen wouldn't miss anything too important and in a way that the content would be completely hidden on the iphone 4 and the design doesn't suffer. In this particular case I would just remove an ad for another app so the iphone 4 users would probably thank me ;)
Thanks in advance
Welcome to Stack Overflow. This isn't really a programming question the way SO defines it, but I'll take pity on you since you're new.
Yes of course. You always have to tailor your UI for the target device. That often means stripping away non-essential elements from smaller screens.
For iPhone vs. iPad it usually means presenting more on one screen on iPad and multiple screens on iPhone.

Make iOS app compatible on iPhone 4,5,6,6 Plus

I have developed an app for iPhone 5. But when I run it on iPhone 4, lower part is not visible, and when I run it on iPhone 6/6 Plus, it shows only on a part of display, leaving other part white. (Which is logical actually).
So my question is - what should I do to make my iPhone 5 app, to scale up or down depending on device it is install on. Or in other words, how to make it compatible with iPhone 4, 6/6 Plus?
Thank you.
You should look into Adaptive layout features in storyboard.
It helps you place your views according to different sizes and helps you set different sizes for different resolutions.
You can find a helpful tutorial here. Adaptive layout
There is many ways to handle different screen sizes.
The preferred (iOS6 and later) is Auto Layouts
