Jira: Any way to define default issues to add to new project? - jira

Is anyone aware of a way to define a set of default issues, which can then be attached to a project type definition so that each time a project of this type is created, it comes with these issues?
All of our projects have issues like 'create wireframes','set up local environment' etc. and I'm looking for a quick way to automate this part of project setup.
I have full admin access and I can't see anything in the issue or project setup that does this.

Can't you just create a set of issues in an empty project and export them?
You can use that set and import it into your new project to start with.


TFS200019 Error in TFS: Project already exists

When I try to create a new project, I get the error below. It states that the project exists, but it's nowhere to be found. I get this when trying to create any new project with different names.
TF200019: The following project already exists on the Team Foundation Server: Workflow Development. You cannot create a new project with the same name as an existing project. Provide a different name.
Any suggestions? The discussions online around this don't provide much help.
It seems your issue is caused by your custom process template. You could create a new team project collection and use the default process template. Also, you could compare the default process template with the custom one, to see which part is different and caused this issue.

How to use TFS Build Process: LabelSources?

I'm attempting to modify my build process file for TFS 2010. I have a flag that is set when queuing the build, and when said flag is set, I want to create a Label, and add all the source files in the compiled project to that label.
On sequential builds, with the flag set, I than want to replace older source files in said label with anything new in the changeset being compiled.
I've been attempting to do this with LabelSources with no luck, and there is but vary poor documentation on either LabelSources or LabelWorkspace (whats the difference?).
Here's what I currently have:
Comment="Published to Container"
DisplayName="Create Container Label"
Name="[String.Format("{0}-{1}", LabelName, Version_Container)]"
mva:VisualBasic.Settings="Assembly references and imported namespaces serialized as XML namespaces"
Version="T" />
It definitely hits the action, but no labels can be found after the fact.
Any help would be much appreciated. and Any tangible documentation, other than Class Documentation with sparse definitions would also be greatly appreciated
Edit 1: Tried to clear up my goal.
What you are trying to do is built into the existing template. There should be an option in the process definition that refers to Clean Sources which will be set to True.
This option controls wither the build sources get cleaned, deleted and start afresh. Or if a differential is done.
If you have a lot of source code you can set clean sources to false and save a bunch of time getting the code.
You can also speed the build by placing a TFS Proxy on the build box which will cache the files and make a clean build quicker.
In my experience, Most of the built-in activities are poorly-documented for a reason - their only well-tested use case is their use inside TFS' built-in templates (DefaultTemplate.11.0.xaml, etc.). I'm afraid you're going to have to write some custom code, in the form of a custom activity, powershell script or something, to achieve other goals.
That said, I don't really understand the process you're trying to set up. Do you just want to have a label set as your latest-successfully-built sources? Why not use the one created automatically by the build itself?

How to use configuration option set with project "by reference"

I've spent a couple of days exploring option sets (again) in XE3. They look really clever but either they are (still) broken or its me. What I wanted to do was to create a common option set file for a bunch of projects, say CommonOptions.optset. This is easy to create and edit using the View | Configuration Manager item. In this options set file I put a set of relative search paths such as:
etc. These paths are proven to work when entered into the DEBUG or BASE build configuration directly. When I use the Configuration Manager to apply this common option set as a reference, the paths do not work. If I repeat the application using 'Modify Values' it works fine. To be sure, I deleted the DPROJ (and all the .local stuff too) and let Delphi recreate the DPROJ before applying the option set file as reference again. Still no luck.
I have several libraries with 10's of DPROJ's all of different vintages so I really do need a common way of specifying compiler options, don't include version info etc.
Has anyone got this reference thing to work?
Referenced option sets are implemented as plain MSBuild imports. Therefore, all relative paths are relative to the importing project file. You can think of option sets as build configurations from which build configurations in referencing project files may inherit.

Entity Frameworks 4 - Changing the model does not update the T4 self tracking template files

I am using self tracking entities and have moved the entity classes to another assembly by using 'Add as link' to point to the TT file as mentioned here. Now though, when I update the model (for instance change a property name) the template is not automatically run and so the entity class does not get updated.
I can of course manually run the template to get the updates, but it would be easier if it ran automatically in the way it did before I moved the classes. Is there any way to achieve this?
I've not done this but I suspect the following is possible. Mark the model with a custom tool (see under properties of the file in solution explorer). Then create a small program (see here for an example) that will execute a the TT's run custom tool.
I have not run into this issue. Usually when i save the model or build the project which contains my edmx file, the code files for my entities are updated. can you share your project with me through direct email. I wouldn't mind trouble shooting the problem and then following up with team if we cant get it to work.

VSS - Solution file between multiple users

we have a solution with multiple projects that is being developed by a team of developers. Project paths in the solution file checked in initially contains the path that are specific to that developer. Now when another dev gets latest of the solution, some of the projects won't load as the path differs.
What's a better way to manage this ?
When using VSS, I usually have each developer use a local copy of the solution that isn't kept in source control.
The downside is you have to create a new solution from scratch (or use a template from someone else) for each developer that comes on board, but it does address the problem you're seeing.
The simplest way is to dictate where projects/solutions are stored, for example, ensure/insist that everyone stores their working directories rooted at C:\VSS. That ensures that all paths are consistent between developers and stops things breaking.
