Swift: using private framework - ios

I have built an iOS Swift framework with Xcode.
After writing the code I have build the project and took the .framework file inside the Products folder to test it.
To test the framework have open a new application and drag and drop the .framework file previously built and I added it into the embedded binaries list of my application project.
To import it into my ViewController.swift class I wrote:
import frameworkName
No problem until here, this means that the project sees the framework.
When I try to use a public class inside the framework with:
var x : className?
I get the following error:
'className' is unavailable: cannot find Swift declaration for this class
What does it mean? What is the problem?

When you're referencing a framework in the products directory from your workspace, ensure that the location is "Built Products" and the filename is just the framework name, without any additional path components.
If you're referencing a framework that isn't in your workspace, I would recommend using Carthage instead of copying it directly into your repository. This will make versioning much easier, and will ensure that it is built correctly for both simulator and device.

To actual a self defined framework, u really have to do a lot of things.
Firstly, make sure ur framework is used on right device. It's to say framework can only be used on corresponding device(either one of Simulator, Device and Mac). In other words, if framework A built on simulator, project import framework A can only pass compile and successfully built on simulator.
P.S. if universal version desired, -lipo command is what u need to further explore.
Secondly, during implementing ur framework , make sure all the classes, methods and variables u want use outside start with Public.
Thirdly, check ur project setting Embedded Binaries and linked Frameworks and Libraries do contain ur framework.


Developed a framework, Cannot load underlying module for 'x'

First I have did tons of researches on this issue. Non of existing solution similar to my issue.
I developed a framework. It is a pretty heavy framework which include a c++ static library and contains both objective-c and swift codes. I have created a sample app that imports my framework to mimic the behaviour of people can using my framework.
I put the framework under a libs folder of the project. I have make sure the framework is under Embedded Binaries and Linked frameworks and Libraries. I have also make sure that the path to libs folder exists under Framework Search Paths and Library Search Paths and User Header Search Paths.
Now When I run the sample app using my actual device and running on the computer that contain my framework project file, it works perfectly.
However If I run the sample app using simulator devices, it told me No such module x
Moreover If I run the sample app using my actual device and running another computer that I didn't use to develop my framework project, it shows error Cannot load underlying module for x.
Has anyone had this problem before? Any hint would be appreciated.
(I have also tried clean, clean build folder, clean Derived Data, restart Xcode, restart computer etc.)
Solved problem by setting Defines Module to No

How to create SDK for iOS in Swift?

I have my own Xcode project which contains some controllers. I want to make its SDK, for use it in another application. In parent application it works as child. Parent app will share some data with my controller and my controller works on it and gives back some result. So kindly guide for me. Examples are - Payment Gateway SDK's. I am looking for the same.
I can see you add tag for swift. In Swift, static libraries are not supported, so you must exclusively use a framework (aka dynamic library) when linking an app to a library. Framework is similar to sdk.
Here are the steps:
1)Create the Framework using New > Project under IOS > Framework & Library, select Cocoa Touch Framework
2)To avoid the "ld: warning: directory not found for option..." goto Library Search Paths in Build Settings for your target and delete the paths.
3)You can't mix Objective-C with Swift so don't even consider adding the Swift-Header bridge file in your code.
4)There are some cases in swift where you need to import code from unexposed Frameworks. I've successfully used the module-map inside the framework to deal with these case.
5)I also select CLANG_ALLOW_NON_MODULAR_INCLUDES_IN_FRAMEWORK_MODULES = YES in the Build Settings to solve 'include of non-modular header inside framework module'. That seems to work
6)I make sure that the header file that gets generated is marked as Public (not Project). Click on the file and you'll see the selection in the inspector under 'Target Membership'
Also you can follow this tutorial. Since you have already created project.
Create a framework target, make all source code files a member of the new target, add the new target as target to the podfile. For everything else the tutorial should work. It should help you in understanding the steps.
Build framework

Swift3 Framework Module is empty

Framework Project: https://github.com/twodayslate/SwiftGMP
I built this this project and dragged the SwiftGMP.framework into my iOS application. I can import SwiftGMP just fine but I cannot use any of the functions or structs even though they are set to public in the framework. What am I missing? I'm hoping it is just a flag or build setting. The SwiftGMP-Swift.h is being generated.
edit:// I got it working by dragging project into my application and then settings the library path in my main project. Doesn't seem right but it works.
Take a look at the settings of this project which uses SwiftGMP without adding it as a separate sub-project.

Is it possible to create a standalone distributed Swift Framework?

I have a scenario where I need to package some common code into a Swift only framework. I have found many tutorials on how to do this but all involve creating a framework within an iOS app. My goal is to:
Create a seperate Framework project
Build and produce a .framework file
Copy that single file(without all the source files) into some iOS app project, add it under "Linked Libraries" and use it.
Question: Is this possible or do I have to include all of the Classes that are part of the framework?
I have added a framework project to an iOS app and had success using it because all the source code was in the Framework project. I tried to copy that .framework file alone to a new project and use it but when trying to access the classes or instantiate the contents of the framework I couldn't even-though whatever needed to be declared as public was.
Appreciate any help...

How to reuse Swift code in other projects?

I wrote a class in Swift. I want to use this code in two separate iOS app projects that I wrote. Both the shared code and the apps are written in Swift. What is the best way of doing that?
I tried to create both a framework and a library in Swift and then add it as a sub-project to my app. In both cases I could not make the app see the module. I tried to add the shared module to "Target Dependencies" and "Link Binary With Libraries" of the main app's target. No luck - the app still can not see the classes of the shared module.
Using Xcode6 Beta6 at the moment.
As Konstantin Koval and Heliem pointed out, all I needed is to use public in my class and method declarations, in the shared module. Now all works, both if I use workspace and if I add the module as a subproject.
I just found an excellent easy solution for reusing code between projects in Swift. It is called Carthage (https://github.com/Carthage/Carthage). This is not a plug as I am not affiliated with it in any way, I just really like it. It works in iOS 8+.
Create a new project (iOS Cocoa Touch Framework) for your reusable code
Move your classes to that Framework project
Mark your methods and classes, that should be visible to others as public
Create Workspace.
You can create a workspace on step 1. When you create new Framework project, Xcode will ask you if you want to create new workspace and add that project to workspace. This is the best approach
Add both your project and Framework to the workspace
Select you project target -> General tab. Add Framework and Libraries (add your library here)
When you want to use code from your Library in swift file, import it using import 'LibTargetName'
You can take a more programatic approach by using SWM (Swift Modules): https://github.com/jankuca/swm
It is very similar to npm (node.js package manager) or bower (client-side module manager); you declare your dependencies in a swiftmodule.json file like below. It does not have a central module registry like the two mentioned JS solutions, it only accepts git URLs.
"name": "ProjectName",
"dependencies": {
"Dependency": "git://github.com/…/….git"
…run swm install and have the Dependency module (compiled into a *.swiftmodule binary) ready for import in the .modules/ directory.
import Dependency
And if you prefer to skip Xcode for app development, you can also build your whole app using swm build (more info in the project's readme).
The project is still in early stages but it makes itself useful a lot for me at least. It provides the most clean (and clear) way of creating importable modules.
Here is a video which is very straightforward: http://eonil-observatory.tumblr.com/post/117205738262/a-proper-way-to-add-a-subproject-to-another-xcode
The video is for OS X instead of iOS. But you will get it and figure out the process for iOS.
Let's assume that AppA needs to reused code from SharedProject.
The following process works for me in Xcode 7 Beta:
Create SharedProject. Project type must be Framework instead of Application. You write common code in this project and mark the code as public.
Open AppA in Xcode, open the folder which contains SharedProject in Finder. Drag the .xcodeproj file of SharedProject from Finder and drop it into the root folder of AppA in Xcode Project Navigator.
AppA --> Build Phases --> Link Binary with Libraries. Add SharedProject.
import SharedProject and reuse code from SharedProject!
Nowadays I suggest you use Carthage. It's better than the home made solution above.
